General Discussion

General DiscussionAccountbuyers

Accountbuyers in General Discussion

    Valve needs to get hands on this. This shit just fucks up too many games:

    Check this shit. He runs arround in 4.3k (!). This guy had NO idea what was going on. The entire fucking game. It was just clear, that the game was waaay too fast for his litte monkeybrain.


      ehm, ok.


        oh no 4.3k so high

        Game is hard!

          looks like fun to me

          btw: 91 cs as ursa? what the hell dude.....

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            Busy killing heros and roaming arround. No time to farm :). Well 4.3 is not the end of the world, but common. 39% winrate.... This guy just bought a 5k acc and goes his way back to 2k.


              Lobby Type Matches Win Rate
              Normal MM 86 39.53%

              Ranked MM 84 38.10%

              nah i dont think hes an acc buyer hes sucks everywhere

              Bot Tyrone

                Maybe you should start building dagger

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                Bot Tyrone

                  1. Everyone can have an off game

                  2. You overestimate 4k players. I'm not saying that there are no good players around that area, but there are idiots almost every game. I bet you that you have retarded opponents in a lot of your games, but you would rather attribute those wins to your own ability than retarded opponents.


                    every game tbd and just players with 40 wins and 40% ranked winrate.
                    game is easy.


                      check out the furion from my last game huehue

                      38 percent TOTAL winrate
                      22 games played in ranked with 31% winrate

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                        Hopped on my alt account just to dick around this morning. Furion was cliff jungling on the enemy side of the map, rushed dagon, TP'd in to "gank" my lane by sprouting me and getting me killed, trying multiple times to TP in to the enemy base and kill the courier only to die.... I felt like I was playing with a 2 month old player who got stomped by a NP once and wanted to try it, it was that bad.

                        And then of course there is the whole team composition. I randomed first and called offlane, didn't give enough of a shit to try-hard and change my pick on my alt, but it should still be pointed out: Jesus fuck, this is Very High?

                        Needless to say, the moment TB DC'd after dying to Slark in the jungle for the 8th time, I left.

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                        Bot Tyrone

                          if you want legit bad:

                          Zeus last picks (or at least after storm), goes mid anyway when storm is there already. he starts with like QB + tangoes, afks at t1 (gimps storms xp), doesn't do shit all game...can't see his profile, could just be a new player that did well in his first game or something


                            Quelling..... blade.....

                            Excuse me, I have an eye-gouging appointment to make.


                              zeus quelling blade "very high skill".
                              i hope i get guys like that zeus in my games,
                              on the enemy team OFC.


                                How can he be on 4.3k he is on normal skill level bracket man. I thought 3700+= is very high skill bracket did something changed?

                                Edit: I dont think valve can do anything about it since they cant just limit people from selling accs.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  ^normal skill if his party is really low, and/or he stacks with very low mmr friends.
                                  you can be 5k and have 3.6k party and play in normal skill while stacking with a 2k mmr friend.

                                  Luxalpa, Primal Calamity

                                    ^ Confirmed, he stacks with very low ranked friends (you can see this "ThreadBump" in his Normal Skill games)

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