General Discussion

General DiscussionPA Medallion + Deso?

PA Medallion + Deso? in General Discussion

    Would this be viable against high armor low hp heroes like terror?

    Miku Plays

      Bad... Just pick one medallion or deso, getting both of them will delay your core

      Arek Akashi

        You usually Make ( - ) Armor items versus low armor heroes like most str heroes check this site specially the table

        Versus high armor heroes Maelstorm works fine

        that's why getting 2 Rop as starting item is so good 1 armor 5.7 % reduction ->7 armor 29.6 % reduction

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        Welt aus Eis

          I think Medallion is probably cool if you're playing offlane or if your farm has been really shut down, but other than that I think you should aim for bigger items


            Its viable not depending on opponents, but pace of the game.

            Horrible item in general for passive games. Great for an early deathball with PA, or a heavy roaming lineup. As a bonus, lets you solo roshan before even hitting 11.


              I've seen yasha>mom>basher pa being guarded by an omni before. It was ridiculously overpowered early-mid and allowed pa to snowball like mad.


                I don't like Deso on PA. Satanic is the best orb for her imo


                  Wisp medallion + deso :D

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    I have already talked about medallion more being a support item to help carries that a carry item and Deso is bad because it forces you to buy Vlads or not buy lifesteal at all and it is an item that you will eventually sell as there are far better items to have in the late game.


                      basher bkb, ggwp u won.


                        rofl I actually accidently clicked it when I was scrolling down, such an obvious scam.