General Discussion

General DiscussionThe Right Way to Choose My Main?

The Right Way to Choose My Main? in General Discussion

    I found Dotabuff today looking for ways to better analysis my play and improve.

    I am MMR 2k and want to hit 3K. I need to find a hero for each role and stick to it.

    Is the best way to pick a main for a role to go by Win Rate and RDA?

    If so would mine be
    Range Support: WR, SS, Disruptor
    Non Ranged Support: Omniknight
    Nuker: Sand King, Zeus, Lich
    Non Ranged Carry: Blood, PA, Spectre
    Ranged Carry: Drow, OD


      You don't pick a main hero. You pick a hero pool, and that's more than 1-3 heroes per role.


        all of your picks are for noobs...


          At rank 2000, I am clearly pro ;)

          Errmm BTW you play some of those noob heroes *wink* *wink*

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            dont main anything

            get good at multiple heroes so that you've got good heroes for many situations, ranged and non ranged isn't majorly important besides not running 5 melees vs visage or something

            just keep playing the game and get more experience because 400 games is nothing


              At ur mmr imo u should train on more basic things imo


                play whats fun for you and if you play it well you shouldn't have a problem moving up until you get to 4k


                  LoL has main

                  dota does not.

                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    ^ Something like this.

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                        ^^ I really hate when my LoL friends say they're "maining" something... get gud pls...


                          Thanks everyone, this is my hero pool based on characters I like

                          Starting Hero Pool:
                          - WR(Favourite Support)
                          - SS(Need a disabler)
                          - Disruptor(Rare another support on team moment and there is no nuker)

                          - Undying

                          - Blood(Safe option)
                          - PL
                          - Mirana
                          - Drow(Safe Option)
                          - PA

                          BTW I have never seen League of Legend, my friends said it was a watered down version of Dota filled with more trolls so I didn't bothered; I said main because I used to play alot of fighters.


                            ok well

                            WR is a bad support, frankly a bad hero. dont play her. replace with lich and lion

                            Add wraith king and bristle back to your heroes. easy winners.

                            Sōu ka

                              just pick 1 hero you enjoy and stick with it if you can actually bear playing only 1 hero
                              it's like infinitely harder to improve when everything changes every game
                              if you don't want to fuck your team pick your hero first/fast
                              wouldn't pay too much attention to roles as there's not much point in supporting at 2k mmr
                              still there's benefit in not pissing of your teammates


                                Concede that is a matter of personal taste.

                                I love WR because she is flexible and 90% of the time I am a solo support. She doesn't need items other than maybe force staff to stay alive and effective in that role.

                                I prefer undying if I play a tank. Don't enjoy lich, ulti is great and everything but he seems lacking without it.
                                Lion is nice, but I never really grew on me.


                                  Sou ka, actually you would be surprised. Many 2K players know the basics very well and get very anal when there isn't a proper team balance.

                                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                    WR isn't the safest of lane supports. You'd be better with someone with reliable disables.


                                      Melody-San, thing is I would be solo supporting so shackle shot ain't bad. Who would you suggest?

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        Add me if u want and we can play together


                                          ok so of your hero pool I would really stay away from drow and lina if I was you. look at your own win rates and you will be able to tell who you are good with. keep in mind that this doesn't say much for heroes you don't have many games with. right now it looks like you should be picking Shadow shaman and wind runner a lot if you want to get a higher rank.

                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                              There is no clear answer or hero to main. For example I am a support player but I do enjoy playing a myriad of other heroes some of which are carries and some junglers, offlanes etc. All of your top heroes suck ass, and this is not an affront to you but you're going with heroes that are either too simplistic and others that require a decent degree of positional sense and execution.

                                              There is no hero to main but you may prefer playing some heroes to others. Don't listen to action slacks nonsense as while he makes some good points he is working under the assumption that you're actually a good player which if you're 2k, you're clearly not, or something is clearly lacking.

                                              You constantly lack mobility on your supports and escapes on your cores should you need them. Lets look at your item choices for 6.81b where your top item is soul ring aboutl with varying types of boots and Mekanism. Looking through your games your getting Euls as well without a follow on, for example, you use the euls in combination with a blink or force to dodge stuff but you seem to just be using the Euls as a solo escape mechanism and if you think about it, you euls, then what? You're just giving the enemy time to line their stuns and whatever else on you.


                                              Now take mine for example where the top 10-15 include blink, forcestaff, mekanism, drums, travels etc. These are all things that keep me mobile when playing any hero regardless of the role. You have to consider that Euls is not a positioning item and is used to disable enemies taking them out of the fight or out of position or to hold them still, and your using it as an escape? Do you see the irony in that?


