General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's official boyz. USA << EU

It's official boyz. USA << EU in General Discussion

    USA people low skill confirmed.


      Not really, they have better stacks who understand what dota 2 is,
      exmp serbian and turkish stacks have no clue about dota 2 everyboidy has 30% winrate and they just flame the other even though they suck, I wish I lived in the USA so I dont have to deal with this bullshit


        How was it confirmed?

        bum farto

          US players are very casual players. They are less tryhard, and more objective oriented (hence why DP, and Lycan are most picked there).

          Lorne Malvo

            USA Has more psychopaths per population capita, maybe it's related.

            Ten komentarz był edytowany
            King of Low Prio

              ^ wave is from EU

              case and point



                LOL! I bet you are getted raped by those stacks.


                  Yeah I'm sorry to tell you but it's a lot harder to win in us than eu.

                  ICE SKULL


                    offlane doom/sniper, both were 5k
                    only in us east aka autism region

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Noup when I'm with a Serbian stack including yesterdays 2 games Im 2-15, They are total imbeciles, I hate them and there is no good serbian player on this world, end of story
                      with turkish its kinda dumb that u dont understand them I win a lot of games with them but its mainly because of me they are better than serbians 10x cuz they dont want you to lose they may flame a lot but they dont push u with forcestaff while u got bloodseker ulty or then dont sleep you while teleport or they just dont feed. SERBIANS ARE FUCKTARDS

                      Bad Intentions

                        Its well documented that US servers are the least competitive server in Dota 2.

                        ICE SKULL

                          show me those "documentations"
                          least competitive is australia, south africa and south america



                            Low Expectations

                              So much hate where is the love. You cannot actually compare EUW to USE just give anegdotal evidence. Ive played on both at 3,7-4,1 mmr and people seemed to do exactly the same dumb shit on both servers. The only diffrence is that its easier to organize people on US east unless you getsome SA who dont speak anything. Again its only anegdotal evidence so who carez.
                              Inbefore less winrate on USE I have 200ping and was smart enough to choose blink oriented heros (qop,am) some games. (I forgot to uncheck us east after I played with some ppl)

                              ICE SKULL

                                at 5k+ mmr in us east, you get huge mmr gap every match so if you get some 4k trash against you mid, then it's pretty much a free win


                                  @Muggsy I am from turkey man sup :D. Although i agree majority of Turkish players does not understand the game very well. I dodge when i see Turkish players %90 of the time. But also remember one of the top 3 rank boyz is a Turk mate. So dont count us all out:D

                                  Low Expectations

                                    ^isnt Sam from Turkey?


                                      apem tr only plz no

                                      ICE SKULL

                                        the fact klasynky is 7k because of tb shows u how stupid and broken tb was


                                          "I hate them and there is no good serbian player on this world, end of story"
                                          "SERBIANS ARE FUCKTARDS"

                                          Someone get this guy a psychologist.
                                          Sterotypical smurfing piece of shit.

                                          Generalizing a whole nation and showing such intolerance is a sign of low intelligence!

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I'm not sure if by USA people you mean actual americans or everyone on the servers because half the players on US east are from south american and they are very casual players. Actual americans usually communicate and organize very well but the south americans don't. They aren't necessarily worse players, they just don't give a fuck about team and are there to play their "fun" hero solo like pudge, invoker etc.

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              the scum that rises from the south

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                they aren't scum, they just don't understand english lol. Some of them are quite good with their invokers/pudges and make some great space for my carries.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  naw, have you seen what that scum does in the rosh pit?


                                                    There's nothing worse than a peruvian. Except more peruvians.


                                                      EUW has the most russians out of all servers so that automatically makes it the worst.

                                                      bum farto

                                                        There are a couple turks on the toplist but that doesn't make all turkish players good. There are good and bad players to be found on all servers.


                                                          havoc with the captain obvious answer, you're like an extension of dorkly except he's more annoying