General Discussion

General DiscussionHello! Recently I got into top 100 of Meepo players ranking. I would ...

Hello! Recently I got into top 100 of Meepo players ranking. I would like to know some details. in General Discussion


    So apparently I became good enough to get acknowledged by dotabuff as a "TOP 100" Meepo player very recently. I came from 95th~ to 70th~~ within a couple days. I would like to know if there's some webpage where the dotabuff ranking is explained? How are players categorized into divisions? what divisions are available and who belongs to which?

    This question is raised by me because apparently I am the only person in the world to get into Top100 Meepo players without being Diamond 1 or higher. Why am i not in Diamond and how can i become Diamond if that's a thing? What is it based on?

    Around 9 months ago I was calibrated into 2400MMR bracket. Because of that I didn't play ranked much, I thought its very low and nothing to brag about.

    Shortly after calibration i began trying out Meepo for fun with my friends. I fed. A lot. And i lost some games... so i decided to give up on Meepo even in unranked until i get better by playing some private lobby Bot matches as well as watching lots of guides and exploring different forums in search of all the little tactics I could use to stop playing like shit.

    The story of my climb isn't the point here, so I am going to skip it altogether. Instead, I will just put this link right here and let you judge me based on my dotabuff profile as well as this dota2toplist profile:

    I am currently 5500 MMR, and still climbing. I'm facing MAJOR problem of being reported for feeding and intentional suicides as well as abusing skills by players in my games, despite winning them.

    I dont care about mutes because indeed sometimes things get emotional and i flame people, but I assure you i have never fed on purpose nor have i ever abused any cheats or tried to disrupt my team by abusing hero skills. So every 5 ranked games i get 10 low prio matches which you can see just by looking through my latest matches, you can see that most of "normal allpick" were in fact low prio inbetween big win streaks in ranked matchmaking.

    People abuse report system to get me in low prio when being salty when I win games like this one: (if you are dotabuff+ you might be able to still see the allchat from enemy earthshaker when game ended)

    Here's my list of recent ranked matches, you can take a look yourself that I DEFINITELY am not throwing games.

    I digress, though.

    I would love to get answers how are players placed in divisions and how the hell did i end up in top100 Meepoes with Platinum division. Thanks a lot in advance for answers to my questions, should there be some in the future.


    TL;DR I find it interesting that I am the only platinum Meepo in top100. What's wrong with the system?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      so you're saying that your real mmr is 2k but somehow gained 5,5k just by playing meepo?

      and even though you suck a lot and feed a lot in the 5k games you manage to win because meepo is op. Also reason you get reported so much.

      is that what you're saying?

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        I'm new here, don't know people who are around here.

        Are you some local troll? It's fine, keep doing good job. Feel free to disrupt this thread.

        However I came to discuss here why am I platinum and yet top100 meepo player at the same time. How does system rank people?


          ah so you're stupid too ok, got it.

          Another trash joins the forums oh greatblunt trashlord


            benao stop flaming new people lol what you are saying doesnt even make any sense

            dravic is legit 5.5k

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              ill gain 1k mmr just playing meepo and ask you if its legit again!

              Giff me Wingman

                go ahead, i want to see that.


                  ur on top 100 cause u have 650 games


                    yeah, but i would love to know how is the division determined.

                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                        One question:

                        If you start to play other heroes then Meppo, would you lose your 5k?



                          dont listen to benao hes some trash scrub wanna act like pro

                          kanye went to uni
                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              @qxz i am in low priority very often, if you look only at ranked lobby games you will notice i am only in very high skill (obviously, im 5500 mmr).


                                Good question @shred you to bits, welp, this is hard to answer "definitely" since there is no way you can check that unless I spam hero. I mean, if i play any hero you want for a 1-2 games in 5500 mmr i will probably get trashed, but its like that with most players anyway (thats why i hate people who random stuff).

                                If you however give me time to do my research (get used to the hero's cooldowns, his position ingame etc) as in: practice a bit in private lobby to get used to lasthitting animation etc, I am pretty sure i can pull of most heroes whose playstyle fits me. there is a very good reason why my best heroes are Meepo and terrorblade. I love to farm, i love to micro, i love to push. :P

                                i think my strengths are good game sense. not necessarily map awareness itself, thats something i always try to work on, but my game sense is pretty good. i know when to push and when not to. I try to calculate stuff in my head, is it worth it for me to suicide for raxes? should i go fight those people who are banging our mid tier 1 tower or just go jungle into enemy territory?

                                I almost always play Midlane Meepo, its my favorite lane for this hero. I dont change my build too much because with my build unless my team gets roflstomped i just dont see enemy winning the game. i dont expect my team to win the game either, i just do my job and try to outplay enemy by efficient moving around map, baiting with illusions and stuff. :)

                                I am good at theorycrafting and utilizing the effects.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  if you like meepo you should try playing earth spirit. only other hero i find even as remotely fun.

                                  zet cant come fast enough zzz...


                                    Thank you for answer! Okay, fair. :)


                                      Oh yeah, xan! i didnt find any other hero other than Meepo and Terrorblade and Naga siren interesting enough to play them a lot, maybe Visage comes close but its a support so maybe if i switch to that position I will learn the ways of Visage.

                                      However i didnt play dota 1 at all and when i read dota 2 gamepedia article on unreleased heroes the Arc Warden caught my eye.

                                      Looks fun ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                      on our way.

                                        Can you please teach me how to use this hero?


                                          ur meepo rarely use Blink, imma try dat build in my tier...

                                          me, government hooker

                                            TEACH me PLEASE


                                              I was interested in what benao said and in what shred asked , so i went to ur profile u play a really good meepo , but no offence ur other heroes u play like a 3k, whenever i saw u playing other heroes u fed and/or got carried , now i wont say meepo is op and he got u to 5k , but ur a 5.5k meepo , not a 5.5k player , and im not trying to offend u but if u play different heroes ull fall from 5k...


                                                Well that also depends on what are we talking about, if we talk about unranked then it's mainly me playing low prio, nobody really tries hard in low prio so make what you want out of those games. I havent played other heroes much, i agree, but that might change soon when i establish some MMR where my Meepo no longer wins 70% of games. ;)

                                                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora


                                                    After 33 games of low prio i do not have the nerves to not rage when people lastpick additional melee hard carries at the end of the draft. Holy molly how hard is it to pick at least 1 ranged hero... sorry for flaming our beloved last pick antimage :p

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      Drav i was talking about ranked .