General Discussion

General DiscussionSteam should let player set their own limitations on teammates

Steam should let player set their own limitations on teammates in General Discussion

    I used to wait 30 min for a game at in Dota 1. I wouldn't mind waiting 20 minutes if it means I can avoid 1500 MMR disparity. When my solo MMR increases, the chances of getting whining/quitting team mates also increases.

    I would realy prefer my team mates to have less than 800 MMR disparity
    Share your experience

    Here are my estimates based on experience:
    4900: Team seems to be within 500 MMR disparity
    5000: 550 MMR disparity
    5100: 600 MMR disparity
    5200: 650 MMR disparity
    5300: 750 MMR disparity
    5400: 900 MMR disparity
    5500: 1100 MMR disparity

    Ten temat był edytowany

      There exist quite a few inhouse league you can play like NEL. Also europe west has a lot more players so if your ping isn't too bad 1500 mmr disparity won't happen ( unless you're 7k ). You can also queue with friends


        you dont get mmr playing that shit and not everyone should be there etc etc, inhouses have their flaws too


          I'm bouncing between 51-5200, and I never get team-mates below 4700 (Unless these super-rare occasions when I get 4100 etc.)

          Only US problems I guess.

          Also, for you spamming Invoker only, your midlane should (by your theory) get easier and easier as you grow in mmr. Get 7k and u play vs 4k mids.


            at 6400, it's not uncommon to fall on 4k2-4k4 dude

            So 2k mmr disparity is easy even there
            (most of time it's rather 5k-5k2 though)


              dude i was 5,1k yesterday. the whole day i got 4,1k to 4,3 until i fell down to 4,90k :D and this is EU so...

              Linda | DotaExchange

                Lel, i remember on dlg, sl3 ( and after that sl5, if i recall correctly ) had like 30+ minutes of waiting. I could play one game at sl2, wile sl3 guys were waiting to fill up client.


                  most of the time is balanced for me at 5.1k

                  but i remember 2 times getting 1 player @4700 and a 6400 guy in my team

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    same, around 5100 never less


                      I guess playing at 4am is the main problem. Cannot sleep anymore than four hours sometimes.


                        4200 getting 5k in my team, ez life.