General Discussion

General DiscussionReview the game of the one above you!

Review the game of the one above you! in General Discussion

    So here's how it works:
    - review the game of the poster above you
    - give pro tips and recommendations so he can be a better player
    - what you give you will get (if you gave a very good review, then it would only be courteous for the next one to review you properly)

    - once done, post the game you want others to review
    - give a brief description about the game, this way people can get interested about what kind of game they will be reviewing

    to kick this off,, below interesting game where I was using Shadow Shaman:

    it was a heavy back and forth game where our backs were against the wall by mid game.
    They tried going for our T3 towers but initiated poorly couple of times.
    They were 5-manning us and our void was not yet online.
    We basically tried to fend off their pushes 4v5.
    Buybacks, raxes, kills, micro...
    This was the first time I played Shadow Shaman in a loooooong time, not to mention a mid lane

    Important reminders:
    1) don't forget to put brief description about the game.
    2) please watch the replay link, a brief 15-20 minutes is not that bad so that others will do the same for you.
    3) How to quickly watch the replay? you just need to fast forward and slow it down during the important phases like laning or team clashes, a 1hr game can be reviewed in 15-20 minutes

    Ten temat był edytowany
    Low Expectations

      Good idea, problem is that most of this community is around 3,5k-4,5k mmr. so "pro tips"
      Still tho it seems you did quite well but I would have considered ghost scepter vs TA (replacing medallion which u got earier, also mek is better if they are trying to push you early having a mek disadvantage is really bad) and also good idea to take shock level 1 since you have SK (I assume it was for a gank because if you were mid hex would have been safer lvl 1 for escape). Also since it seems you have excess of 12k gold (at least you have 29k gold and ur items are worth about 17k you should consider sheep/ linkens/BKB instead of euls

      My gejm for analysis:

      Ten komentarz był edytowany

        - what you give you will get (if you gave a very good review, then it would only be courteous for the next one to review you properly)

        so basically, review >> good review >> very good review >> very very good review >> very very very good review ..... >> the goodest review where a better review is not possible