General Discussion

General DiscussionIs S&Y+Manta Style Good?

Is S&Y+Manta Style Good? in General Discussion

    I lost a 1 hour game with terrorblade with this build.
    I lost cuz im bad, but is ths build fine?


      Well S&Y really isn't a great late game item. There are better alternatives like crit, butterfly, bkb, hex, satanic... Pretty much anything that costs more than S&Y.


        i sold it dont worry, i just started with power boots, drums, s&y then manta


          s&y should b dismembled


            just disassemble...


              dont listen to retards, i usually go sny into manta and after that i get halberd.
              you get so much hp, misses and agility and you can dispel silence and other shit!


                are you trying to troll me? or it's legit

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  Well as a hard carry like tb i wouldnt suggest halberd, i would disassemble into manta and sell sange. Actually if i go sange and yasha its because i wont go manta, just get bkb.

                  Dire Wolf

                    Picard is disassembling which is fine. I wouldn't stack s&y and manta though, they're practically the same item just get more illusions vs maim proc and bit more speed and hp. Since the move speed is such a huge reason for getting it and it doesn't stack there isn't much incentive to get both.


                      drums=>manta=>skadi=>butterfly/heart=>BoT is usually my item build


                        its not good but its ok

                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                          its particularly less bad on illusion heroes because the full yasha works