General Discussion

General Discussionlp games => ruined calib?

lp games => ruined calib? in General Discussion

    i just abandoned 2 cm games and got 5 lp games. does this mean i cant hope for calib higher than 2k now?
    before flaming, i got matched with 4 other russians in a team in both games. im not going to play that shit. me and 4 russians vs some other 4 team. are you kidding me?


      u can expect to get within the range you had before smurfing, dummy.

      Primordial Soup

        "Before flaming"

        You abandoned two games, You blamed your team mates and you're 2-3k.

        You'll be lucky if Wave doesn't comment on this thread.


          actually, im close to 4k. and ofc im blaming my team. i wont waste time with 4 russians talking russian, playing russian style
          oh, and i abandoned before picks started. not mid game

          Ten komentarz był edytowany

            Learn how to fuckin adapt.
            I have played this game for tons of centuries now, and for me the most fun games has either been in 5stacks or playing soloq with russians.

            You lose some games, and you win some games. THATS FCUKIN HOW IT WORKS

            The russian player base is so fuckni large, thus they outshine other people in retardness, but I've met far more retarded Swedes, Norwegians and Britains.

            You're a retarded autis7, nuff said. Go get help.

            But the way, I healed this skinny havocvictim, I may be able to help you aswell.
            Add me and we can take a voicechat. :laugh:


              how do 2 games matter lol if u abandon twice i guess it just counts as 2 losses doesnt mean anything.
              you shouldnt be overly concerned about how you do in pre calibration games anyway.


                Relax you're only high skill


                  u are close to 4k = high skill
                  your smurf is high skill
                  pls stay there u trash and dont think about buying an account


                    actually, i made this acc to sell to a high school m8, but this is not the point of the thread. i just asked if lp games will nerf my calib. but its ok, i understand youre retarded.


                      yes having lp games = low rating


                        Tell him to use the money towards taking a girl out on a nice evening and then just making a 3k MMR new account for himself


                          lol havoc, who wants to be with girls?


                            being with girls is gay dota is good


                              I bet you kiss girls, fgt


                                arka pls whos this ugly ass guy in your picture

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                  Me (southamerica) and a russian 4 stack stomping on an american 5 man stack.

                                  Sorry, but you just have brain damage, that's all.