General Discussion

General Discussioncm jungle

cm jungle in General Discussion
Unity Chan

    i know cm can jungle but is it ok to jungle and wat r the skill build and item to get if u want to jungle as cm

    Miku Plays

      calling the M-god :3

      Unity Chan

        Kami M sama ^^


          Jungling with cm is retarded. The whole point of going to the jungle is getting a fast lvl 2 and then go to gank, but you can't do this anymore since the base int nerf.


            its actually stronger now u kill a creep instantly bite and kill a creep since it does 1000 damage now instead of 700.
            why cant u buy clarities.

            kanye went to uni

              jungling with cm is objectively fine but you're wasting the hero imo, shes so good at zoning and going for kills early, why would you waste that time in the jungle where you're not gonna have any impact on the game?

              Bot Tyrone

                I would have thought that when OP says jungle CM, he doesn't mean just farm, but actively ganking mid/sidelane when possible along with controlling the closest rune. I think it would work fine OP, but you may have better luck doing the same thing with an Enigma


                  If you start jungle with cm this happens 322% guarenteed


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