General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit player needing help

Earth Spirit player needing help in General Discussion

    Hi everyone. So i;ve been practising earth spirit mid and have a 38-0 record in the solo 1v1 que after hours of practice. Despite this when i go into a game, I find it hard to win in ranked even if I snowball extremely hard. There have even been games where I go 22-1 and still lose with most hero damage. I gank constantly in lanes that feed. Is it naturally hard to get out of 3k mmr cause everyone seems to suck ridiculously hard. Every game I win I have the strongest results (can prove this by dotamax) and every game I lose I still perform well and it is usually cause a teammate consistently fed or lacked communication.

    SO I have to ask what is a good way to carry as Earth Spirit, as I think this is the only solution. My regular build is rod of atos, bottle, heavens (situational depending on opposing carry), shivas (situationally) and always heart in late game.

    I use 2 combos in with earth spirit. Kick, pull then roll and roll, pull and kick. My earth spirit is pretty decent and reaction time is quick however I sometimes think a good earth spirit does not always win games


      I don't think you can "carry" with es, your best bet is to create a lot of space and thus allowing your cores to farm.
      I had 30% winrate with es but now that i practiced, i got it over 50, and i will tell you that i win most of my solo games with him.
      You have to do all the dirty work and allow your cores to farm, this is the only way this hero is played in lower brackets.
      In higher brackets early game won = game won most of the times, and you can see 20 min gg and below 30 most of the times.
      But if you really want to try to carry, i would maybe suggest phase boots>desolator and if you snowball early game you should be able to right click pretty hard and push early, although if it goes late you will fall off.

      watch this guy
      he rarely goes mid, mostly support or solo.
      i try to do the same, but to be honest if i go mid i win it most of the time, but i guess mid is better for a strong core like razor or sky or ta rather than es.

      i hope i helped a little with this wall of text.

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        I think you're playing it wrong and your item choice is not really good. Watch jerax or some other good ES players and try to learn from them. In your bracket I would just go for dagon, eblade, necro and kill people whenever it's off cooldown and push towers with necro. I noticed that your games mostly go over 40min+ and I don't think ES is strong in late game, so that's why I would go for necro, just to end the game faster. You need to get something out of those kills, because it doesn't matter if you have 40 kills and 0 towers.


          Go support, that's my tip. There's a lot of better mid/carry/offlane than earth spirit.


            Sunrise thank you for your advice I can see your games here and my win rate also seen an increase however I did not play him when he was considered broken

            Last picking is 4 pussies

              Earth spirit was easier to have success on at launch but broke is something people will utter regardless as long as you can save teammates from death against them.

              Side note focus on offlane, initial support,only going carry in your eyes if it's available aka a stomp.

              Also what made earth most dangerous at launch was his roam which now you need levels big time early so roaming can be risky.

              I haven't watched your game yet but work on your early game yanking creeps to trees to help your lane. If I roam I even trap one of mids for them prior to warding.


                @Geomagnetic Pwnage.

                Lol, telling yourself that ES is weaker than it was previously is an excuse. In retrospect, the current ES although harder, is stronger than the old ES lol :/

                The remnant respawn timer is shorter and his skills NEVER got a nerf. They got swapped around. If anything, having the damage swapped over to the reliable geomagnetic grip was a huge buff. Shooting a stun that far can make big plays as well. Not to mention, with correct aiming, that shit is near undodgeable early game. Previously, your stun was limited to 1.25 seconds, now you have the privilege of a 5 second silence AND a long duration stun.

                I'm not good at ES but you being as a person aspiring to main ES, it makes no sense that if at the end of the day you don't perform to your expectations, you say "but he's not broken no more".

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Old ES with stun was way more broken/over effective you were guaranteed to to get kills wherever you roamed. Also the remnant respawn I believe is the same as his launch now.

                  Either way to me ES now just has a diff role than launch ES hence less mid and rune to gank and now he is offlane/support.

                  OP Problem from my vantage point is his goal of carry and building towards right click too option.


                    It is still possible to mid with him. I have 5.5k friend who climbed there and only plays ES mid.

                    And in the past, basically his skills were easier to use but did less. I think someone who wants to take his ES to the next level would appreciate the new skill cap. Its sort of driving a new, faster car and finding it harder to drift around turns than before, does that make the old car better? Hardly.

                    And ES rightclick has always been stupid. No steroid skills, low agi, melee.


                      Yes I play Es mid every game, if you look recent games, im at 3.3k mmr. and I never said es is still a great chracter I use combos differently however. I think the worst way to play him is pulling the stone before rolling, however I see many Earth Spirit players use this. I like kicking the stone then pulling it however I think it is better to roll while pulling then kicking it after you magnetise in case the damage is dealt to 2 heroes who share the magnetise. I think his geomagnetic grip still needs a nerf, the silence is aoe, lasts a long time and does an insane amount of damage which can even scale well later on.

                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        ES doesn't need a nerd he needs added to CM to get real pro practical use first.

                        Remember are his abilities really strong early game? Yes

                        Do they die out in longer games? Big time poof bkb's etc.

                        Also what hero has a worst buy back than ES? Buy back to save the game may have like 1 stone remnant or none.

                          Ten komentarz został usunięty przez moderatora

                            He is still overpowered


                              nsmon with the knowledge bombs
                              thats why u still see perma es pickers in 5k+ and #banearth tags, cos he is now even more broken :D:D


                                haha look my recent games. Its working! :D


                                  I'm guessing you use Atos for reliable stuns/rolls. Other than chasing of course.

                                  Might want to throw in an Urn, really useful for a hero like ES. Gives you PLENTY of sustain due to how much early killing you do. Works well for bonus damage with magnetize as well.


                                    I'll try that one next time I play him