General Discussion

General DiscussionHoLy ShIt I MaDe It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HoLy ShIt I MaDe It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in General Discussion
Ples Mercy




    Fucking retarded smurfs made it impossible to get to 6,5k and now finally, fucking made it!

    I tried spamming TB......Smurfs fed 2 much and were to stupid to drag enemies attention even for a second....
    I tried spamming slark.....Counterpick (hell even repick for rekking my anus) all fucking time.....
    I tried spamming Brewmaster... Rekt mid, smurfs fed 2 much............

    and then.....i picked...HIM ( or rather THEM).



    I'm in a fantastic mood since i was stuck in the 6,1 - 6,3k range for a while now and finally made it throw, carrying those fucking trashbag smurf accounts (1 match my team had a total of 73 deaths, while i had 7 of em, HOLY SHIT).

    Since i finally reached the 6,5k rating i decided to either coach some people or simply stack with people and have some fun party queueing. If u are a somewhat decent player and feel like stacking with good ol Blunt, then you are welcome to add me (tell me in in my comment section @ steam profile, since i don't add random people and got a fuckton of people which are in 'pending invites'

    Whoever can tell what my tryhard acc is named, will get 1 free rare from me. People who know that account and play with me are excluded, sry guise :3

    Peace, i'm out.



      not enuff cyka..


        No rares for me today.. :(

        Good job, BGOD! <333


          haha, man, I wish I care


            you're full of shit and this kind of threads are boring


              Good guess incoming:



                ^LOL I LOLD SO HARD :laugh: :crazy:

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  I have a 7.2K account which I will give a my drodo to the person who can guess the account name . The 10 people I play with on that account aren't allowed to guess but no one knows these people and these people will never say a word because I am not even sure they exist or even the account but that doesn't matter right now because....



                    gratz and good work

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      i've always thought you're blan but i might be mistaken


                        such attention
                        much whore

                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                          you're full of shit and this kind of threads are boring


                            Can we trust that his MMR is that high without verification though (*cough* use my shitty sig).




                              He's a proven bullshitter and he'll continue to bullshit.


                                Good job! I would really like to watch some of your meepo replays, please post a link to that account!


                                  well played. when volvo adds TB to CM mode those boring chinesse teams days are numbered

                                  Ples Mercy

                                    not really. LC is a pain in the ass when u're playing as TB. Trust me, she's annoying as fuck.


                                      ill remember that next time the enemy picks TB

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        u're welcome.


                                          No belief until i see a screenshot of solo/party mmr.


                                            Ples Mercy

                                              then u'll proceed telling me it's fake, then u'll proceed to demand that i add u to see it for urself, then u'll tell me u want to stack with me 24/7 or when i refuse to play with u that i'm an account buyer.

                                              Go home. Also it would defeat the purpose of my free rare event if u know the acc name, durr.

                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                Screenshots mean nothing! Send friend requests if you want to check mmr


                                                  ....and here we have the way Blunt works, will never prove and will never be dis-proven until someone plays with him in game and finds out he's 3.6K.

                                                  Come on man, you used to actually be a decently tolerable person. While you used to rage a lot it was fairly humorous but now you've just become a lying d-bag. You have never had a 6.5K account and you expect anyone to believe someone who's main was in 3-4K could somehow pop out a 6.5K account?

                                                  Lets look at some of the statements you have made to shed some light on your history.

                                                  > You calibrated with me, I should know I met you in 2 of my calibration games.
                                                  > I was 3 games in and at 3800 then you disappeared till one ranked game at 3.9 where I met you again
                                                  > You then stopped sharing and proceeded to put down other claiming you were 4K+
                                                  > Someone met you in game and it came out you were 3.5K (before this chris and others on my f-list had played you but said nothing)
                                                  > You claimed that you lent your account out to someone who ruined it for you and it was all part of a test
                                                  > 3 days later you claim you climbed +400 MMR and that you were once again 4.5K
                                                  > People added people from your games and....nope you were 3.7K still
                                                  > You then claim you have a "tryhard" account and that you raped vroksnak mid in one of your games
                                                  > You played 8-12+ games a day on your main while claiming you played more on your "tryhard" account so again, odd.
                                                  > You then post this but continue to be "mysterious" claiming that a few elite know.
                                                  > You also posted "oh yeah, I have this old 6K account kicking about" did anyone even get that account?
                                                  > You will continue to post bullshit and non-sense and no one can really disprove you otherwise.

                                                  I am glad you're improving but ANYONE with a 6K account would be sharing it up the waazoo and especially someone who craves the "I'm a good player" attention you do, you would be posting it left right and centre. Most people on this forum know most peoples MMR and it seems you're the only one who doesn't share, but still claims everyone is beneath him.

                                                  ....I mean come on this is getting ridiculous. The amount of lies and bullshit the community has been fed from you is getting way to out of hand.


