General Discussion

General Discussion7 LOSING STREAK

7 LOSING STREAK in General Discussion

    i am a 3.6k trash but .............................
    need help , i am starting to play mid and i dont know what i did wrong in this match

    ❤ Ashley ❤

      don't play mid...


        absolutely everything


          but ... my team .... was ...trash.

          Giff me Wingman

            17k HD as storm @ 1hour game, pathetic
            0 TD, pathetic
            brown boots, pathetic
            bkb? wtf? WHY?!
            poor farm, barely 200cs as storm @ 1hour game

            You were as shit as your team. Don't blame you trash.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            meow maniac

              im gay


                thanks,i got it , what else you got?,,,, mmm[]what is the expected value? in @1hour
                mmm about the [0-19 ] rubick ,how could i avoid he dies .. in the match?


                  Maybe, if you stop blamming your teammates, then you will get better. Take everything that happens as YOUR fault. It's the only way you learn. There is always room to approve. (Coming from a guy who was at 2k, now breaching 4k.)

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    Only 7?


                      im on a 10 win streak bois


                        honestly these threads are an open invitation to get flamed

                        buuuuuut also one of the only sources of entertainment

               you champ, do you

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        swift beaver

                          ^ :). And wtf blaming 0-19 rubick in a 1hr game. Really? He is Support, when you fail, how should the supports stay alive? Rubick has no escape. And I guess they did their Job and get you (the carries) to the late game.

                          Make love, not flame

                            ^well, he probably could have died few times less thanks to better positioning but I'm guessing his teammates weren't always where they were supposed to be as well.. I play a lot of supports and the feeding snowball is real and at some point he may require help else will keep dieing no matter where he is.
                            Also I wouldn't be surprised if they for some reason focused him.


                              add me i shall sell you accounts where you get amazing teammates ;o


                                @fanofeny No
                                ok, i got it , i wont blame rubick but
                                what about the advices of going med ?

                                King of Low Prio

                                  the trick to playing mid is to either gank alot and carry your teammates past their awful laning stage OR to destroy mid so hard that you can win the game even after they fucked up laning stage

                                  ME AND TWO MY BOIS

                                    @sampson u r nor right,even i'm mid player for a long time. and if u go ganking u need some disables for killing,something like slow( qop's dagger) disable's like dream's coil or ember's chains,etc if u r asking exort invoker to gank,thisi stupid,he has a sunstrike and he not need go ganking,cuz he can help from his mid lane, nevertheless q/w invoker is good to ganking, i think if u go ganking you should be mobility person,with blink,force. wexwexwex or haste rune,smokes r good too..ganking map with ember is good.he got a lot of advantages and one-two disadvantages,,he is very mobility by his remnants,big aoe damage with fists,500 mag damage absorb and 3 second disalbe..but the disadvantage is only mana..
                                    if u r playing sotrm spirit and other heroes that really need items like storm,potm( mid lane mirana), mid tiny and mid gyrocopter, you must be sure that u can kill and u not waste the time trying to kill enemy, but if u bottled haste rune,chance of killing is about 80%
                                    some words for netero is my waifu
                                    U NEED TO COMPLETE boot's of speed.they got +8 int,u cna abuse it,and there is free 30 as
                                    if u r going orchid vs fat heroes u need some help at gank,there was only lina freekill for storms spirit's orchid,i guess
                                    u can download my games on puck,i'm practising this hero now,he is very strong for this patch,almost he was strong before this patch,no changes was at 6.83 for puck,but he is very usefull for winter meta now
                                    u should download all my puck games,and see how to control mid lane..
                                    and the way,that u lose ur game is bad skill build,lion got a hex on lvl 9, useless dispersion build by spectre.taking invoke on 7 lvl playing q/w..a lot of mistakes at build
                                    also u can download my gyro mid game and to see how to dominate the lane when u got an advantage.there was a lot mistakes by me at first lvls but this was enough to win it in 30mins)

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    King of Low Prio

                                      you do realize there was a 'OR' in my sentence right?

                                      If a exort invoker is getting 0 CS then YES he should be ganking

                                      ME AND TWO MY BOIS

                                        and better to play meepwn or deathpropohet, some practics at geomancer and u will dominate in dota,also deathprophet is very stronk hero for trash 3.5k mmr,the build for dp is 4-0-4-1 at 9 lvl and nobloodstone..eul first items after boots and drums..with eul u got about 500ms and u can run fast with ur spirits.also viper mid with meka aghanim rape 3k trash and gyro mid with his 1st skill and blink is powerfull imbalance wizard ;)

                                        ME AND TWO MY BOIS

                                          the question is can u take this advantage from nid and rape map for 3k trash,or this few money and lvl is enought for ur opponent to gank after losing mid and get an advantage too

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            O you are russian, no wonder half the shit you say makes 0 sense

                                            ME AND TWO MY BOIS

                                              high skill 3k trash said something or i got eyes problems? wondering,im have no eyes problems

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                HAHAHAHAHA typical russian cant read english and goes on full defensive mode. You people seem to have some serious ego problems.

