General Discussion

General DiscussionValve muting system for Peruvians.

Valve muting system for Peruvians. in General Discussion

    I am currently muted. This is not because I went into a game thinking "Hey I want to cuss out anyone who isnt me". I did end up cussing out some people over voice but they didn't understand me because they were Peruvian. I played 4 games in a row with Peruvian team mates and only 1 game had another English speaking person. Forgive me for not being enthused by the fact that in voice and text chat I can't communicate at all with my team and then get flamed by them for who knows what. Now at first I did mute but it is impossible when 1. Your team has no idea what they are doing unless you tell them or in my case ping and 2. They are trying to sabotage you personally aka a pudge trying to hook me into rune spots. After I tell him to stop he reports me and I do the same to him for ability abuse. Apparently he won because I am muted and so far I haven't gotten that message that he was punished. So while I am having my games ruined because I can't even speak he gets to ruin more games by flaming and being peruvian.

    Gaben y u do dis
    <3 Valve so much

    Update: Playing a game with only Peruvians half of them dc'd because they ran out of money for the cyber cafe. Watch out Low priority here I come.


      if they cared they would have fixed it by now. They could implement a "only match me with teammates from my region" checkbox in an afternoon if they felt like it. They don't want to increase queue times

      Edit honestly i'd rather play with peruvians who i can't understand, than play with americans who give up at 3 minutes, but yea peruvians do give up quite a lot too

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        play captains mode, peruvians dont know what it is. lol. jk, just carry them and you will stop getting the. Also there is now server for them so yah.


          Man, call me lucky, but I haven't seen a game where there was a peruvian or a non english speaker in forever.


            Did that techies speak english whn we wereplaying? Or did he just not say a ward?


              I noticed that Peruvians/Whatever crappy hispanic players go to is USE. They lag too much in USW to even bother. Try matchmaking only in USW. I go there when I want to play to win.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                you around 3600 mmr right?


                  I don't think the techies said much, but magnus was def speaking english. Regardless I haven't run into many spanish/peruvian/asian speaking people. If they are, they most likely are quiet and keep to themselves. In reality, the only time people are speaking non english is when they are queued up with their friends.

                  THICC BABY SHUM

                    need to stack more, so far 100% winrate.


                      haha sure. not guaranteeing wins though !


                        You're just crying. You don't need any communication to play pubs, you can just mute your whole team if you want to or just ignore them while you listen to music. This is possible even in 5k mmr, you're in normal skill bracket so communication is even less important.


                          Yes I am like 3600 and play US west mainly. I see Peruvians pretty often. Honestly you just gotta accept them lol they're gonna be in your games. You can try to learn some spanish words.

                          Like vamos torre medio. I think it means push mid tower.

                          To above poster nice to see some guy jerking off over what bracket he plays in, I was worried we wouldn't have that in this thread

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                            @Ginseng You apparently didn't read the post don't comment

                            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                              Yeah i had some foregiener in my last match calling me stupid american he mad me cry.


                                Updaterino: So far haven't won a solo ranked. Sanity is on short supply, losing will to not be Peruvian. Sálvame Volvo
                                válvula Joder

                                King of Low Prio

                                  chat wheel