General Discussion

General Discussionhow to buy butterfly

how to buy butterfly in General Discussion

    talisman first or eaglehorn first? or is it better to buy butterfly at one go/ time it together with a push and/or aegis?
    of course im not looking for 100% answers here, everythings situational in dota afterall.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      Depends on your prior items and who you are building it on. I'd say more often you build the talisman first.

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        If you need evasion you buy talisman, if you don't need evasion you buy eaglehorn. You rarely buy a quarter staff before either one though.


          ^ yea i agree but the problem i have is, im guessing most heroes who get butterfly would like the evasion as well, so the choice would be to get talisman first, but the problem here is the 4.2k window it allows for the carries to react with an mkb, so the timing window for my butterfly would be very short (although i get to enjoy the 25% evasion for longer). So to lessen this timing window getting eaglesong presents itself as another option (2.7k window for enemy to build mkb) but at the same time i feel like the 25 agi from eaglesong is not really too important so my actual thought was regarding the viability of buying(but hiding) my butterfly parts until its fully complete.

          so yeah i think thats what im actually asking >.<

          Linda | DotaExchange

            ^ sigh... Then save 6k and buy butter instantly.


              you stash your unreliable gold that way but w/e thats not the point of my question

              Jorges Sanz

                Reaction window should not be your main consideration. if your opponent is smart enough, it is fairly easy to pre-empt a bfly purchase at specific timing windows anyway.

                You need to consider
                1. Buyback Money and timing (for yourself and your own team) and Gold lost (unreliable and reliable gold) especially against pick-off lineups and dagger/smoke timings

                2. Amount of Space given to farm; if you have to risk alot because you are being hunted 24/7 then consider buying the smaller components to save on gold lost or maybe even skip the item for something more efficient. Envy does this with naga buying rad recipe first sometimes, though its very controversial.

                I assume that you aren't rushing bfly (i.e similar to naked rad). As a 4th or 5th item, buy the talisman first, make sure you have enough for buyback. My 2 cents..

                  Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                    jeez.. too much theorycraft,
                    just do what Sam said

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      ... what theorycraft.
                      this is just simple decision making that im asking for opinion about.

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        go to shop and buy it also secret shop ezy.


                          simple decision
                          simple answer


                            eagle horn, are you guys high again or what.
                            its eaglesong.
                            its simple eagles don't have horns so it can't be eaglehorn, but they can sing songs like My anaconda dont want so it can be eaglesong.
                            makes sense?
                            ofc it does.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              u newb puppy


                                how ken be newb if plei veri hai skillz?
                                dondo plei veri hi skills, mayboy i am dondo???


                                  Eaglehorn is a retarded name anyway. Eagles have no horns.


                                    eaglesong first so you can finish butterfly in the side shop.

                                    unless you are about to die and you are trying to avoid losing gold on death
                                    also if you have more than 1800 unreliable you can try to buy the eaglesong with unreliable gold entirely knowing you still have the talisman and quarterstaff on quickbuy

                                    Welt aus Eis

                                      why are we even discussing eaglehorn vs eaglesong when ogre club is a fucking axe

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        thats because to an ogre, anything is a club


                                          Buy ghost sceptre first for the mind games.

                                          MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                                            thanks andro

                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              ^^^ Yeah and if you are brave enough everything can be a dildo Kappa