General Discussion

General DiscussionHuge skill discreptency between Ranked and Unranked

Huge skill discreptency between Ranked and Unranked in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    Anyone knows how big the skill discreptency can be between unranked players? I feel that the games are really boring in unranked and there is even more flaming that usual I always have to buy currier and wards no matter if I go offlane/mid or support. People are just straight up bad and I am in "normal" bracket whereas I am in high and mostly in v.high in ranked.
    Once added someone from unranked just to see their mmr and guy had around 2,3k mmr.

    So to original question anyone knows what the rating (for lack of a better word) diffrence there can be in unranked? Or is it unlimted?

    Also before the flame, I play unranked for more casual games but it donest mean I want to facepalm myself threw the entire game.

    Ten temat był edytowany

      I have seen people in Very High Skill when doing ranked and then in Normal when doing solo unranked.

      You can be 5K ranked and 3.5K unranked depending on what you've done.


        I'm the opposite. I've been winning a *lot* in unranked games the past few months, but I haven't played more than a handful of Ranked my Unranked are Very High and my Ranked are only high (when solo).


          if you only play ranked for a while and win a lot (at least 50%) then you will go up in mmr while your
          normal mmr (hidden) will stagnate. and also that 2.3k mmr guy can have like 3k+ hidden mmr so there are a lot of factors.
          and it can be unlimited just like if you only play solo ranked, your party will stagnate.
          i have a guy on my friend list with 4900 solo and 3600 party :DDD


            Well, since saturday my unranked games are labeled as "Normal" and my ranked as "Very High". Might be because I always had a stack of 2 or 3 in my team, but for sure my unranked mmr is much lower then my ranked.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany

              at least 2k lower in unranked

              Low Expectations

                Played another game, mid ember 39 lh in 31 min flamed supports for rotating to gank mid. Then procceded to flame me for disturbing his farming when we got ultra kill mid. (2,4k)
                DP said I was retarded because I suggested Euls, heart or drums saying that Shadowblade is bad. Also got flamed for buying a gem vs a carry clinkz.
                I think these guys create hate on internet, also I now belive in 2k mmr hell


                  actually ranked mmr (when u first got it) is so close to your unranked mmr. For ex, if you were 4,5k mmr player in non-ranked, ur most likely to start ur first ranked game with 4,5mmr ranked players. If you do well, u go up, if u don't u go down. It is so simple. So, the difference in unranked and ranked will not be that big if u do average (in your first games). If you do significantly better, there will be differences for sure. And also if you for ex. go up to 5.5k mmr (with winning ur ranked games) your unranked will still stay 4,5. So there is no actual difference, it varies from person to person.

                  Kapitan Timba

                    unranked is more fun to be honest, its like nobody cares what you do


                      i honestly feel that ranked vs unranked have no difference in skill until your at least 4k and above then you get easier games in unranked simply because you have lesser people of your skill to match against you (since most people of that level play ranked )
                      pretty sure low priority pool for 2ks offer the same challenge as 2k ranked


                        If you're in a 5-stack its about the same

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          yea my bad i meant solo


                            The funny part is that we can't carry these "Normal" games. It's like they took 10 random players with mmr between 0 and 4k and shuffled them to balance the average mmr.


                              Its the same with me, unranked matches i get very high/ high and in ranked i only get normal skill(i'm 3k)


                                wtf is this word


                                  I play far more unranked than I do ranked which has lead to the situation where on average my unranked games are better than my ranked ones as I have slowly got better.

                                  Von Darkmoor

                                    Ranked = more tryhard picks otherwise i dont notice any diffrence, perhaps when i have 5k i will start noticing things (4k atm).


                                      My friend queued unranked captains mode... got put into the normal skill bracket LOL; we accordingly crushed our opposition despite our awful picks.

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        Im high when i solo que and whe ique with my 3800 mmr friend we go to normal lol wtf?


                                          I have found the complete opposite, in ranked every single person instipicks a carry/mid. I get forced to support, then everyone plays like trash for the first few minutes and feeds (not complaining the other team feeds just as hard). Late game no one has any items and they just Yolo into each other, until one team wins.

                                          In unranked I feel like I am always the worst player on the team. you know that one guy who is always out of position, who misses last hits, and cant doge with a manta half the time.

                                          THICC BABY SHUM

                                   thats what happend here, but i supported bougt wards bought courier upgraded courier and because i counter picked i got enough gold to even get blink and aghs by winning teamfights, they had team fighting heroes so i picked es who punishes teamfights, plus specter ult ad enigma units more dmg for my ult. even made sure antimage got first kill. Supports are fun to play idk why ppl insta pick carry/ mid

                                            Welt aus Eis

                                              @Zenoth: not in South America. I have a friend with over 40 "in the bag" streak just from playing unranked MM with stack. It's pretty easy here.