General Discussion

General DiscussionMoonmeander :(

Moonmeander :( in General Discussion
I'm 14k mmr let me mid

    What happened to moon? why the hell he was 8cs in 6 min?
    He's the best pub player, and when he plays with the team he's like ......

    All my rares on you moon....
    You failed me so hard :......(


      who cares lol

        Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

          who is moonmeander?


            Pubstar. He's also a complete asshole.

            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

              the best pub player

              Rusty Ken (retiring)

                Egotistical useless fella

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                  MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                    except that apparently you were ruining his game


                      best pub player? are you fucking retqaarded?

                      Low Expectations

                        Anyone knows where I can find the VOD for EG vs Complexity?

                        I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                          He is the best, i saw some of your games benao and he can own you easy.
                          He have more skills than any1 in dota.

                          King of Low Prio

                            X6 thread

                            King of Low Prio


                              you have issues kid

                              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                You have diseasses


                                  first of all this last month i have been playing to lose
                                  and second! moonmeander is fucking awful


                                    I'm rooting for complexity just because of the hon/na scene to do well, but moon is a toxic figure for the community.

                                    How has coL been doing so far? All I've seen is a win vs some no name and a loss where they were ahead vs SNA.

                                    I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                      Moon is the best!
                                      He doesn't rage usually, idk why u say he's a toxic figure, eternal envy rage every game and he is a fucktard that only can win moon in farm.

                                      Moon skills>any other person in da world.
                                      I'm talking seriously, what i see in moon streams is better than any other proplayer, i just see him lose the mid lane viper vs clock.
                                      And he have 3 acc in 6,5k idk why, mb cause he have skills, and as he said 5k is piz izi for him.

                                      I want to see benao geting rekt by moon.


                                        Benao is 2k mmr compared to Moon though, however Moon is an intelligent person, whilst Benao is stupid as heck. 20+years old, sitting on forum talking bullshit about other players with his awful uneducated english skills.

                                        I'm 14k mmr let me mid



                                            w33 is the best pub player out there.

                                              Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                                                w33 is also trash and made sure to ruin 2 of his games and knock him out on the third fuck that piece of shit garbage thinking he's somewhat decent motherfu cker


                                                  i think i broke benao rofl look at ur recent games dude wtf


                                                    w33 is trash? ok


                                                      loller are you retarded? my loss % was around 90% for a whole month before the 1v1 against you

                                                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                        I played with w33 and he couldn't win my game with a feeder like me, so he is a bit trash.


                                                          F*** moonmeander i got banned from his chat for no f***ing reason at all. Pieces of sh1t mods

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            he's the guy that made the video, ''I"M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH" right?


                                                              arteezy couldnt win a game with hael (not even intentional feeding), so i guess he is trash aswell

                                                              I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                i wasnt intentional feed, my morph just sucks ass


                                                                  yea so hael wasn't intentional feeding too, and rtz couldn't carry him

                                                                  it happens to every pro player out there, it happens to pub stars (dragonfist, w33), literally anyone

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    Nice dual lane losing the tower at 5 minutes to solo offlane Dire Jakiro.


                                                                      guys srsly listen to me... that w33 is genuinely bad. i'm totally serious. he farms well but thats just your avg 5k farm and even then i'd say the lower 5k side. not only that but he has a terrible map awareness and just plays @black type dotastyle aka farm until you can win the game but differs in that he goes structures instead of fights (obviously cause its pub). i'm all up for the style where you dont tp and kill etc to your towers when they dive EVEN but this guy is a fucktard he wont even do it when the enemies are at 100 hp and been fighting there for an eternity. he could win games 20 min sooner but he refuses and makes shit more hard cause he isnt even good, he just trades teams income and exp defisit with his and even then relies too much on teammates when its time to finish it! thats why he's only good at meepo cause meepo just doesnt give a fuck and people at that mmr are just retarded at dealing with meepo! aka ignoring whoever can kill him and dying 1 after another in succession to then lose terribly late in the game to a fucking meepo fullpwoer shit with a clear deficit in exp and item progression. i'd compare him to a gay player much like RTZ BUT lacking the godly farming skills that guy has, vision in teamfight and map overall + mechanics, in other words just a trash fucking shit player just taking advantage of single hero advantages and basic skills all while taking no chances when dota, to be good is to play GREEDISGOODSTYLE cause thats where skill shows and you play on tiny margins to finish the game faster. so yeah with all that said an rtz wannabe noob piece of shit with blackstyle type of farming and gay shit style like asians had at ti4 built...


                                                                        ...around hero picks. srsly that guy has nothing that makes him shine (at least piece of shit black can farm perfectly -->and still lose the game hahaha)

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          Tl;dr please.


                                                                            Apparently, he ignores teammates and enemies and just farms and destroys buildings.


                                                                              Benao, could you please: Instead of talking bullshit about W33 which everyone knows isn't true (bad mapawareness, blablabla, u for real?), tell us about how good you are?

                                                                              Benao's TL;DR:

                                                                              W33 is horrible, no mapawareness and nothing with him that's special thus making him a bad player. He never play with team and just think about himself farming for the lategame. I'm far superiour to this piece of can that I actually look up to, but whatever I'm an uneducated retard that can't spell "Hello" correctly.

                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                the guy is 7.5k and people at that mmr doesnt know how to deal with meepo.. so, WHO DOES?

                                                                                he is only good with meepo?
                                                                                62% winrate with mirana, and timber
                                                                                60% winrate with slark
                                                                                71% winrate with ES
                                                                                56% winrate with pudge lol

                                                                                he is not even the kind of guy who stays farming all game, he is very active around the map and from his kill participations you can verify that


                                                                                  he has a 5.4k smurf where he gets like 4 KDA with fucking techies
                                                                                  but yea he farms all day



                                                                                    from his picks you see how much he farms and ignores teammates (always high kill participation)


                                                                                      ^Benao = :facepalm:



                                                                                        won as jakiro with 180 LH in 42 mins, such farm
                                                                                        highest HD in the game
                                                                                        31 kill participations out of 38

                                                                                        suck afk farmer


                                                                                          seriously the definition you gave was much dragonfist like than w33

                                                                                          but i got you, he couldn't carry the game where you were intentional feeding so he has bad awareness and mechanics and farms all day long




                                                                                              w33 has a team


                                                                                                are you all mocking and trolling me ir fucking serious?
                                                                                                just from his first side you can see everything i said stands

                                                                                                and i dont have dota+ anymore so i cant rly point out the matches... besides he used his smurf the last time too...prob because i got him reported (checked his stream and we trashed each other so it was indeed his smurf....timed my searching game with him and got him hohoho--this abck when i was 5.3k though i wouldnt get matched with him now)

                                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                                  w33, moon, rtz < Benao

                                                                                                  Thats why u are in 8k


                                                                                                    last game, his team killed 8 times, he was participating in 7
                                                                                                    such farmer he just goes straight for buildings thats why he picks skywrath


                                                                                                      sky is the most op hero of the game atm! you can go carry sky and still win! its like playing 6v5 until min 15 and thats only if he doesnt roll over you. do i need to explain everything or can you srsly not figure it out? i'll make it simple! tomorrow ill play dota on the evening and if you want ill be available to watch his games with dotatv while in party and ill explain every little shit...i suppose you wont be satisfied with 1 so i can go for 3 straight games