General Discussion

General DiscussionWhats wrong with people?

Whats wrong with people? in General Discussion

    AM. I mean, I dont get it. If I wrote I will safe lane, and I actually picked safe lane hero first, why some people tend to ruin, to create chaos where it shouldnt be? Whats the point? If you are mad at first place, just go feed on purpose 1. min... Whats wrong with people mentality to ruin something but in some freaky way actually care about it. Like, he actually tried to win at some point. He started to play serious. But he for sure ruined it with his dumb pick. I will never get this, honestly.


      he is one of those html name shitters. i guess i can't really talk because i have some weird chinese keyboard letters or something, but i think they look so dumb.

      the realm's delight
        this retard insta picked am while i marked mid and 2 marked offlane for dual lane, and last one picked bara. cried whole fucking game cause he didnt have a lane supp and got bf at like 20 mins and manta at 30. he said he was 6k and at the end of the game guess what. hes the lowest rated a 4,9k scum while everyone else is 5,5k. gotta love morning pubs


          AM hero attracts retards. They always have $200 of hats too. I used to hate having them on my team but thankfully most of the retard AM players seem to have moved on to WR mids making their 30 min maelstroms.


            Very High Skill bracket...


              @ecks dee

              There's nothing wrong with him picking AM there, the Bara pick is what screws him over. AM can be very strong in a dual lane. Solo against a WR however isn't fun.

              @Kylie Minogue

              Though it's true that it's annoying. You still somehow managed to have less impact than him, with Jugger you should at least be able to push a tower with healing ward (You have 0 TD) or kill enemies with your omni-slash (You have less HD than AM). You care about your game, so be the bigger man in this case and go jungle with jugger (slow but possible) or you can go roam with bladefury.

              Even with games like this I always check my own plays to see if I could've changed the outcome by approaching it differently. You aren't going to change the AM, so do everything in your power to avoid -MMR.

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                AM rapes WR in a 1v1 wtf.


                  I was jungle jugg.


                    wtf sam since when ?

                    Sup m8

                      Same goes with pudge. Stupid people insta picking pudge mid EVERY GAME.

                      the realm's delight

                        "There's nothing wrong with him picking AM there"

                        thers always something wrong with insta picking am lmfao

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                          its very simple.. some people play rank for practice.. if i want to practice im going to pick the hero no matter what happens..

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Well, since you just blink on her and she is forced to windrun.
                   This game I went solo against WR and got an 18 minutes Treads BF Manta.
                            Not the best example, but it really isn't that hard to beat her in a lane.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              each time u blink on wr and she uses windrun u will eat 4 autoattacks to ur face before u can even do something to her

                              and thats 1/3 of ur health pool then ur bound to spend gold for consumables

                              am isn't the strongest laner anyway so once he loses the war of consumables early game hes done for and when u get phases on wr well no kappa its all ogre for u


                                low mmr people are always mad dude


                                  @Kylie Minogue
                                  You are the one who is wrong here. If you play Juggernaut, you must know that he is capable to jungle.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    jugger is great in jungle but yeah I hate AM picks as much as anyone. AM is a good last pick only when you're team clearly has 2-3 supports going already. Old school tri lane shit.


                                      guy last picks am after we already have a fully functional trilane lion+shaker+lycan, lanaya mid and we only need 1 last role.
                                      ofc we don't need offlane, need the most useless laner in the game to compete with lycan for last hits, send him woods, send shaker offlane. nice


                                        I played am vs windrunner. It was awful. But we still won.


                                          yeah Sam I usually agree with you but I don't see how AM wins a solo lane vs WR. she will just outharass him, blinking aggressively is stupid since windrun makes it useless and gives her lots of free rightclicks on you


                                            i mean what melee hero can lane well against wr


                                              AM attracts retards, and I don't know why


                                                Is there any logical explanation to weaver's itembuild?



                                                  ^ Yep, rushing radiance and Vanguard on Weaver used to be the cool kids thing several years ago in 6.38 dota or close to that.

                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    Well yeah I used the wrong word but AM won't have as bad of a time as most people say.


                                                      Old school trilane? I played AM solo offlane and did ok, i played AM solo safelane vs agressive dual lane and still got my farm. Thing with AM is, I'd rather be solo safelane and have my team create space after the 8-10 minute mark so i can just fuck around the map and push than have 2 supports on lane and weaken the other 2 lanes.