General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Matchups: Skeleton King vs Sven

Hero Matchups: Skeleton King vs Sven in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    King of bones (wraith king..) vs Sven!

    Who takes it in various scenarios and why?!


      different roles even when played as carries

      sven is far better at wiping a team than wk

      wk is far better at soaking shit up against BKB piercing ultimates (RP, Chrono, Black Hole etc) and ensuring he manages to get some damage done

      sven can easily burst down WK's first life with blink initiation but WK can just blink out after respawning, wasting Sven's ultimate. Reincarnate has a lower cooldown, too.

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        Wk for 1v1, Sven for teamfights.

        WK is single target so much better for small encounters. Still for pure 1v1 many other heroes are better than wk.
        5v5 (teamfight) is pretty much the opposite as all of Sven's skills are aoe based.


          Stop these retarded 1v1 threads please, it's giving me ebola.


            If sven makes:


            I don't think WK stands a chance.


              ^Why Diffiusal?

              Diffisual won't burn enough mana to stop his ultimate?
              Necrobook on the other hand could, and would also synergy way better with his ultimate, than a Diffisual? What purpose?

              THICC BABY SHUM

                if one builds abysal blade, hex, refresher he wins, boom never make threads like this