General Discussion

General Discussionneed a surrender vote! option!

need a surrender vote! option! in General Discussion

    when they will make it! i really need it cus i lose 60% of my games
    why they are not making it stilL! like lol ?
    i really need it so me or you or everybody else will not waste time with a wait push ...
    pls valve do it!


      This is why i stopped playing solo ranked, because i get allies like you.

      Mr Mental

        Only low skill players would want to ff at 20.

        Jay Ashborne

          At above,

          Exactly that.


            i need it like many other people if you are 60-70% win rate pls dont spam here ok ? we need this option for noobs like me pls dont hate
            i know that you are dendi pro skillers but u never play at tournaments because it will be easy for u ..
            dont spam dont hate!
            i know you are the best doto players!

            Jay Ashborne

              Maybe you should try to think of ways you can win your game rather than install useless features which will never be added.


                man pls dont tell me what to think i want this option thats all ... dont tell me what i am and what i need or should
                i just ask as a fan of thins game (noob) will they be kind to add it in pub games cus i dont want to wait 20 min to finish ! thats all
                pls dont hate i know u are the best ....

                Jay Ashborne

                  I'm not the best bro. I'm trash, literally very bad at this game, however I never give up. Dota is about comebacks. I have won and lost games where we had or they had megas. The game isnt over until the ancient falls. People over extend when they are ahead, more confident, and willing to make mistakes because they feel they have a larger advantage than they do. Comeback gold/xp is very very real. Your "end fast pls" mentality is hurting your progression as a player.

                  Bait the enemy into extending. Use smokes and try and coordinate with pubs, defend from the well if it's that bad, but you should never give up.

                  आप गे क्यों

                    didnt u make a post about quitting dota?

                    well either way, the surrender option is ALREADY a working function implemented in dota 2

                    But you can only use it in practice/official games, because if they have that button, give people a month to find a way to abuse it.


                      Dont need, Dont want

                      You like to abandon, you like to quit, you want a feature from another game (LoL), you publicly announced that you are going to move to said game.

                      Why are you even asking?

                      If you are really interested in an informed discussion why this should not be allowed read this :


                        put it in pub games thats all is it so much?


                          pls dont hate me i know me noob i dont want you to hate me its a game in the end .... dont need to hate me like its your life or i am taking u money .... thats why is this forrums for ! fans wants options thats alll ....


                            shut the fuck up and quit alr holy shit


                              Why must I not hate you? When you give up, you are handing the enemy a victory. When you abandon you waste 9 other peoples time and ruin 9 other peoples game.

                              Why should you not be hated?


                                wow u need to be banned for that bad words and that hate ? what is your problems u dont have private lifes you... you are virgins ?
                                you should meed girls from time to time and stop hate ...

                                Mr Mental

                                  You're good at trolling OP. Let me clap for you.


                                    and pls dont tell me what to do you are not the war lords and strategy gods....its a game... i want options ok? its Sun Tzu art of war

                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                                      Mr Mental

                                        Before i leave you to troll some more OP, let me leave you with this.


                                          I agree with NasledniknaDULO here. There must be surrender button, but all 5 players must press it to activate.


                                            as soon as someone gives up and spams end/afk/finish please the emo kid goes straight to mute.

                                            Jorges Sanz

                                              No. Waiting to get throned in a losing game is part of the losing process. Infact, in games like these, especially in lower-tiers, it is still possible to comeback. Putting yourself in such a situation is part of the learning process to get better; learn from your mistakes.

                                              Winning and Losing a game is a two way street.

                                              How do you expect to enjoy winning a game if someone were to rage-quit instantly after a botched fb, level 1 roshan, laning phase? If you have played D1 on Garena or maybe even battlenet, then you would know what i mean with all the rampant alt-qq, pp, ck, dog ate my wire, house on fire shenanigans.

                                              This isn't Sun Tzu Art of War or whatever of that shit you're taking. This is just a game. Enjoy, learn the game, get better and most importantly reciprocate kindness.

                                              Yes, it can be frustrating sometimes waiting to lose, let it be, let them fountain camp, farm for 6 rapiers, let them enjoy their win. To those who are guilty of dragging games, it will just be a superficial "pub-stomping" process game after game with no learning curve.

                                              Just keep your head up, get better at the game. Things will get better eventually, few if not no one at the top of the ladder does that kind of dreaded game dragging stuff. (unless you're an asshole to them)

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                              waku waku

                                                didn't you quit for lol?

                                                Sup m8

                                                  Yea what's taking so long, delete local content download LoL have much fun.


                                                    again we contention with the pros opinions ok ty for lessons i was angry at losing 10 in row thats why i try lol but dota 2 is still the better more dynamic game.... but pls i dont need to become pro or god master i just want my option thats all
                                                    DONT HATE DONT HATE!
                                                    I DONT PLAY ME LIKE YOU ARE BALLER AND U NEVER WANT TO QUIT AND YOU 100% tryharders ... cus i know and see your stats you lose like nooobs to0oo like everyone in this game....even dendi blow games sometimes


                                                      Firstly, what you are getting here are in fact OPINIONS!

