General Discussion

General Discussion3.7 to 4.6 mid played

3.7 to 4.6 mid played in General Discussion

     My climb through elo hell..3.8 - 4.6k mmr mid plyr

    First off im a mid player and have been playing dota for 2 years. I pretty much started playing mid 50 games into my dota games. The purpose of this is to garner attention because i do want to start streaming and wonder if ppl are interested I play part time n work a full time job n extra revenue would be awesome. I also wanna share my thoughts to other mid players who are struggling to get past the 4k mark n consistantly move higher up. I got calibrated at 4.2 when mmr was first introduced..i kept playing how i normally played in nonranked i realize i couldnt keep up.

    I soon dropped from 4.2 to took me awhile to figure out it wasnt my peruvian teammates or the 5 core lineups that wasnt hurting my mmr altho that did screw me up time to time but i was playing heros that was catering to my own selfish wants..i would get dagon on puck instead of hex and bs on storm instead of orchid to help out the team..i felt like as long as my score was 14-4 i was doing my part. The problem playing these mid heros ( puck, qop, storm, zeus) at 3.8k - 4k tier will only let u maintain if not drop ur current mmr. Keep in mind they were still meta back in ti3. This is due to the fact games at this tier generally last longer than 40 mins. Because of this mid game heros generally fall off n become irelevant past 40mins and you have to generally rely on your less skilled carry to pull through which is normally a coinflip. 

    When you start hitting 4.3 - 4.6 tier. Games are generally decided in 20mins and ends at 30. So mid game heros and good laning heros are very impt. You want to pick heros that are good for this. Ta, ember, razor tinker and BREW (70% winrate) and keeping in mind current meta playstyle.

    i dont gank until i get my first core item (blink drums) unless im being ruined in lane or my dafelane is getting destroyed or i get the perfect rune OR the other team is diving towers which i can tp. This is because my hero pool is so strong mid game int teamfights and pushes. You want as much exp as possible a failed gank or a early death will put u behind n wont let u snowball. If ur playing pudge or a low tier skilled games 3.8 and below you can gank at 6 to All you want because of lack of wards and map awareness but in higher skilled games 3.9 n above its completely different as a mid player.

    I hope this gave struggling mid players abit of an insight on my climb. Im aiming for 5k and if there is enough interest ill start streaming. Ive even played on a 2.9k acc and took it to 3.7k in 2 weeks. Im always willing to coach or party up and am still looking for players to complete a solid regular 5man. Cheers!

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      i got calibrated at 3,1k or smth when ranked came out, and i also used to think its my team thats bringing me down. At some point i actually wanted to climb and started to look for advice and tips so i watched streams like waga's, merlini's etc and watched player perspective first page games of mid players from which i learned a lot and i realised its actually my fault that i am not climbing. I am currently sitting at 4,5k (my 56% ranked winrate proves this). I climbed that by mostly playing mid as well,however i played invoker mostly from 3,2k to 4,2k, and now im trying to reach 5k by playing ta just like you.

      Anyways gl with climbing/streaming and may our paths come across at 5k.

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        im climbing from 2600 to i dont know where yet because im still winning 80% of my games

        last two weeks i have 10 kda on tinker, 6 games 6 wins ez life


          Finally a reasonable post on this forum.


            @Sleave: 66% is a lot lower than 90% 80% though.
            Fixed typo.

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              This Month
              28 71.43%

              there are 2 abandons due to poor conection where i was winning and 4 games messing up with a friend
              im gonna check all solo matches:

              25 solo matches
              19 wins, 6 losses, which only 4 were actual matches (2 with TA, 1 with Slark, 1 with Furion), other 2 were abandons/disconnects

              thats 76% winrate counting the abandons, if we don't count it, i have 82% winrate in actual games, where its 5v5 from the start
              if i didnt calculate anything wrong thats pretty much it, which is the 80% winrate im refering to, idk where u pull this 90% thing out

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                The 90% thing was a typo.
                I see 66% wr. Abandons are still losses no matter if you were winning or not.


                  now check this month, I said I AM winning 80% of my matches, didn't say I've been doing it since i created the account

                  yes i know that abandons are still losses but idc about it, i care about impacting games and winning them, in 24 matches i did climb 400 mmr so im fine with it, its a decent pace imo

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                    i just lost a no stats recorded match and it did count towards my winrate, i was 2/0 and did quit (game was safe, and it said it wouldnt count stats)

                    this month it says 72% on relevant matches, which is close to the things ive said, if we do not count the abandons i would be in the 82% ive said, so yea its accurate

                    and its 72% counting the games ive played with a friend which im 50%. if we count solo games it is around the 80% i said, but, again, i dont really care about it, getting 400 mmr every 24 matches is perfectly fine for me

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      You didn't look at the link, did you? Those are this month's stats.
                      28 ranked games, 67.86% WR. That's around 250 mmr gain, not 400. I don't really give a fuck about your rating, just don't lie about it.



                        again, go look at this
                        This Month: 71.43%, 4 games were stacking so it doesnt count through my solo MMR

                        also this count the 50% winrate i have in party games which brings my winrate down to like 6% (4 games), so yea again, im close to the 80% winrate solo i said


                          @gattsu rofl hahah


                            Kunkka 26
                            Meepo 20
                            Slark 15
                            Timbersaw 6

                            im gonna reach 6k soon.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                              Seems to be a bug then.
                              Ranked MM
                              Last Match about an hour ago
                              0d 18h 39m


                                how to climb mmr?
                                pick ta/kunka win climb 300 mmr, have one of those nights with 9 loses lose 1 milion mmr, fuck serbia


                                  ps dont play on eu east much less serbians on west cuz they have shit pc and cant play on eu west


                                    Also watch Moonmeander when he streams I benefit a lot from his opinion and flame


                                      FriendsThis Month
                                      Friend Matches Win Rate
                                      1v1 (this is my friends in game name) 4

                                      4 party ranked games (like i said, so I played 24 solo games), with an overall winrate of 71.43%, that you can check here:, on Relevant games

                                      but it also counts the 4 games i have stacked with 50% winrate. 2 games (the two losses) represent a 7,14% winrate decrease if im not wrong in the math, which is very possible because I suck at it

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                                      FEEED ME

                                        @sunrise whats ur current mmr?


                                          I mostly spammed death prophet to 5k.


                                            @Shin, i was being extremely sarcastic, i am 3.5k. however i will reach 4k within a couple of weeks.


                                              I like watching Universe a lot, that guy always do insane plays and is very smart on his playing, tho I feel he could really play more as a team. Bad thing is he doesn't stream that much either. I wish I had more time and a better connection to play and trying to improve more.

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