                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                  Rlly hate how 1 guys says some retarded shit then ppl assume that all ppl from there are retarded. Even though knowing that EU is one of the smartest continents, and Russia is in it.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    America is way below Russia on education.

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      Im not American, I am Bermudian born and live in Canada. No you can not compare Russian education to UK education.


                                                        if they are so educated how come theres like 10 russians out of billion who can speak in english ?

                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          And I was talking mostly about his horrible english comprehension since he has no idea how "or" functions in a sentence.

                                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                                            I never said ur American, just saying calling Russians is just retarded, and even if ur country is smarter doesn't mean its ok to say all Russians are retarded.

                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                              Because in Russia you can also learn German, and most of smart Russians have better things to do then playing games.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Idk I think your picks are pretty shitty vs them. They have axe, jug, wr and brew. Spec's ult just tickles all those guys. You're leaning pretty heavily on invoker and lion to blow shit up cus their physical mitigation is high. I think to win you needed to gank the crap out of his lane.


                                                                  The Internet brings out the worst of anyone with a keyboard.

                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    I never said all russians are retarded I said most russians cant read english

                                                                    I cant speak or read russian but you dont see me trying to write gibberish and going on a rampage when nobody understands what the fuck I am saying


                                                                      @JirJir thanks for the advices , i appreciate it.
                                                                      @sampson ✔ , im going to take the or

                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                        most is a lot of ppl, u haven't seen 99.99% of Russians, so stfu

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          So his English is bad, even so, that doesn't mean he is retarded, could be smarter then you, and know 8 other languages.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            his english is bad thats the fucking problem how hard is that to understand? If he says something completely wrong or reads something completely wrong the WHOLE conversation is different. He was arguing a point that I agreed with him on because he misread it and went berserk

                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                              Then JirJir is retarded, and not
                                                                              HAHAHAHAHA typical russian cant read english and goes on full defensive mode.
                                                                              O you are russian, no wonder half the shit you say makes 0 sense

                                                                              Everyone loves Chibi

                                                                                This topic, ROFL :D

                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  Retards only flame league

                                                                                  Tiny Airlines

                                                                                    Hey, I had a losing streak of 8 and half of those games were because teammates were retarded. Just lost one now because our aa fucked the lanes up and refused to buy wards at all nor support. He said GG at the start of the match too. These kids shouldn't even play.

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                    ME AND TWO MY BOIS

                                                                                      @ynit bratan, hotel sprosit' otkuda takoy eroven',a potom uvidel us server 3k games
                                                                                      vot toje hochu vladet' yazukom na urovne nositelya, skok let v maerica jivesh'? Penza< pryam ryadom s moskvoi..problema v tom,chto mne diko len' yazuk uchit'..chto posovetuesh; popraktikovat' pomimo grammatiki i obshirnoi leksiki?

                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                        Da ya v penze shil 13 let a teperi v Californiyi shivy yshe 7 let.
                                                                                        Igrayu vo vsex serverax, e neobrashayi vnimaniya na togo idiota, sdesi mnogo kak on.
                                                                                        Angliyiskiyi y tebya netakoyi plahoyi, prosto v google translate praveri e vso bydet norm.

                                                                                        ME AND TWO MY BOIS

                                                                                          Ok, California eto zdorovo, teplo, plyazhiki I td
                                                                                          naverni poyasnyat nemnkgo slojnee, chem obychsnaya rech' . Ladno, spasibo..kyplu sebe kakoi-nibud uchebnik s leksikoi, cya gl n' hf

                                                                                          swift beaver

                                                                                            guys sorry, i don't speak vodka.... c'mon it was getting interesting...


                                                                                              nah dude i know some russians = most of them dumb as fuck, just like americans (no offence kappa).

                                                                                              kak tam putin pojivaet?

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                Picard, pochemy te flameish lyudeyi na dote, teshje horoshiyi?


                                                                                                  when valve decides that u have enough of winning, than they matchmake u with sucky players. like i have now. funny plays, leavers and feeders, and ragers

                                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                    ^ Thats not how it works at all, dota always matches your team vs another team with close mmr.


                                                                                                      db comunity , thanks for your advices , i am in a 8 winning streak now , now i am happy 3.7k trash :v
                                                                                                      special mention for the russian dude

                                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                                        Y are ur games still high, 3700 is very high