General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to start your calibration games

When to start your calibration games in General Discussion

    Hi guys, im nearlly lvl 13, but idk if i should start my calibration games, my goal with this smurf account was trying to reach 4kmmr but in some of my last games they have put me in high games so im a little bit afraid, but the majority of games i played were very high:
    -Very High Match (82.93%)Match: 68 Win Rate: 57.35% KDA: 3.3
    -High Match (15.85%)Match: 13 Win Rate: 53.85% KDA: 4.1

    Any tips?

    Primordial Soup

      And the point of this smurf is?


        i think its quite clear


          whats the issue does it matter if u play the calibration now or 1 week later


            if i should play more games until i dont see high skill games for a long while trying to improve more the unranked mmr or start as soon i get 13

            Primordial Soup

              Why not just learn from your real account.


                high skill games are around 3400-3800 mmr more or less i think

                Primordial Soup

                  High-skill games are 3400-3700


                    in my real account i would have to do the long way up i have low mmr(2700 solo 3200party) there cause when i started my calibration games i was still learning and played for few months


                      No, you didm´t land at 2700 because you were still "learning".

                      You landed at 2700 because that´s where you belong.

                      Instead of trying to inflate your mmr to something that isn´t even impressing, what´s the matter?
                      You´ll just drop down if you don´t belong there.

                      Nobody gets impressed by watching a 3900, 4100 or even 4500 player.

                      Very High starts at 3700, so you´re probable hanging between 3300 and 3800, which is respectively decent, however nothing someone with praise you for.

                      You should think about improving instead of increasing a number that will measure your skill-level, which won´t be stable with smurfing.


                        "if i should play more games until i dont see high skill games for a long while trying to improve more the unranked mmr or start as soon i get 13"

                        oh there is not point in trying to raise your hidden mmr to vh since calibration gives you max around 1k change.
                        anw ure doing well at vh so smurfing's successful i guess?!

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          and there it goes, i landed there when mmr started since then i nearly didnt played any solo ranked, in the range im now with this smurf im not getting carried or anything i play normally always mid and win it so no i dont think im over calibrated. Watch the dotabuff profile.


                            ty fanofenvy :D


                              i have made 4 accounts they all fell within 300mmr of each other u r wasting ur time the mmr system is fairly accurate imo get over urselves people u belong exactly where u r :D

                              Miku Plays

                                theres really no point for this thread... since you are smurf, it wouldve been better if a real newb asked this.

                                nevertheless just play the game


                                  i mean why are you using a sample size of 4


                                    well its way easier to learn from better people than stick playing vs 2.7k
                                    but it also ruins every other people game so i wouldnt recommend smurfing although I do it myself


                                      doesnt look like hes ruining anyone's games

                                      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                        Very high is +4k so i think you should do it when you do a very good game in very high
                                        High is 3.2-4k, so dont be scared u will have more mmr than your main.


                                          can u stop

                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                            do u play only 2 heros? lel

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            Miku Plays

                                              i only play 4 heroes but i only know 6


                                                no very high isnt 4k+ its 3,7k+ i boosted my friends account from 3k to 4k and very high exactly at 3,7k


                                                  lol dude, if you really deserve rating of 3.8k (presumably very high) you would have no trouble at all raising it from 2700.
                                                  are you for real, 1k range dude it's massive, if you can't win at 2700 doesnt mean youwil win ez at 3800, honestly bro.
                                                  ~3600-3900 people are extremely selfish, like 5 mids and stuff like that. at 2700 people can't last hit and even if you feed like 5 times in a row you can still win ez by farming efficiently.
                                                  dude really, you are not 2.7k because gaben cursed you and you do not belong 1k higher.
                                                  if you play this game for less than 1 year there is no reason for you to be anywhere near 4k mmr anyway.
                                                  and btw im no trying to be rude, i just dont like when people think they are sooooo much better than they actually are.
                                                  if you get 1k mmr higher you wont hold it anyway, you will drop ~500-600 pts and probably manage to learn a thing or 2.
                                                  you can say you get better in the process but you will also be a burden to your team which would be a lot more skilled than you.


                                                    the only difference is learning to play in a tri-lane properly, Oh yea and last hitting.
                                                    ps where is Sampson this thread is like his wet dream.

                                                    White boy. I played this game for a year 3 days ago, coming from cod 4 lmao and just hit 4k, it can be done!

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                      hes doing fine in vh u sound extremely salty

                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                        DD sama preach it boi.

                                                        DD speaks the truth. Work your way out of your bracket.


                                                          I have a friend(smurf) who got 4100 after calibrating, and fall to 3600 after not many games.
                                                          I really hate smurf, they usually give you higher rating, you will fall, eventually.


                                                            Probably you're a 3.7k TA player. Just spam TA on your main if you want higher mmr. But you'll lose plenty of games when playing other heroes. Good luck!


                                                              @White Boy Spirit

                                                              STOP that bullshit please.

                                                              There is LOW chance of getting out of 2700. You think it's solo game or something? 2700 is pretty average rating, there is a mix of LOWER/HIGHER skilled people. Even if you play really well, you will get team mates that will throw the game for you, so smurfing is the only way to find out if you belong to higher solo MMR.
                                                              Also stacks of 5 solve all issues, but not when you just wanna enjoy a solo game sometimes.