                                     bored of ranting but might add some more later. If you're going to solo support prepare to get dicked so buy items and pick a hero you will still be useful with.

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                                                  @Mekarazium Didn't I use to coach you a couple times when dotaroot was around? Seems like you're doing pretty jazzy for yourself now.

                                                  EDIT: Yeah it is you :) hows life?

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                    mek takes priority over force. i can see several games where you have force but no mek on windrunner but your team doesn't have a mekansm.

                                                    as a support you'll need arcanes over phase because her spells are spammable and expensive and her intelligence gain is on the lower side for int heroes, plus mek's mana cost is now 225 so arcanes basically cancels that out.

                                                    > Concede that is a matter of personal taste.

                                                    not really. witch doctor for example would be considered a better support because maledict and death ward do much more damage than focus fire + power shot and neither require items compared to focus fire which does.

                                                    for survivability WD has a heal which is more team orientated than windrun is. therefore is objectively 'better' as a support because he helps the team

                                                    and for disables, cask is much more reliable, even just the initial hit will stun longer than a shackle that doesn't latch, while the spell also has a high reward like a max shackleshot if you catch 2 heroes together.

                                                    > Don't enjoy lich, ulti is great and everything but he seems lacking without it.

                                                    look up pyrion flax's guide to lich if that wont convince you idk what will. he's really easy and it's really hard for noobs to deal with his constant nuke spam in the early game

                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                        mek takes priority over force - That's really hero and game dependent but as a general build pattern try and get the mekanism before other things as the team will benefit from the heal which has greater impact early game (low HD at that point and HP means greater % heals)

                                                        Welt aus Eis

                                                          stop the fallacies, he can obviously main a hero if he wants to and many players have proven this is actually pretty effective to climb MMR
                                                          anyway, just choose whatever you want, at your rating you just need to play decently in order to stomp all games


                                                            There's a difference between climbing mmr and getting better >.>


                                                              You can only get better through worship of the almighty Random Button.
                                                              The Random is all-knowing and absolute.

                                                              Or you can just Beastmaster until the cows come home.

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                Havoc Badger your comment is accurate for 6.81b however it entirely playing Omniknight. WR and SS games probably reflect my playstyle better.

                                                                Androgynous, even in solo support games? WD and Lich seems a bit slow for solo warding.

                                                                Just watched pyrion flax's video, he just loves the ulti by the look of it.

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  lich is fast because he has 315 starting speed and tranquils. plus tranquils combined with mana from sacrifice sorts out your regen issues for relatively low gold, good for piss-poor ward bitches.

                                                                  witch doctor has 305 speed which is faster than windrunner who will move at 372 average if she has phase boots, but that means she doesn't have arcanes which is selfish. not something you want on a support hero.

                                                                  a good support player will still be able to move around the map and use their time more efficiently as a cm than a bad player on skywrath for example. slow hero movement is not the reason why you're at the skill that you are right now.

                                                                  pflaxs guide to lich is more comedy than actual advice. im just trying to convince you to play lich who gets stronger the lower your mmr. q does strong single target damage and although expensive in mana you have sacrifice. that makes it incredibly easy to zone out the noobs who go boots + tango. chain frost punishes idiots who clump (like when the enemy 5 mans mid for a t1 tower) while his entire skill set is incredibly easy to utilise for even the worst players of the game.

                                                                  sacrifice does several things:
                                                                  * reduce the already-low farm of the enemy carry who can't last hit for shit.
                                                                  * increase you and your lane partner's xp giving you a level advantage over your opponents
                                                                  * control the creep equilibrium because your lane partner will no doubt be auto attacking
                                                                  * and lastly, give you constant mana to spam your q.

                                                                  most importantly, with NO SKILL INVOLVED.
                                                                  heroes with low skill floors are always the ones new or bad players should be playing, because they can still have a very high impact even though they'd normally lack the ability to do so. even if you eventually get better, easy to play heroes are still good, because if they can make idiots win games, imagine what happens when they're in the hands of someone who actually knows how to play the hero

                                                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                                                    Even if Windrunner is a shitty trash hero, it still works for him to win and he actually has decent stats with her as well. I don't think she is a good solo support either, since she actually needs some levels and shackleshot won't always help in lane unless you're very good at positoning (maybe try her more in solo lanes?). Statwise she looks like one of your best heroes though, so I think you should focus on her (and shadow shaman) more if you want to win. And try to avoid drow and lina, since they seem to be dragging you down a lot. You still don't have a lot of games with everyone, so you should try more heroes to see who you can do better with though (for carry probably Spectre, since you have a few decent games with her and she is really strong this patch)

                                                                    Also arcane boots should be core on almost any support since your team needs mana. If you look at boot winrates for a lot of heroes you will see arcane boots has more than phase/treads/tranq. Which is not always because of the hero having mana issues, but it helps your team way more (the little mana burst after a fight is nice for pushing or starting another fight too) Even Lich has +4% better winrate with arcane boots than tranquils. When playing support it is important to not be selfish. You spend your gold for your team, not yourself. Don't get soul ring over arcane boots and throw your gold away on wards/utility items.

