General Discussion

General Discussionquestion about skill level

question about skill level in General Discussion

    so my matches are rated as normal skill on dotabuff. i wanna ask what's the mmr limit between normal and high skill. i heart it's 3.3K. i need the exact number (if possible). i'm still under lvl 13 so i play unranked (but i need the unranked mmr). i think u gain ~25+(-) from one match. so basically (i think) the mmr starting from 3000 so i should have 3200 considering i have 8 more wins then loses (5 4% winrate). so i'll need around 5 more matches in order to be 3300+ and be ranked as high skill on dotabuff. is that right?

    tnx in advanced


      go check previous pages with guys asking about mmr or brackets u will find the answer there.. i cant type it im too tired mby tmrw


        well i already did and didn't find anything useful, there's also no search forum option or categories, that's why i opened new thread. i hope u r not that tired to not post me a link, that'll be very useful :P


          neh you can get into very high after 1 game lol so your estimation could be completely wrong.

          dont worry too much about the skill levels lol


            but, but, i'm normal skilled (that's the lowest as i know)


              3200 is normal/high border

              winrate is highly unaccurate, this account has <50 winrate yet high skill

              just calibrate and see what mmr your teammates are at the end of first match


                they all checked and none found anything :)


                  normal is max ~3.2k
                  high is max ~3.9k

                  road to 4kmmr

                    it is not about winrate when you are still below level 13, it is about the skill you have and many other things.
                    i saw a few people with 40% winrate that are rated as a very high skill player.

                    people playing against 3k mmr vs 5k mmr should not be compared on winrate alone. Winning against a team
                    with an average of 5k mmr is much more difficult than the ones in 3k mmr.

                    you can easily get to the very high skill bracket just after your first game.

                    normal skill = below 3.2k
                    high skill= 3.2- 3.8k
                    very high skill = 3.8k+


                      so how is it calculated? don't people get + (-) ~25 when they win/lose (except if they dc) the match? and how is it calculated then? what's the skill? kda, dmg done or smth?


                        You don't get +/- 25 until you finish calibrating your first 10 ranked matches. For now, it's very variable and it depends on in game performance. (Basically you have to stomp your games to get to a higher skill bracket). I am not quite sure about how it is calculated


                          do u know what is "the game performance" which influences the mmr the most?

                          road to 4kmmr

                            kda probably matters most but there are still a lot of things that they put into consideration.

                            how to calculate kda?

                            Kills + assists / deaths = kda

                            2 kills/ 0 death/ 8 assist is better than 10 kills/5 deaths/5 assist


                              so is my kda that bad to have a normal skill?

                              road to 4kmmr

                                as I've said, kda is not the only criteria that they use to compute your skill level.

                                xpm, gpm, hd, td and many more are also used.