General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo game with detailed explanation of thoughtprocess~

Meepo game with detailed explanation of thoughtprocess~ in General Discussion

    Recently had a meepo game where I explained my thoughtprocess when I play meepo in deeper detail than usual!
    I think this can help some people when it comes to understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the hero a bit better, aswell as the overall purpose you have as a meepo in a game.
    (There's a lot of replying to chat-questions and random talk in the beginning, but you can skip to creepspawn if you dont want to listen to that)




      bum farto

        I really wish I could be bothered to take the time to learn Meepo, the hero's a free win.

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          They once asked me if I was you Waga
          Give TA tips plz

          bum farto

            This might help you Rale

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Tnx Havoc, but I've already seen that vid.
              Can u give me slight overview of my profile?

              bum farto

                Your TA is fine and unless something is horribly broke then what's there to fix. If it works for you then there is no reason to change much and looking at other top TA's most of them have roughly 65-70% win rate with the hero so you're already keeping your head well above the water with the hero.

                You queue a lot of CM which will probably have boosted your win rate a little due to it being a little bit more organized than public mayhem, but still I would look at Allisons/Wave/Zenoth games as well as Waga's to try and see where their TA's differ from yours if you feel something is missing

                Credit to Allison for the game

                EDIT: I have moved a month of DB+ onto your profile, have a look around and run some stats on small datasets and compare them to see your overall standing. If you like the additional information then maybe grab a 3 month subscription as it helps support the site.

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                Low Expectations

                  It has to be said, the TA one was amazing gave great insight, esp comparison of threads/phase and deso/skadi

                  Dune, the Desert Planet

                    Thanks for the reply Havoc. I feel comfortable with my Lanaya, but still I want to be better.
                    About CM, I've played that mode exclusively in dota 1 from mb 2010 to 2013 in various IHLs, and I like it. Apart from mb 100 games in late 2011, early 2012 didn't play D2 at all. Started 5, 6 months ago, friend gave me this acc @ 3k mmr. Now that I'm going up I know I will have to start playing ap cause in cm I would be the highest mmr and that's shit...

                    Big thanks for DB+, I can't afford it my self. so really mate, thanks. If I can do something for you, just let me know.


                      @Waga when you play meepo is farming or splitpushing more important/ what boots are best for a winning or losing situation
                      Also how do you counter meepo without picks?


                        Nice video man! thanks for the insight