General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat should I be doing with Ember Spirit?

What should I be doing with Ember Spirit? in General Discussion
meow maniac

    I manage to secure an early kill mid and I maintain fairly consistent CS (5 to 7 CS per minute). I use remnants to escape, chase and to secure farm/runes. Depending on who I'm up against in lane I either start with a poor man's shield or tangos, branches and a stout shield. I buy a bottle first then I go for phase boots and a battle fury. After I finish my first battle fury I go for a desolator then I go for another battle fury. Ofc the build sometimes varies depending how the game's going, the enemy team comp. etc. In team fights I'll go in, pop a W, Q, E and then I'll get out. The amount of damage I do rarely sways team fights in our favour.

    Overall I feel like I could be doing better.

    Anyone wanna throw me a few tips so that I can improve my play?


      try farm and dont die also be sure u got 1 ulty to escape.. use ulty on ur lane and tp back if u think ur low enough to stay in the lane...
      rush ur bf and go straight for daedalus guessing ur 2.3k mmr so ur bracket lacks of farming and ganking stuff.. get advantage of it
      with x2 bf x2 daedalus and a bkb ( situational only ) u can slash the f@@ out of them with criticals.. dont go for deso i dont like -armor i like + crits


        btw you have no games with ember on this acc. so how can we help ?