General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to stop getting "very high skill" games?

How to stop getting "very high skill" games? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    I noticed that I've been getting these type of games, but I only want ez games.. game too hard in very high skill..

    g w s

      lose more? zzzzzzz


        Go play ranked games, I noticed from your profile you are only getting "high skill" games in ranked games.

        kanye went to uni

          stack with lower mmr teammates


            no idea if at high number of games its all -25 hidden, but u can try queueing least played and afking there since u will be losing against noobs.
            i dont think limited hero pool affects hidden mmr


              Well, you do have bad intentions after all.


                i play with my 2.5k friend and get high


                  It's always random

                  last game I got 3 tbds and it wasn't "very high"



                    But not for dotabuff

                    I though we talking about it on db forum


                      what do u mean it just doesnt show doesnt mean its not vh


                        Hm, so it's issue of dotabuff because some matches is marked as very high

                        dotamax and dotabuff should have same logs of dota 2 API I think


                          Buy low-mmr acc=enjoy free wins.