General Discussion

General DiscussionMy apm

My apm in General Discussion

    My sniper apm is 1000, I play very angry sniper. Whats your apm at hero's?


      it would be cool if it showed in stats to see, but apm is actually such a pointless stat i literally have never remembered to type dota_apm before the game ends.

      unless there is a better way to see it.

      like you can watch some asians player perspective and its flying across the map like crazy and he probably has a huge apm. then you watch another pro player beat him with a much calmer camera and less clicking.

      apm doesn't equate skill, but still, would be interesting to see, but I'm actually happy it isn't in the game. so much apm flame in sc2 even though it doesn't mean that much unless you are using it efficiently. and in dota you don't need to click much to be efficient.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        more like sub100 OP

        I had 670 apm on pudge after 2 minutes once in wc3 though.
        Good ol'e times where you could check everyone's apm

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        Sup m8

          My tinker APM: 10000


            mine is aprox 20

            THICC BABY SHUM

              dude i micro my shrapmel and juke magic spells 1k ping and 1k apm like a boss.


                ping litteraly has nothing to do with apm ..


                  is there a list of what does or doesn't count towards apm?


                    ur mouse clicks


                      whats apm?


                        actions per minute, its generally irrelevant unless you are being efficient. but it is incredibly difficult to measure efficiency.

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          i never check, and never plan to.

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            i said i get 1k apm while having 1k ping ...

                            The Fault

                              I pick warrunner and press q and s continuously to look like warrunner is dancing. Does it count as apm ?

                              swift beaver

                                too lazy to click more then once per Minute.