                                                      Secondly, the first thing to learn is that by quitting, you learn NOTHING!

                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                          Scrubby the Scrublord
                                                          "...let them fountain camp, farm for 6 rapiers, let them enjoy their win".

                                                          This is why I support surrender button. "Never give up" works only if enemy teams plays to win, but if they play to farm you in fountain, game can last for hours.

                                                          Jay Ashborne

                                                            Pretty much what xan said.


                                                            You already admit we're better than you, so why not [b][i]consider[/b][/i] that we might be giving decent advice and you're just mentally stubborn.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                              This is dota , not HoN or LoL people like u will cry afk surrender pls all the time

                                                              dota lossing games can turn up to win in no time

                                                              No by me.


                                                                Try to turn game when there is PA with Heart + 3xButterfly camping in your fountain.


                                                                  and how you turn up a game solo ? when your team dont want to play when your carry dont know what is bkb and your support never buy wards?
                                                                  ol maybe you can win 1v5 ? is this counter strike ? no its dota its a team game...
                                                                  when opponent team are people who have basic knowledge of the game how it works and press u from 1st minute .....
                                                                  off u dont even know what is to stuck in 3 k mmr .... dosent matter from 13 games even if i try hard as fuck .. i win like 3-4 and lose 9 that is whay i want surrender button ... and yes i dont want to be dendi or pro like u just want my fan client option thats all dont discuss the game discuss the option !


                                                                    and YES HATE MORE PLS! I WOULD LOVE TO TAKE YOUR HATE! HATE MORE!


                                                                      Huh? Isn't Counter-Strike a team game too?


                                                                        " and how you turn up a game solo ? when your team dont want to play when your carry dont know what is bkb and your support never buy wards? "

                                                                        this happens when ur 3k mmr u have the chance to get people that doesnt know how to play and get enemies that know what to do
                                                                        and the opposite.

                                                                        get gut stop complaining this is not hate to you , i've seen so many threads like this and OP says about hate.
                                                                        its not hate its a try to wake you up

                                                                        Jay Ashborne

                                                                          @Mana battery
                                                                          Try to turn game when there is PA with Heart + 3xButterfly camping in your fountain. Lina + aghs +ghost scepter+stun ... literally no fucks are given by herr.

                                                                          do you want to improve as a player or are you just complaining. I'm not trying to be a dick, but I'm curious, what do you want from dota, do you want too get better or is it just a game to you.

                                                                          Edit: FYYQ has coined the term "wake up thread".

                                                                          I love it.

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                            I just what that option thats all i dont need psycho-analyze of me or my skills.... man.. and if you dont care dont write ... u dont need to write just to show us how smart and gifted u are ...
                                                                            i just want valve to put that option .. thats all .. i dont want nothing more ... i think its reasonable ..

                                                                            Jay Ashborne

                                                                              That's not what I asked. Stop dodging the question. Do you want to improve as a player or do you just play for fun.


                                                                                Ofc PA is not alone, there are four teammates backing her up.


                                                                                  i am not on interview ! ok ? read carefully !

                                                                                  NextStep ®

                                                                                    2.5k games and still at normal skill.
                                                                                    You're just a casual ( noob, noobletta ) player. It's not like you're going to be a pro player.

                                                                                    Just play, chillax and abandon the game when things didn't go your way. :)


                                                                                      nextstep your Silencer is very good... pls dont spam ... cus my got like 73% win-rate ... and i bet i got more games in very high skill tier than u...

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                      NextStep ®

                                                                                        Yup. I'm so noob at silencer.
                                                                                        Hence, I didn't play him much, lose and whine on forums. :D

                                                                                        NextStep ®

                                                                                          I'm SMART enough to play the heroes i'm excel at...
                                                                                          Unlike someone. xD


                                                                                            mhm cus u play 1 hero of 101 .... so pro! pls dont spam! i dont need u here ok?


                                                                                              its a discussion for option not people or skills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                                                              NextStep ®

                                                                                                Yup. Because I'm SMART enough to. lol
                                                                                                It's definitely better than having 2.5k games and stuck at normal skill. :3


                                                                                                  valve is SMART enough to never impelement this in dota2 pubs

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                    we are mentioning That Surrender Option Doesnt Fit All of us thats why they wont ever put it
                                                                                                    because people that really know how to play know that u can still win if u play carefully and smart even if u lossing at start
                                                                                                    people in lower bracket seems to crybitching too much and give up early 3k bracket lacks in everything...

                                                                                                    get better, take advantage of their low game knowledge and climb up

                                                                                                    got it?

                                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                    Jay Ashborne

                                                                                                      There are more than enough people on this forum willing to help you get our of normal skill. Ask for coaching instead.