                                                    ...I mean come on this is getting ridiculous. The amount of lies and bullshit the community has been fed from you is getting way to out of hand.

                                                    Reposted for emphasis. I would post all but it would a little over the top



                                                      Your nervous excuses to this post were golden and you were shyly trying to call people out (myself included) for being 3K to weasel yourself out of it all. As well as that shortly after you started posting like a normal person so ego was obviously crippled yet here you are at it again.

                                                      I can easily get you a 6K+ account and in fact Wave is a direct contact

                                                      Please tell us more how you managed to climb up 6K so fast, and how while other legitimately good players who are on the toplist aren't able to climb as fast as you are. Tell us more about how you "raped" Vroksnak mid and continue to stomp wins giving you so much MMR that you're able to go 1000+ MMR in a bracket that you don't belong in and aren't in from the start.

                                                      Ples Mercy



                                                          Please just stop, you're not funny and it's getting kind of tiresome hearing your bullshit and insecurities all over the forum. I get people liking attention but your continued heart cry for recognition is pathetic and sad coming from a grown ass man.


                                                            Mods pls lock and delete this useless thread.


                                                              Anyone who is on this forum for a longer time knows that Blunts post have zero sense, right? And this is obvious bait but what is hilarious is that you have people like havoc badger who will bite the bait and write essay of 600+ words with trying to point out some pointless thing to a guy that is obvious trolling AND that is pathetic.


                                                                We're actually now more or less just requesting he gets banned. The stuff he posts on his own threads doesn't annoy me so much, but when he comes on to my (and other people's threads) and shit talks, that annoys me.


                                                                  Blunt is one of those guys who are cancer to this forum. The only cure for that is to get banned from people who want Dotabuff to be more constructive and helpfull.


                                                                    I wont call you a fake I just find it odd that you were 3.6k after your "friend" played on your account a few months back yet......... your % win rate hasn't really increased since then and has been around the same. So show some proof. Show a video a pic whatever and you can even take a cam shot with your smart phone with a sticky note saying "gustaphos is a noob turd burgler" will help. Otherwise I don't believe it. Once I see the sticky note with desparaging things with my name on it then I don't believe it.

                                                                    Are you a better player than me? Yes. No doubt. Are you 6.5k? Show me the proof, otherwise shut your fucking mouth. You are only 1/2 as bad as wave on this forum and I will blow your dog if you show me the proof.


                                                                      ^ I'll call him a fake for you, because he is. It's bullshit. I've played with him before on another account and he wasn't terrible, but he wasn't good either. By no means was he anything above ~4.2k (AT BEST)


                                                                        I spectated one of his meepo games when he was ~ 3700 (After the pic of his low mmr was posted), I said it looked like he was around early 4ks when I spectated him. How he played etc.

                                                                        He answered with meepo players often look like 4k players. "Just ask/spectate any 5-6k players playing meepo and you'll think the same."

                                                                        However, a day back I saw a canadian (called that?) guy stream playing meepo, he was 3800 and he had very good controll of his hero, also didn't look like a 3,8 player. I don't know.

                                                                        However, everybody knows Blunt isn't 6k though, so it's nothing to brag about. If he was, why would he hide it?
                                                                        People with 6k would most likely know they are good, and not hide their accounts.


                                                                        Emoticons ofc, love them:

                                                                        S... :haste: IM RUNNIN MATE CALM DOWN

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          Not a single person believes you have a 6500mmr account


                                                                            actually he got his 6500 in same game where i got my 9k

                                                                            hes legit




                                                                                Its not even fathomable that Wave who is a pro at making massively high rating accounts still has to take the time to rank them up which proves a struggle even for him, yet somehow in the course of a month Blunt (a known 3k to low end 4k player) does it practically over night.

                                                                                Worse part is he will lie about this stuff till he is found out and either continue to lie (Friend played on account, was a test, I have another account etc.) and if called out again, he will go haha, got you all I was trolling so....pointless I guess.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany



                                                                                    Really 6.5 k? Gratz. I got smurf with 9.7k atm.


                                                                                      I calibrated it for Bogi.


                                                                                        My Nan just got calibrated, she's 6.7k. She's better than you, unlucky.


                                                                                          omfg Satellizer. I imagine some story with these emoticons, that a red angry guys want to kill me, then I get a haste and run away from you.

                                                                                          It feels like you also do, do you? :cheeky:


                                                                                            Lel 4 digit MMRs y'all a bunch of scrubs.


                                                                                              gratz =)


                                                                                                legit guy

                                                                                                I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                                  Hael is here...


                                                                                                    tfw ur 6.5k mmr

                                                                                                    plz share secrets how do i get there


                                                                                                      and everyone is mad why exactly?
                                                                                                      he asks for attention, and you people give him just that. well done.

                                                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                                                        turns out blunt is vroksnak, that would actually make my day....

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!