General Discussion

General DiscussionThat One Hero You Wish You Was Good With. (Spectre)

That One Hero You Wish You Was Good With. (Spectre) in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    Well being a noob means that sometimes i like to shake it up and pick a hero that i think i'll be good with instead of picking a hero out of your typical top 10.

    Spectre. I really like this hero but when fair is fair i'm just awful with her. I'm not ashamed to admit that watching me play as Spectre is borderline painful.. But i really like being her haha.

    Does anybody else have this problem that they like being a certain hero but they are just awful with them? Is Spectre a hard hero to learn or is it simply because i'm a noob that i can't play with her?

    P.s if anybody has played with Spectre and can offer me any tips or advice it would be greatly appreciated :) Thank you.


      Can you stop referring to yourself as noob in such a demeaning way. I find it revolting.

      Anyway, everyone has heroes they have trouble with simply because heroes have different playstyles. A 4k carry might play like a 3k support.

      :) Baby Bushkin :)

        You find it revolting... bit strong of a word don't you think


          Drow Ranger. Her attack animation and her turn rate is just too ugh for me.


            Because self belittling is just as bad as arrogant bastards who think they're better than they are.

            Regardless, lets not stray off topic.

            :) Baby Bushkin :)

              @Critalus I really enjoyed playing with her when i was in training on the limited heroes game mode. My only fault with Drow Ranger is she is boring as a hero i feel she can be too heavily relied on also, that's just in my experience anyway.

              @Humdinger the fact you called me revolting means you've already strayed from the topic. I'm not a good player and i don't pretend to be, i was asking for advice on a hero. Please don't comment on my forums since this is the second one that you have gone out of your way to offend me on.


                i dont play spectre much but i think apart from 1 dagger 1 desolate and perhaps 1 dispersion you should withhold skillpoints on the hero since neither are especially important during laning phase before support rotations

                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                  Well i'll give it one my try and see how it goes haha

                  [DFG] Whale King

                    Wish I were good at Puck

                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                      I went through a Puck phase haha think it's such a brilliantly designed hero, i think Pucks Ultimate is poo though haha some people like it but i'm not a fan


                        Used to play a lot of invoker but my winrate on that hero is just so low. lol. Lost most of my games as quas wex.

                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora
                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                            Oh god i can't stand Earth Spirit what the f**k is going on with that hero haha and Invoker is one that i've never warmed to as an amateur player he seems like one of those heroes that the team heavily rely on all the way through the match.


                              I wish I was better with Terrorblade.

                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                I had a go the other day with him.. his ultimate is ok but i think he's a bit of a pointless hero


                                  He's pretty strong. He can push towers really [really] fast and his right click dmg is really big in the early and late game.

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                    Terrorblade is OP......... JUST SAYING. Wish I was good with Invoker.

                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                      I will have to play with him in a proper game to see what i actually think. I played as Outworld Devourer earlier and that was just awful for me haha

                                      kanye went to uni

                                        "Because self belittling is just as bad as arrogant bastards who think they're better than they are."

                                        this is an extremely underrated comment

                                        on topic, i wish i was better at skywrath and ta

                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                          calling myself a noob isn't belittling to me at all, i don't understand what the big deal is.. you pretend you are not a noob they'll call it you once they find out you are one. Gotta just get over it people


                                            Well if i go fighting spectre i start with power-vanguard into diffusial or to yasha. If my team is giving me a lot of space and if i am free farming i go a radiance or a midas than phase and see what i can do from there. I give 3 of each a point than max e since if i max q i wont be able to throw that dagger more than once. So its useless imo. I use it to escape or chase on early stages but giving e point actually helps you run away from ganks or some survival from fights. If i feel extremely greedy and if we are crushing left and right midas phase into radiance and heart.


                                              terrorblade is pointless, and only his ultimate is okay. :o wat
                                              How can you have that conclusion about tb after playing 250 matches of dota, its not like you started yesterday.

                                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                @Dogamon that seems like a decent build, i've recently tried playing with tinker and failed twice so think i might have to go and try Spectre one more time with the tips you've given so thanks :)

                                                @Kord1g whats your point? i'm a noob so i give noob opinions, i don't have intellectual or well versed opinions about heroes or builds or stats or any of that so that's how i reach that conclusion


                                                  btw spectre is just the easiest hero, farm ur radiance, and press r when there is a teamfight, with dagger run around on hg/trees/whateva.
                                                  really easiest carry if you are able to last hit.


