General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't know what to pick when everyone waits til < 20 seconds to go

I don't know what to pick when everyone waits til < 20 seconds to go in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Maybe this happens in all the brackets but in 3k the most annoying shit ever is everyone waiting until the very last second to pick. Well over half the time they don't even shadow their picks. Occasionally someone shadows mid or types "I'll mid" but even then they make their choice last second to "counter" the other team. Well you know what you fuckers? This makes playing support damn near impossible cus I never know, do we need an offlane? Do we need a spectre babysitter? Do we need something that syncs with a faceless void ult?

    It also makes playing carry a pain in the ass cus you pick a carry who has zero disables like necro or sniper or whatever only to see rest of team all pick the same shit and no we have no stuns and all die every team fight.

    So what do you do? Insta pick your choice hero and say eff all to both teams? Pick heroes that fit any lineup (invoker, tide for example) or have specific roles so it doesn't matter what picks are (woods tb, tinker, TA mid)?

    I find myself staring at the picks screen, frozen and contemplating how much I hate dota.


      Pick whatever lol.

      If your goal is to improve in the longrun, then being able to win in 3k despite having a bad lineup is essential. Trains your crisis management and thinking skills as well.

      e.g. "my team has no teamfight therefore we should smoke pickoffs or split push"


        pick viper or something. That can go on any lane and do stuff or just high win-rate heroes like necro, WK omni.


          doesnt matter what you pick, people at 3k can't really counter you
          even if they do counterpick, they will not be able to execute it in order to effectively counter you

          i usually insta pick my shit and who cares

          but if you really fear you'll get outpicked, pick some shit like DP, Razor, Centaur, they are great during all stages of the game, dont need much farm to be effective, are good at everything (except Centaur doesn't do massive tower dmg), can be played in different laning set ups. mirana works too, you can go mid, carry, offlane, support, literally everything.

          if you want to "1v9", pick slark, tinker, void, meepo.

          but there are safe picks in every bracket, but imo here's the picks that will work well doesnt matter the line up

          earthshaker, skywrath, tinker, razor, dp, centaur, void, slark, doom, witch doctor (really strong supp atm), TA, venge, wraith king

          pick any of these and you'll have great impact in all stages of the game

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          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

            dont pick meepo if they didnt pick, cause u will see allways a sandking earthcyka or witchdoctor

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              if u are not going to pick meepo, pick whatever


                Once you go meepo, you never go back.

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                  i usually have a hero in mind that i would like to play and i would pick it 2 seconds before the time.

                  i do this cause, if i see all carry in my team i would go support the last second. its really hard to play in a team that needs a support.
                  lately, this works for me cause i have been playing support more often than not and most of the time i tend to also be the initiator.
                  why a support initiator? one simple reason, carries in the SEA region are all cowards and they do not know how to start and look for a fight.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I'm not so worried about getting counter picked by other team as much as being in a terrible position cus of my team. Like I pick a carry who needs farm and everyone else picks a carry and I'm stuck fighting for last hits in a lane. Or I pick necro and my team picks all carries making me support. Or the more rare but still possible I pick tide and rest of team picks all support/mid heros and we don't have enough carry. It has happened, you'll get like bristle and lina as your impromptu carries and it usually doesn't end well.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      Pick heroes who can fill any positon. Like Zeus, Skeleton King, Centaur, Kunkka, Mirana, Warlock and Slardar.
                      Or you could always ask everyone to put their heads on the map for where they wanna lane.

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