                                                              Miku Plays


                                                                If you cant climb out of it.. How can you improve? Also if you smurf a insta5k when u got calibrated somewhere in 3k do you think that will help you or your teammates? You will just be that teammate who throws the game.. Just saying

                                                                Carry me thanks.

                                                                  If you look at my profile , it's 4k mmr . So i think you shouldnt have any problem reaching 4k , maybe even more .

                                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                    Levi, are you serious dood??????
                                                                    i have been 2.7k i actually calibrated 2.5k and climbed out of it.
                                                                    you wanna know how? BY GETTING BETTER


                                                                      Offcourse you win mid always... You only play TA and viper mid. There is nothing wrong with that dont get me wrong, but these heroes are pretty much an istant lane win. Not really an indication of belonging in that mmr range when you only play 2 of the strongest 1v1 heroes.

                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                        lol wait until sampson sees this


                                                                          ta + viper = inflated mmr.. interesting..


                                                                            ty for the info guys :D, i know there are a lot of antismurf people its ok i respect it, i'm with levy that at 2700-3500 there is a mix between average high and new people, of course it can be climbed but the amount of time and the patience it takes makes some people just restart again and create a smurf. if i wanted to get calibrated 5k i would use zeus hero damage cheat but no i want to get a proper mmr were i fill more comfortable playing with, no trying to get the higher number.


                                                                              @White Boy Spirit

                                                                              yes that's exactly what I got when calibrated and that's when I was complete 0 at the game, my friend showed me the game and we just played for fun.
                                                                              So now, half year later, I take the games seriously and I have improved, but I'm still at 2800, how come?

                                                                              I'm not saying you can't climb out of it(like you), I did say it's LOW CHANCE.
                                                                              I'm saying it's a complete waste of time when you don't get people with the same mindset.

                                                                              @Hatsune Miku
                                                                              "If you cant climb out of it.. How can you improve?"
                                                                              if you think you can only improve by playing countless amount of hours with braindead people in the team...GG

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Everyone so salty lol

                                                                                Anyway OP the range of calibration is pretty big so i dont think you need to keep playing on unranked

                                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                                  theres smurf detection which kicks in after 2-3 games and puts you at an accurate mmr and then you have visible artificial numbers representing your skill level yet people still use the term smurf in dota 2

                                                                                  smurf is when you put me, a godlike player, on a shitty low rated account like 4.5k (since it's calibrated and you will be technically grinding upwards) and stomps every match


                                                                                    braindead people in team = braindead people in enemy team

                                                                                    If you're unable to exploit the enemy team moreso than they can exploit yours, then you clearly do not belong in a higher bracket. I really want to stress this, if you can't climb currently, then stop dreaming about smurfing your 'real' MMR. Cuz whats the point of being a '3100 player' who can't carry '2700 players'. You're literally undermining the value of your mmr.


                                                                                      @levi, look at it this way, i have 2k matches, and you have 700.
                                                                                      when i had 700 matches i didnt know spells, cooldowns, i used to build items from a guide in no particular order (like juggernaut last item battlefury), and i was generaly new to this game. i am sure if you actually play more, watch some replays of good playas, and focus on your gameplay ( rather than sayin you get retards 24/7 and you cant climb).
                                                                                      you do these simple things from now on and i guarantee you will be 4k mmr+ when you reach 2k matches.

                                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                        Low chance? rofl. I climbed from 2.2 to 3.2, all you have to do is learn to last hit (and maybe a little of positioning). You can carry the most clueless people. Getting 50 cs at 10 min mark is enough to stomp in 2k bracket, since most people will have less than 30 last hits by then.

                                                                                        I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                          in 2.2k the ppl have les than 50 lh in 20 min

                                                                                          I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                            abd they scream and shout and rage and say you noob if u steal a lasthit going with a support


                                                                                              positioning is not needed at all at 2k bracket

                                                                                              except for pudge, people don't really roam, people don't really combo their spells. if you have atleast 1 non retarded player in your team you should be winning atleast 60~70% of your games there


                                                                                                Not really. People is less serious about the game in lower mmr, that's why you find less ragers. The higher the rank the more toxic it gets, at least in my 1k climb experience.


                                                                                                  i have 4 accounts, 2 in 4.3k range and 1 5035 mmr, and this one who is sitting at 3.1k

                                                                                                  this is the less toxic by far

                                                                                                  I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                                    I can't beliebe u have a 5000 mmr acc
                                                                                                    Show it!


                                                                                                      I don't know why are we even arguing.
                                                                                                      There are people that need 2k matches to get better and there are people, like in couple of my games that got twice as my play time and the mistakes they make /facepalm.
                                                                                                      In this thread however we are talking about people that take game seriously and put time outside of the game(like myself) and asking specific question. Why the community need to be salty I don't know either.
                                                                                                      KUDOS to @Flender Skarluet
                                                                                                      calibration will tell where u belong, it's not smurfing idd


                                                                                                        sorry, it's EU thread here