General Discussion

General DiscussionTips on how to have won this game?

Tips on how to have won this game? in General Discussion

    Luna got an early shadow blade and kept roaming.

    Dual Pudge mirana mid against me (spectre) mid, mirana had good arrows so our early game suffered as they picked off our ench jungle.

    Sniper was meant to be mid but he didnt enter game in time and lost all money and enemy didn't wait beyond a certain time.

    I had a few late game items but I couldn't hold off.

    Any suggestions?

    Everyone loves Chibi

      U did pretty much 0 tower dmg and u had an ok push. Dota isnt won by wining the fights, it's won when u destroy their base - simple as that.


        whose throne doesn't get destroyed :)


          We had no way to push. From the get go they roamed a lot and prevented us from pushing. If I try to push mid, roaming Mirana Pudge Luna (with a shadow blade) get bot and take t1 and almost push t2.

          Had to keep tp-ing around to defend.

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            They roam as three all game and they still have more farm than you. That's the problem right there.