                                                    Telling yourself "hey I'm a noob its okay if I make mistakes" is a very detrimental way of thinking. It becomes an excuse. I'm not saying to lie to yourself and go "hey, I'm really pro!" but dude your name says "I'M A NOOB" and you call yourself a noob almost every other comment.

                                                    "whats your point? i'm a noob so i give noob opinions", an example of what I'm talking about. Theres nothing wrong with accepting that you're new or lesser skilled but theres also no need to repeatedly stress that to everyone and yourself.

                                                    Have a nice day.


                                                      If only I was good with meepo and earth spirit, they both just look like so much fun and the people who can play them stomp game after game.

                                                      @humdinger it is kind of annoying how much he calls him self a noob, but its probably just because every time he acts like he knows what he is doing some asshat like wave spends half an hour flaming him, even if he did know what he was doing. If you were less then 4k it would make sense.

                                                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                        I have no idea what that last comment means.. If you don't like my posts then don't read them or comment, my forums annoy you so don't go on them.





                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                              Cool picture :) i like the picture of baby tidehunter. It's so cute hahaha


                                                                @I'm A noob, its not that your posts annoy me, or that the topic as a bad one, just you don't need to tell every one that you are a noob at the beginning of every post.

                                                                We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                  Nyx and drow

                                                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                    Nyx was one for me too, i really enjoyed playing Nyx but i'm awful with him, i think i've won maybe 2 games with him so i'm with you on that one.

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      I'M A NOOB, so remember how you posted a thread (what should be hero that i play last before uninstalling dota 2?) You played jakiro, and what happen, still playing? looks like.

                                                                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                        and? so what

                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                          Bullshit thread just for random comments?

                                                                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                            Changed my mind, sure you'll get over it


                                                                              Probably SF or Puck, lol.

                                                                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                Gotta love Puck haha

                                                                                Flat is Justice!

                                                                                  i find it revolting that hum finds admitting to your weaknesses revolting, probably his own personal childhood trauma. rape.

                                                                                  Anyway, spectre has a terrible lane presence. Your main role is to find farm anyway and use your ulti to get assists till u get your first core item. Which is generally radiance/drums/diffusal. Depending on the situation.

                                                                                  The build most pros go is early points into dagger or desolate. Because both have been buffed and with a good lane partner and orb of poison, can actually kill solo heroes pretty easily

                                                                                  me, government hooker


                                                                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                      Seriously it's not a big deal maybe i was pushing the noob thing but people just need to chill out.. I won't say it anymore if it's such a big issue haha and thank you for the tips i haven't actually played with her since doing this blog haha i need to see if i should actually stick with this hero or not


                                                                                        i wish i was good with broken spirit so i can abuse my way to 6k


                                                                                          meepo :(

                                                                                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                            I wish i was good with Jakiro too i try so hard with him and even though we win i feel i'm not contributing. I watch professionals play on like JOINDOTA and Jakiro gets picked almost all the time and he seems to always contribute... To be fair i won my last Jakiro game so its a work in progress haha


                                                                                              Hope i can play Invoker :(

                                                                                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                                Invoker is one i struggle with. i think my only opinion speaking from an amateur view about invoker is the rest of the team seem to rely too heavy upon him which is why he doesn't appeal to me personally

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  I want to be good with templar assassin. She is so hard imo.

                                                                                                  Second would be morph. I'm not even going to try him but I've seen what good players can do with him and it's awesome.

                                                                                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                                    Templar Assassin i won't even try but i've only played one game with Morphling and even though we won i didn't particularly enjoy it, being an amateur player he's not that friendly to play with. I'd play with him again but i think it'd be the same all over again

                                                                                                    Pedro Pedro Pedro

                                                                                                      Tinker. Im not bad at him (for my mmr) but i really would love to play him like sing sing and ddz do.


                                                                                                        We would all like to be able to use heroes the way Pros do. Not gonna happen unless we devote ourselves to the game.

                                                                                                        I personally would like to be really good with Lion/Nyx/Beastmaster. I always do horrendously with those heroes. I probably try to play them with my own style, which leans heavily on right-clicks. I think I need a better keyboard layout :P