General Discussion

General Discussionpinoys pinoys

pinoys pinoys in General Discussion

    Just wondering why they use Sir to call me all the time. I used my mic everytime and they would call me Sir or idol.

    In every game. It never dies

    Y u do dis im cofnused


      They are decently respectful people and also with their limited knowledge of English they don't know any other ways to address a person. I kinda like it, it's cute.


        I've interacted with some pinoys and indians back when I was trading and they would call me sir all the time. Mildly amusing.


          Actually if you ever look at TEFL teaching or something in SEA you'll notice that they have massive amount of respect for teachers and the like. Therefore they are taught to address English speaking people (their teachers) as Sir, which they do. As Sam said, it's a mix of respect and limited English.


            We mainly use the term Sir if that person is a Stranger, if it's a Foreigner or if we're trading.
            As for Idol, They will call you that if you're someone friendly or if you're carrying their asses.

            Also, many pinoys are not educated properly and are usually just naturally ragers. This is coming from a pinoy.


              I sometimes wonder how they survive irl...



                limited english?"

                Probably not limited for the educated, but you have to admit, there are a lot of dota players in the Philippines that mainly come from shady internet shops and public schools (actually, most aren't even in schools) that spend most if not all of their time and allowance there.

                Miku Plays

                  I find this thread offensive.. i dont even sir

                  dont take me seriously :3

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                  Bad Intentions

                    pinoy doto best doto, always remember that!