General Discussion

General DiscussionThose poor Ponies

Those poor Ponies in General Discussion



      what the fk did i just watch


        Well good for you Sampson

        kanye went to uni

          do people like that actually exist

          King of Low Prio

            go to youtube and search bronies, and you will see them.....


              protip: When someone tells you to search for something in youtube or whatever, don't.

              kanye went to uni

                ^you didnt comment fast enough :/

                Jay Ashborne



                    As with all fan bases, there are minimal-extreme fans.

                    Quick maffs

                      In defense of those guys; some time ago i believed everyone who watched anime was like that, nowadays i see that some normal people watch anime too, its the same with little big pony.

                      If there is something that i cant understand is someone who watches anime laughing from people who watch ponies, in the end they are both cartoons.

                      bum farto


                          Haha, well done! Old stuff, though. I can show you some borderline NSFW stuff with similar thematic, if you want to.

                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                          King of Low Prio

                            I tried to understand these bronies, since I study people I will always try and study the oddball groups (otakus, cults etc) BUT these bronies are just the most fucked up people I have ever seen.....


                              About time videos like this get noticed.


                                By the way, one of the first results I've got by searching for "bronies" was this:

                                @Sampson, if bronies are the most fucked up people out of all "oddballs" in your opinion, I have some news for you:
                                1) You're not fit for "studying" people in terms of your very mentality;
                                2) You have no idea of what the real "fucked up" means.
                                However, if you're really interested in the subculture, I think you should start with watching documental films (there are plenty, I can give you some links, if you want me to) and not with "Bronies are the most horsefuckingcancer of the world", 'cause you'll not be able to understand the subculture by watching the last ones.

                                @Soul Eater
                                You are as slow as ever.

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                King of Low Prio

                                  I have watched alot of the bronies documentaries. These people are social outcasts to the level of extreme otakus. An average Bronie is pretty much on the same scale as a extreme otaku who you see trying to marry his pillow. The whole friendship is magic is a pretty common variant of most cult recruitment tactics who target people with extremely low self esteem.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    are there some bronies who can function as normal human beings, sure but those are the outliers.


                                      You certainly sound like you've not.
                                      I am an average Brony. I even have some pony toys. I am also an average otaku, and I have some anime figures. So keep your fantasies to the fields I have no awareness of, please.
                                      The very statement of these people being social outcasts is wrong, so you'll move nowhere in your "studying" with such way of thinking.

                                      And if you talking about cult recruitment tactic, it's not "friendship is magic" it's "join the herd", know the difference, researcher.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        I said I study people I never said I went and went deep into the pony fetish world. Anyway its the same cult terminology.

                                        Jay Ashborne



                                            Well, here's the thing - you want to actually study people - you have to go in that "pony fetish world". Otherwise it isn't studying, it's just piling up your conclusions based on prejudices, nothing more.
                                            For example Gabriella Coleman lived with hackers to study and understand them. This is, actually, pretty weird and sounds like studying some animal group, but for people like you, who differentiate people as "normal" and "odd" while putting them into different groups, I think, that's the only way.


                                              Brony trying to back talk an Anit Brony. Classic struggle.

                                              Anyway, stop defending yourself epsik. I cover Sampson's slack for I know about the pony fetish world.

                                              Croutch Tits,

                                              I know everything terrible about your fandom inside and out. Your motto is not "Friendship is magic." Bronies chant "Crush Kill Destroy Swag" at every con they've been in. You occupy 33% of all porn related images (Guesstimating that number, but it's damn close.) You tend to take over everything. (TF2, fine example.) And you guys are super senstivie if we bring up a subject.

                                              Care for me to explain more?


                                                I think, you've got me wrong. I have no desire to argue about bronies. I'm arguing about his way of studying, that's all.

                                                And, hell no - I will not defend myself, lol. I have enough ego to just laugh at all this non-relevant for a long time slowpoke stuff you can say to me.

                                                But I will gladly read something actually new, because for what I see now - you don't know a thing about a topic you're speaking. So, please, go on - explain more.

                                                Primordial Soup

                                                  I can't watch DotA porn without them 'Bronies' putting their horseshit on my videos... and pictures.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I can still be objective even if I find them the scum of the earth, I have done research on pedophiles and bronies are in a similar category.


                                                      I like you, you know it.

                                                      Try search less for a "Luna's ass", sorry. =(

                                                      You know, that's pretty much an opposite of "objective". FYI, there was a case of pedophile accuse for two pretty known bronies. What do you think was a reaction from the fandom? The usual one - the same despise you'll get everywhere.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      Primordial Soup

                                                        When I typed in 'Brony' on youtube and this was the first I vid Saw

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                          Well, this is... normal? I was expecting something weird.


                                                            ^ oh my god poor father


                                                              "Are you sitting down right now" - I lol'd xD

                                                              By the way, little bit of truth - I had worse situation, explaining my dad I watch anime. It was especially tough, 'cause I had that period of "anime is not cartoons!"

                                                              But I'm totally on the father's side with the fucking clopping. It's not natural. "Everypony does it". Kill me now. xD

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                              Jay Ashborne

                                                                Haha... Damnitt...

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  I bet epsik does that clopping shit


                                                                    No need to defend yourself, because you are doing this like 1vs9 right now.

                                                                    And sorry, enjoying myself with some gameplay

                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                      Sampson, tell me how much did you bet, so I know how much did I win.

                                                                      @Soul Eater

                                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        I dont make bets with deviants


                                                                          You've been saying otherwise just moments ago.

                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            What i don't understand is how men can like this. I mean yeah women it's ok maybe... But men wtf?

                                                                            Friendship is magic? Love is magic? what the fricking frick. The show is for little girls. Imagine a grown ass man talking about magical frienships. Makes me wanna punch babies.

                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              I was making bets with the normal people not the deviants.


                                                                                You know, if some of you REALLY want to understand why could grown up man like MLP - feel free to ask me directly (in Steam for example), I like this kind of talk and I can explain it all to you without getting into "watch the motherfucking ponies".
                                                                                That's the reason I'm so active in such treads - I like to talk about ponies. These threads will die without me throwing food.

                                                                                Related to unrelated:

                                                                                Which is who? For example, in my opinion (even throwing away ponies and stuff), there are only few people on this forum who fit the description of being "normal", and you're not one of them.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                  Being normal is boring and gay.

                                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                                    no sampson is just a truthfull asshole. Im also like that irl so i understand. Just because i'm polite on the forums doesnt mean that I'm not caustic irl

                                                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                      Jesus christ, this 1 asshole brony is still defending.

                                                                                      Also ponies memes. I with meldoy on this one, cancer.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        sorry the same reason I wont add wave on steam is the same reason I wont add other deviants. If you want to explain why a grown man likes to drawn pictures of him having sex with horses is normal be my guest.

                                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                                          bandwagon hate brony incoming lol

                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            its not really a bandwagon, i hate pedophiles and rapists does that mean I am on a bandwagon? no, and bronies are basically both of those combined.


                                                                                              Moved on the second page for the great hate!

                                                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany