General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you sweat while playing?

Do you sweat while playing? in General Discussion

    Whenever I play I sweat so much
    Especially if the game is 40+ minutes
    Sweat just flows through the body from armpits
    Am I the only sweaty player?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      no im not fat

      Quick maffs

        I do

        but because i am living on Spain and right now its FUCKING 47ºC OUTSIDE

        S-God ✔

          I sweat alot and I my weight is about 170lbs


            i don't sweat at all


              My heart starts beating @ game changing moments and things like that. LOL

              S-God ✔

                fawk dork its like 31ºC and I feel like I am melting, maybe it is the humidity at 70%


                  only on my mouse when its really hot but i usually play naked

                  S-God ✔

                    I wish Canada was as cold as americans think it is :(

                    Quick maffs

                      I dont know but i can barely play man

                      I would go to the beach right now but i dont think its worth it to walk till there, i would probably melt before i got to the water

                      S-God ✔

                        I have a pool so its not too bad #ghettothings


                          i have to wake up at night to turn up the AC because its too hot. Fucking Canadian weather :/

                          Quick maffs

                            ^ " too hot ? " You know nothing, :/


                              you should get your heart check. Incoming heart attack :surprise:

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                I live near Dorkly and I can confirm, it's hot. I sweat but not a lot and it's almost entirely coz of the heat and not the game. I generally don't sweat much.

                                Ironically I've been playing some of my best dota this summer (Ok I'm a relatively new player but whatever)


                                  Poor fools and your shitty weathers :D

                                  Around here, temperature doesn't go below 14°C in winter or above 30°C in summer. You only have to put up with the stupidly high humidity (88%), but that's tolerable.

                                  J E A L O U S B O Y S :D


                                    Yeah, my hand sweats a lot even during winter so my mouse gets greasy and shit. I have to scrub it off pretty often even if I wash my hands before playing and I'm not even fat.


                                      lol 0 celcius here in Australia :happytears:




                                          F A T B O Y S. If you sweat doesnt mean you're fat. And the other way around. word,.

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            lol unlike other country the weather in Australia is not that friendly
                                            That snow probably only happens on the top of mountain
                                            When Australia reach certain weather that initiate hailstorm this will happen
                                            not that snow :laugh:

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                              It's fucking hot outside and I'm a F A T B O Y so I sweat if I don't do anything.


                                                Damn, even the weather wants to kill you in Australia.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Fuck you zano

                                                  Here is pretty cold in winter and hot as fuck in summer


                                                    a lot, i have some shit in my hands that make me sweat out of this world

                                                    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                      I do, I find it werid. I think its mostly from my nervousness, because I`m skinny and this has only started when I played starcraft 2 and it carried over to dota2 :(

                                                      I'm noob but games like these make me sweat lol.

                                                      Fed slark at the end and was almost gg but sold some of my items and went to throne them xD.

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                        Forty fucking seven... And suddenly, 35ºC here is not that bad. Thanks, man.


                                                          Here in Wisconsin, the weather is pretty average

                                                          I have this weird habit of always wearing a sweatshirt, even when I'm playing Hockey (under my gear, of course).

                                                          Even so, I don't sweat at all

                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                            Who doesn't sweat while playing when it's hot as fuck?

                                                            I don't sweat much, however the odd thing is that I sweat more when it's cold. Odd? I guess.


                                                              I'm 6ft tall (180cm) and 120 pounds and I am sweating. ITS TOO HOT.




                                                                  Im more worried about my computer
                                                                  I always clean all my mobo, change thermal paste and vacuum my whole system every time it's going to summer


                                                                    Good tread. I do sweat too while some more intense and demanding games, also sometimes it happen a lot just like that randomly when playing! They say its cause of nerves.. :D

                                                                    S-God ✔

                                                                      Wink how are u still alive?


                                                                        180 and 54 kg LOL WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT


                                                                          i have shallow grave :wink:


                                                                            I play in a hoodie like egm and i dont sweat


                                                                              I do,
                                                                              fucking drugs


                                                                                95 kg and i sweat like a pig when i play.


                                                                                  I dont sweat, i only swear :D

                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                    ^^fatties gonna fat. Wink plz go eat a sandwitch


                                                                                      i just sexually ate a banana


                                                                                        Only when it's hot outside, not due to the game. But then again I have a small fan at my desk so not at all.


                                                                                          I never sweat playing dota, i turn on air conditioning or a fan whenver i play cuz the weather in korea u know.... I really want to get back to Canada where its so cool :P

                                                                                          S-God ✔

                                                                                            35 degrees 70% humidity in Canada atm -_-

                                                                                            I'm 14k mmr let me mid

                                                                                              f a t b o y s


                                                                                                Lol Sampson. Canada is fucking huge, I doubt the weather's the same everywhere :P

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  its hot all across the provinces unless u live in the territories........


                                                                                                    I do, but I'm not fat. 181cm 85kg.