General Discussion

General DiscussionPhoenix offlane early levels

Phoenix offlane early levels in General Discussion
milk that tastes like rea...

    Anyone experienced with phoenix solo offlane got tips for early levels?
    Once I hit 5-6 with level 3 spirits and egg I can usually dominate most lanes and get kills, but whenever I have trouble it's during levels 1-4. (except if not very strong dual lane I can control lane from lvl 3)

    My start is:
    1 set tango, clarity, 2 branch, ring of protection, and wards if no-one else bought it. then straight into tranquils. If I feel i'm going to be against a difficult lane I'll get 2 set tango/salve and ask someone else to get wards.

    With spirits I can trade well with their support, but while i'm trading, I lose out on farm and disrupting their carrys farm. Then if the support brought good regen, I can't control the lane until spirits are off cd again.
    I play this often and I want to be able to have more impact in early levels and get the most from the lane i.e. trade with their support, get some cs here and there and disrupt the carry.

    Also what situations should I let range creep go and not go first? Someone mentioned something about 'wave fixing' where you aggro their whole wave, and reaggro by attacking the creep while they are following you, then draw them back to your tower if they are static farming near their tower. I haven't quite got it to work for me yet though.
    was top vs a void and meepo, meepo was trying to zone so I traded well but couldnt stop him from getting 3. I got a kill on void at 6 but until then he was still farming pretty well. (i failed my block though)


      Your team comp vs their's was pretty horrible.

      Halberd instead of Rod would've been nice.

      Why necro book?

      Also in early stages in the lane, I find dive is a better harass than spirits. I only use spirits if I want to kill them, cause most people run away from phoenix if you act aggressive. Also, keep your eye on the map and a TP in hand. You need to be in every teamfight, if you ever want to get ahead with phoenix, regardless if you get the kills or not. You need to help teamfights, and focus on nothing but doing teamfights. Teamfights is your greatest strength. Use it.

      TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

        ^This. But i think dive could be too risky because you sit there 36s without disable when you use it for harass, in the best case 1v3. Imo always go spirits early. Even on lvl 1 you can disrupt their farm and trade hits with -80 as. Also you get 4 times the damage compared to dive.

        And as offlaner i think you should let range go first every time. Usually they have lane control and if your range creep dies first the lane gets pushed to you -> ez first wave imo.

        TOC | Amanda Dermichknutscht

          And in that game veil would be so good on you. :<


            I found out that blocking the creeps does nothing because they will do the same.
            what I do now is actually hide in the treeline in sideshops to get cheap lvl 2 before supports realize im there.

            never skill anything until you are 100% certain you won't get killed before lvl2. tricky part is to actually be patient enough for those 3/4 minutes where they control the lane perfectly leaving you no space. most in those situations become impatient and reckless and play aggressive which results in dying. myself included.


              i think if ure in a winnable lane (for eg 1v2) tranq rush is suboptimal and rop into basi then tranqs is more appropriate


                WHat mmr are you? i play pheonix with 4-4,5 k usually

                Pheonix is prob one of my favorite (and best) heroes, id be glad to help you out.

                I usually play him solo offlane, you can check my game history i play him quite a bit.

                The only thing i would recommend without looking at a replay is making sure yu have a ward placed, otherwise you will fall way behind, with a good ward, you want to cancel their supports from the double pull. by doing this, you may hit a 1 min period where you get no xp, but you will get a 1.5x or 2x wave shortly after.

                Once you hit lvl 4 or 5, any support that harasses you should be an easy kill if their carry is farming the lane and not directly with them. Sometimes, its better you dont even go for the kill, just make sure you get your tranquil boots ASAP and try and keep ~ 300 mana for when you hit lvl 6, that should be a double kill almost everytime unless you get f*cked up bad

                Also, dont play Pheonix against meepo.

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