                                                                    Lich is probably the best solo support in the game. He has no mana issues (no need for mana items), high armour from w, good movement speed and he doesn't get as much behind in xp either because of sacrifice. And unlike most supports in dota he can actually spam his nuke in lane being a huge lane bully. Only thing he lacks is a hard disable, which is fine because of his high damage ultimate and 350 damage spammable slow nuke. I don't think there's any hero less item dependent than Lich.

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      You have both convinced me, I will add lich and WD.

                                                                      I realised why you call her shitty trash hero in my last game with her, I was focused to be more passive mid game due to low damage and low health.

                                                                      New Hero Pool:
                                                                      1. SS(Need a disabler)
                                                                      2. Lich
                                                                      3. WD
                                                                      4. WR(Favourite Support)

                                                                      1. Undying

                                                                      1. OD
                                                                      2. Blood(Safe option)
                                                                      3. PA
                                                                      4. PL

                                                                        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                          why do you have aquila on her smh

                                                                          that's early game gold wasted, and gold is an incredibly hard to acquire resource on supports that you cannot waste any of it especially on building suboptimal items

                                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                                            get a jungler as well, where i'm at there are very few times when people fuck with junglers so you can just get away with it. learn how to lvl 4 ursa solo rosh (it's not very hard, moonmeander made a video of it i think if you wanted to look it up); get rosh then double kill bot, etc. it's been easy dire wins for me with that hero and you can even buy wards and shit if your team doesnt because all you really need is a blink.


                                                                              tank is not a role either. games are definitely winnable with 5 non strength heroes

                                                                              undying is a tanky offlane hero but that doesn't mean all offlane heroes are tanky


                                                                                Was following a half finished build, comment still stands either way.

                                                                                According to the wiki it is an official role.

                                                                                I hate jungling because it is rare that anyone other than me buys wards.

                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                  you dont need wards, ive been screwed in the jungle by opponents like three times in the last four months or something and i play junglers fairly regularly at ~3.7k games. i assume they're less bothered where you are. if you're afraid of getting ganked just look at the minimap, you don't really need to concentrate on hitting neutral creeps unless you're trying some super tryhard aui stuff which you don't need

                                                                                  kanye went to uni

                                                                                    correction: sometimes they do gank but it's really obvious so you just back and they lose interest fast because they're losing xp; in that situation your team come out ahead because then your safe lane is uncontested and their offlaner isnt getting xp

                                                                                      Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                        ^This. At 2k, I highly doubt people use the vision. Pretty sure they yell at you for no wards even though the person was "ganked" by a hero in their own lane that returned.

                                                                                        SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                          It sucks to know you all think WR is a garbage hero :( Q_Q

                                                                                            Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                                                              @Dipshit @xd Get off your high horse, 2K is not the autoattacking noob fest that you think it is. I would say 60% have knowledge of basics, 10% know some advanced techniques.


                                                                                                just play pa mid ezpz


                                                                                                  Yes it is. I have 2k friends of friends(lowest being 2.7k, so making my judgements based off the higher end! 2k flat must be abysmal!). I see what they do. I hear what they say. You may have knowledge of the game, and how it's meant to be done(sort of), but you sure don't apply it.

                                                                                                  EDIT: Key phrase: Apply Knowledge.

                                                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                                    @Dipshit It is just ignorant to use a small selection as a way of stigmatising the group. The problem is execution and consistent play. In 2K it is rare people stay with the same hero.

                                                                                                    Frustration and trolling is also a lot higher which does not help teamwork.

                                                                                                    SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                                                      Dipshit kun~ What rank are you in? :D


                                                                                                        Small selection? You realize that every time I'm forced(oh you better believe I go kicking and screaming into those parties) to play with these people, we get pubs right? Pubs that are a little above their rating, as mine is higher than theirs. And since I play the majority of my games in a party can believe I've been paired with a large amount of low 3k, much less high 2k, where these problems persist. It's that caliber of player where you don't miss a skillshot because you mispredicted(eh kinda), or because they actively dodged it, it's because they just move that weird(randomly stopping as they look at the shop/guide or whatever).

                                                                                                        As for you just above me, have you read my name? What insult you gonna come up with for me? Some way to discredit me about 2k play because I'm not 7k? /spikedcarapace