General Discussion

General Discussion(Offtopic) Correlation between BMI and gaming

(Offtopic) Correlation between BMI and gaming in General Discussion
Low Expectations

    I am helping a friend with a project whether there is correlation between hours spent gaming and peoples BMI.
    Since this is the community I relate most with (hes more of a FPS type of gamer) I wanted to ask you guys.
    Would be happy if you could answer a few simple questions:
    Hours daily you spend gaming(average):
    BMI (alternative give me weight and length and I calculate myself):

    This would look something like this:
    Hours : 5h
    BMI: 24



      Hours: normal day 1 hour, great days, 12-15 hours.
      BMI: i weigh ~150 and am 6ft tall


        Age: 17
        Average Hours Gaming Per Day: 7-10 hours
        BMI: 16 (i know im skinny)

        Ten komentarz był edytowany
        JUICY J

          average 6 hours a day


            ~10 hours a day atm
            72 kg, 23 BMI.



              depends on day but 14~ on average
              198 cm height
              and around 70 killos weight (skinny as fuck <3)


                age 18
                hours 5? i dont know
                height 5' 4"
                weight 48 kg / 105 lbs - 18.0 bmi

                is this some fat shaming thread or something.


                  age 22
                  hours its either 6-8 or 0-2, lets say avg 4
                  bmi around 20 (between 19.5-20.5 nowdays)

                  Na'vi Kuroky

                    Age: 12
                    Hours: 16 on average
                    BMI: 322


                      Age: 26
                      Hours: 6-8
                      BMI: 24

                      King of Low Prio

                        age 24
                        hours 1-2hours avg
                        BMI: 23


                        I used that website

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                        King of Low Prio

                          also the evidence you will obtain will be skewed because most people in the high and low end will prob not release their information

                          Quick maffs

                            Age 19
                            Hours: It really depends, right now i dont have much time but some days i can go for 8,9 hours playing
                            height 190 cm
                            weight 83 kg
                            BMI: 23


                              Yeah, as it seems most of us are posting pretty damn perfect BMI numbers.

                              Low Expectations

                                ^^I am well aware already took that into consideration
                                ^I know this isnt only done by us too there are many factors to consider (types of games,dedication, field of work) the data is not only gathered from the internet and its not only us two. We hope to get around 5000 people for the data in order to have some actual evidence instead of the bullshit experiments done on cirka 75ppl

                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                Quick maffs

                                  Well i lost like 5 kg in one month but i was a bit more fat

                                  Low Expectations

                                    I thought all Spanish ppl were slender due to having Sauna 24/7


                                      Age: 17
                                      Height: 186 cm
                                      Weight: 72 (went up like 5 kilos after a holiday trip to spain)
                                      BMI: 20.8
                                      Hours per day: 3 to 10 at most, too much variation to get an average.

                                      Quick maffs

                                        ^^ :P

                                        but yeah they are usually skinny

                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                          Age: 19
                                          Hours : 8hours/day now at summer, 3 during the rest of the year.
                                          BMI: 21.2


                                            23 years
                                            1~2 hours
                                            BMI is 26 or so.

                                            Miku Plays

                                              A - 19
                                              H - 2-3 weekdays , 4-5 weekends
                                              BMI - 24

                                              Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                A: 16
                                                H: 3-4 hours
                                                BMI: 22 i tought


                                                  If you take a statistics course, you'll learn that these volunteered & unreliable info is completely useless. Moreover, you'll need a very large sample size.

                                                  The most accurate data is collected through true randomization.
                                                  You will have better luck searching with google scholar. Peer reviewed papers are generally more trust worthy.

                                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    ^that, do u think anyone is going to post that they are morbidly obese?

                                                    Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                                                      ^still looking forward for somebody to say this:
                                                      A: 67
                                                      H: 22 hours
                                                      BMI: 31


                                                        ^ Humans can't type after death, so don't expect it too much.

                                                        Low Expectations

                                                          @Grim Statistics isnt really my area of expertise. But we have already reviewed a couple of papers each and the data/results we found were either insufficient/ too one dimentional/ untrustworthy. Honestly this is quite a large project that is quite wide spread (data collected from South Korea/EU/ NA in a non-online format).We are around 10 guys from diffrent unis trying to gather data. Obviously we will have to take a diffrent approach to the data found online in comparison to the one we harness ourselves. We might even deem it unusable but it would be plain stupid not to at least try gather data from forums since they are the place where you meet the most dedicated players.

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Try an anonymous survey. If someone here has an unhealthy BMI, they might be reluctant to publish it.
                                                            Even though I wouldn't find it surprising if there were only a few unhealthy BMIs around here, having met tons of Dota players.
                                                            Healthy BMI doesn't mean fit anyways, since the weight can either be muscle or fat.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              If it is for anything academic you will gain nothing from doing this. Your best bet is to collect the data anonymously because once you associate the results with a person the data becomes unreliable. Create a survey of some kind and post it here you will get much more accurate results if you choose to continue the path of collecting data here.

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                damn DeL too fast -_-


                                                                  idk why someone wouldnt post their bmi, not like it means anything to the people of this forum. im underweight as hell and look at me not giving a shit about others' opinions


                                                                    A - 22
                                                                    H - 2-3
                                                                    BMI - 19.5

                                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                                      I would post the research that relates to your question but Lawlie would ban me for posting academic sources again

                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                        age - 22
                                                                        hours - maybe 4 on average?
                                                                        height - 178
                                                                        weight - 68kg i think

                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                          ^ your BMI is 21 noob

                                                                          kanye went to uni

                                                                            is that good

                                                                            Miku Plays

                                                                              18 - 25 is considered healthy

                                                                              But then again muscles give you weight as well so BMI is kinda unreliable

                                                                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                why BMI? why not BFI? Body fat Index. Here:


                                                                                  bmi is ridiculous

                                                                                  i have a bmi of 27 as a result of bulking from infantry training, trying to correlate that wont help shit

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    ^ fatty


                                                                                      Mason must be good at this, too.


                                                                                        Age 69

                                                                                        Hours gaming: 20 hours

                                                                                        Height: 4 foot 11 inches

                                                                                        BMI 55

                                                                                        Sex: Yes please. I'd like to get my BMI down to 54 but only on my off hours from dota.


                                                                                          mercy plz s-god

                                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                                            wtf is bmi? i am 195 cm master race and 83 kg

                                                                                            if u are below 190 cm u are not human and must be executed

                                                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                                              Yep, yep. Japan tries to kill me, though...


                                                                                                A - 21
                                                                                                H - 4-8
                                                                                                BMI - 19.5

                                                                                                kanye went to uni

                                                                                                  japanese people tend to be short though

                                                                                                  Hex Sigma

                                                                                                    A - 18
                                                                                                    H - 4-7 on weekends 1-3 weekdays
                                                                                                    BMI- 23.3(74 kg, 177cm)

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!