General Discussion

General DiscussionSo Vrok, was w33 suspicious in this EEL game?

So Vrok, was w33 suspicious in this EEL game? in General Discussion

    Apparently w33 hosted an EEL game and he put cheats on, was using refresh and such.... Vrok is on the other team in the screen shot.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      whats an EEL


        a fish


          xaxaxaxa doesnt matter is it? lobby game, just hev fun


            Oh its a tournament, a league? Nvm thats bad attitude there,
            Well hes been unvouched, u got any refund vrog? Btw how does dis league works? Some random 5.7k plus plus mmr playing together? Or wot?

            Lemmy help u up dis

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

              Huh? I saw my name here :/


                so @wave has been playing EEL all this time? and i need 5.7k to apply?
                here i come!!!


                  HAAHAH HOOOOOLY SHIT, gonan fuck his ass i was so suprised when he comes min 15 with agah and blink while i have freefarm meka pt pointbooster hhahahaahahashashdas ROFLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLllll'

                  i was like omg hes so good hwo can he get 15 min agah blink LFAMO

                  whiskey waters

                    who gives a shit, this league is full of mongols anyway

                    whiskey waters

                      and w33 gets agha dagger pt min 16-17 usually )

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        vs 4k not 6k


                          HE Was roamign jugnliign AR EU STUPID WHAT USUALLY

                          ++how is wave vouched

                          whiskey waters


                            whiskey waters

                              wave bribed one of the admin, everybody knows that


                                Its nothing unheard of if he was stomping.

                                Edit: nm it seems he was cheating. Lame shit...

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  HELLO EELxan ROFL

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Fuck it. Everyone else could use same name but xan apparently taken. And the mod just says who cares. C u n t s

                                    Im playing in half an hour or so. Go games.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      lawl... I'm sure you guys can go there and see yourself but:

                                      w33 has been perma banned from EEL

                                      here is a response from w33:


                                        w33 is a fucking genius, he just ruined his reputation for nothing, congratz

                                        it's like someone on reddit said, he's like bill gates robbing a market


                                          He knows he is wrong but continues with douche facade because he is young and immature.
                                          In time people will get over it. He gonna get vouched back, quite possibly by the start of next season, after he drops the act.
                                          And people will move on.


                                            Idk why u guys r giving it this much
                                            i dont think he ruined his reputation lol
                                            all his fans still love him + it was a lobby game ...
                                            Idk why reddit make small things big lmao

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                              because reddit is big? 'all his fans still love him', well yea his FANS won't start hating him but public opinion will definitely have a shift


                                                his rep is damaged but not destroyed it seems.

                                                the bigger issue is he is suppose to be on a new team with fly/hanni/pld .... and this damages that teams profile.

                                                I was stoked for that team. Now I honestly don't care about them.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Was the game important ? because if it wasnt this seems so stupid

                                                  Like the guy was streaming ffs he obvious didnt care if he got caught.

                                                  The ones who were affected were the people on the enemy team, they should be the ones saying if they are mad about this or not.

                                                  Quick maffs

                                                    By the way reddit is so mad holy shit, its actually quite funny.


                                                      Couldn't he just have added a bit of gold over time to do shit without anyone noticing?


                                                        you can't discard him using scripts with meepo though! People don't just use cheats in inhouse leagues for fun



                                                          EEL is like the euro equivalent of NEL. Important is relative in that sense. Every game counts towards the league rating if that is what you mean. the game would have had an effect on the official numbers if not caught.

                                                          That said, some people take in house leagues seriously and some do not.

                                                          as for w33, it just shows poor character (and this isn't a first for him apparently), for a player that everyone has been wanted to go pro and play for a big team. He is apparently finally getting his chance to be on a legit pro team with fly hanni and PLD, and he decides to cheat in a league match....

                                                          It is kinda similar to some of the other controversies surrounding players. You can view it as serious or not serious based on if you like, dislike, or don't care about the player.

                                                          You could have a player cheat in the international, and i'm sure some people who be like "oh its just a video game who cares".


