General Discussion

General DiscussionSee how trash australian bogans are.......

See how trash australian bogans are....... in General Discussion

    Move to SEA then.




        Suck it up and stop posting bitch threads then.

          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

            Hard gane isnt it void? And apparently people says that it is your fault


              Its all about shit teamates who have the worse item builds an decision making... 1hr 53 min space created but naga no radiance and that anti mage was unbelievable he sold his boots at end and bought a fking blademail and still has battlefury... Fking 2k mmr trash players

              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                You're a fucking idiot who created 2 separate threads and linked the same fucking game. All you do on this forum is post about how other people are dragging you down. Maybe if you got out of Normal skill bracket and stopped bitching all the time I could take a couple of you posts seriously but i'm convinced you're nothing but a fucking 15 year old attention seeker.

                Now if you'll excuse me I've got some episodes of Glee to watch.


                  stop posting in his threads, just ignore this shit...


                    How can i get out of normal skill when people are dragging me down


                      Wtf is glee ausitralian shit with wierd names

                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                          Man. I played in AU and in SEA.

                          Trust me when I say this, you've got it easier in AU.


                            Na sea is better atleast they know what to do. Its not about the difficulty... If team cooperates there is win no matter how difficult it is


                              SEA 9/10 you get 5x carry team. 1/10 you get 4x carry and support who insists hes carry

                              Miku Plays

                                doesnt that make you an australian bogan as well??


                                  Im not australian

                                  NextStep ®

                                    Complaining about NORMAL matchmaking. Really?

                                    bum farto

                                      Shubham Singh is that you?

                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty

                                          Play in sea and feeel the 500 ping hahaha, jk


                                            I wished i live in sea. How does underwater doto feel in sea?

                                            bum farto

                                              I have a friend who used to play Dota1 with me and the name struck a similarity was just wandering cause he moved back to Australia about a year ago. He was Pakistani though so probably just a weird coincidence.


                                                Singh is a sikh religion not muslim

                                                bum farto

                                                  There are Sikh's in Pakistan, I used to live in Lahore near to the border and he was in Amritsar they were good friends of the family before they moved with my parents back to Aus.


                                                    Wtf are you ok?


                                                      Are your parents half indian? Or just a tourist

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      bum farto

                                                        No my parents are brit/aus and I traveled a lot with them due to work which was mostly in the subcontinent. Mum did marine biology, dad did some government work around the world so I was dragged all kinds of odd places and was born in the middle east which makes me suspicious to people when i travel.


                                                          Sea doto is nice.


                                                            sea doto trash doto

                                                            kanye went to uni

                                                              you should play on aus day, all the bogans should be outside drinking weak beer


                                                                ROFL highest cs is 700 techis on a fucking 2 hour game, did u afk whole game RLFAOAMSO