General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat heroes can players with bad mechanical skills and slow reflexes ...

What heroes can players with bad mechanical skills and slow reflexes get away with in General Discussion

    It becoming terribly obvious lately that I just can't cast my skills and use items fast enough in games, especially hero targeted ones. I also mis click alot, blink badly and I guess that shows in my ranked play hero stats.

    So besides Heros like death prophet and wraith king what might be other Heros I can consistently win (over 65%) with?









            Something like TIde? Blink in, ult, come to their carry, smash, gush him, refresh, ult, smash another right clicker - does not need good reaction, just time your second ravage so they can't pop bkbs.


              zeus helps to compensate for bad laning mechanics .
              hard to misclick his skills too even if u click bolt on ground u hit the hero anw


                Invoker.. practise him the hardest hero


                  Viper- can't win lane as much as viper should
                  Riki- never played him but slow reactions will get me slaughtered in team fights
                  DK- terrible at laning resulting in very slow items
                  Tide - same problem as dk
                  Zeus- forgot about him, should try him more

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                    It's hard to do wrong with Ogre Magi or Bristleback.


                      Jakiro with quick cast is ok. All his skills are aoe and can be cast on ground except for his orb. You might not dodge stuff with eul, but you don't need godlike reflexes to eul an enemy, ulti and then icepath.


                        Ogre is fine up till when blink initiation is required.
                        I suppose if I can get away with farming from quill spray bristle is good too
                        Got to try jakiro sometime, he is a real pain to lane against


                          Lich. Go offlane and eat creeps, enemy carry gets less gold and XP. GG you were useful.

                          First skill has aoe, if you missclick you still do half dmg and slow.
                          Armor can be set to autocast.
                          Ult bounces so doesn't matter on what you cast it.


                            Necro - no targeted ability apart from ultimate. How hard can spamming Q be? :-) farms, nukes and heals...


                              yea lich and necro fit the bill, just that they are more team dependant, hard to win games on their own unless you are way better than your bracket.


                                try undying.
                                you put down totem in team fights and ult to increase your teams effectiveness.
                                for laning use decay and see their hp go poof.

                                also for items, he does not need much. sometimes arcanes only will do just fine


                                  surprised no one mentioned wk.
                                  that hero is an epitome of idiot proof hero (no offense)


                                    ^ yup, doesn't matter how retarded you are Wraith king is idiot proof, one active skill.


                                      wk was in the op.


                                        i remember when he had 2 active skills, DAYM dat hero was hard!!!

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Necro is not team dependent. Honestly sniper is pretty fucking easy mechanics wise, he is all about map awareness so you don't get picked off, but he has huge range, only his ult is a target ability. You need to be able to last hit a little.



                                            Safe Base

                                              Lich probably easiest.


                                                Lich - Eat creeps (not in carrys sight), nuke people, win lane.
                                                Viper - Press Q, click hero, win lane. In teamfights and ganks, press R, click carry, win fight.


                                                  i suppose you mean core necro, in pub necro hardly ever gets to play as core.

                                                  yea lich is easy, but i dont like to play support unless playing with friends.

                                                  never though much about undying, i dont see him working well in pubs

                                                  sniper is a gank magnet, i fail at easily ganked hard carries too so i suppose i have more limitations than just bad mechanics

                                                  wish there was more heroes i can stomp games with...

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    That's not true, just tell everyone you are carrying mid or safelane when you pick necro. Sniper isn't that easy to gank if you pay attention. His range with take aim is huge, just stay by towers and don't be where you shouldn't be when you can't see enemies in lane. It's a much different skill than mechanics if your fingers are slow. It's just map awareness.


                                                      spirit breaker, witch doctor



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