                                                            yeah it wasn't a particularly important game, but hey, it's an official ticketed match, there's money (albeit not much) on the line, and more important, it's a place where amateur players can be noticed by pros and possibly recruited (that's what happened to rtz and sumail in NEL for example)

                                                            still, imo the worst part isn't the cheating, but his attitude

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Well he could have managed this better, no doubt about that, but the way reddit blow things out of proportion is so funny.

                                                              I mean there was a guy in reddit saying his afternoon got shit because of this ....

                                                              Bot Tyrone

                                                                No respect for the league or the other players in it that are looking for some kind competitive experience. Who cares if there was or wasn't any monetary value involved in the outcome of this game? If I cheated in ranked because I was bored, would that be ok?

                                                                He should have just apologized for being an idiot, but instead he continued to act like the dickhead, which is what he really is

                                                                POG U POG CHAMP

                                                                  he didnt cheat this game LOL ;)

                                                                  i love u butt

                                                                    the way he reacted after getting caught is like justin bieber being caught for drink driving

                                                                    what a self entitled asshole

                                                                    Sōu ka

                                                                      every smaller tournament his team plays in his team has 3 players logged in twitch chat and almost every fucking game they pause for 10 minutes and ping out wards during pauses
                                                                      he also did the duplicate treads on meepo shit

                                                                      keep thinking hes only doing this because he doesnt care about an eel game but that guys just a c unt
                                                                      doesnt make him any worse at dota though


                                                                        actually i already said he was trash months ago! Now he's a cheater too? gg!


                                                                          U said moonmeander is trash, egm is trash, eternal envy is trash, w33 is trash, zai trash, aui_2000 trash...


                                                                            egm is good! always said that, imo they won ti3 thx to him. envy is stupid as fuck, zai was trash but he was just learning the game around then, then he got tons better and aui is still trash


                                                                              he is long known douchefag so nothing new

                                                                              also EEL games is a joke

                                                                              inb4 it dies within a week like last time


                                                                                playing against qopqva from TT now :D


                                                                                  hes mid with lina against my drow gogogo


                                                                                    close game


                                                                                      reported bh min 4, turns out i wasnt wrong


                                                                                        well u got raped mid, dont think it mattered anyway. bh so mad

                                                                                        10% backtrack > caught out of position

                                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                          raped? you say raped when he has a ward and i have to kill a chen ganking me level 2! i cant even get items cause courier dies min 5!? and thx to that i end up dying cause i cant get wards mid and he kills me from fog? and u call that losing?


                                                                                            LEARN TO PLAY NOOB, same as bh


                                                                                              that chen couldn't gank for shit, and i wasn't paying too much attention but I don't think they had that many wards, lina almost died to rubick + bh at top rune while asking for wards IIRC

                                                                                              and yeah you were losing mid, with or without chen, with or without wards. he even made fun of drow mid, which is really weak against a lot of matchups at mid and is pretty poor at CSing until she hits 6


                                                                                                dude wtf
                                                                                                i got my usual min 2 boots doesnt matter what he fucking does mid i win the matchup. SADLY i got BH COMING MID BEFORE I HIT 6! i told him not to come, 3 times and fed once or twice! + the ward and the courier kill!!


                                                                                                  oh my god you monkeys -_- i cant believe what im reading u all act like he fuckin killed an innocent child.
                                                                                                  its EEL, its not an official match or anything its a fuckin inhouse league, no one gives a fuck about this, i even did it once myself and it was pretty funny)

                                                                                                  Sōu ka

                                                                                                    xD so funneh
                                                                                                    youre right he seems like a real stand up guy hed never cheat in officials


                                                                                                      @chains if he manned up and was like "ok you got me sorry" people wouldn't care so much.

                                                                                                      Before reddit even had the chance to get mad, he was insulting everyone from EEL to Reddit to pros. Dude basically said "fuck you i don't care, your league doesn't matter, i'm going to TI anyway"

                                                                                                      someone else said it best, "only TI he is gonna see is a calculator"

                                                                                                      the realm's delight

                                                                                                        what do u need to get vouched