General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich hero?

Which hero? in General Discussion

    what hero never leaves his lane and just pushes for ever :D? i wanna play like this i try terrorblade and broodmother i like both is any others?


      There isn't many heroes that stands afk in one lane to push.

      Broodmother would be the best example I'd assume.

      Dragon Knight might also be an example. You usually just pressure mid, making the enemy mid not being able to leave lane (if he/she does, his/her tower goes down, and you can start pressure another lane)

      Terrorblade pressures the whole map, not only 1 lane

      Natures Prophet can pressure an entire map too, less efficient unless you have necrobooks or something, as you if commit your own hero you're very likely to be caught and killed


      There really isn't really any hero that stands afk one lane the entire game, but you obviously have splitpushers than can pressure a lot.

      Phantom Lancer
      Lycan (Send wolfs to one lane, your hero/necro to another, pull creeps away from tower)

      You can do lot of cheesy stuff that forces enemy to go defend


        Weaver is good too


          yer its fun :D i like it i push tower then they come defend i go jungle they go defend my team bot i come push tower they come back i go jungle team pushes bot :D its funny :D


            can someone please link me to the best brood/terror players




                well all ur replays are expired so its not helpful i demand u play broodmother right now >:(


                  I stay in one lane for almost the entire game (atleast all 3 towers) as brood

                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                      Please pick Kunkka, Axe, Slardar, Gondar and Barathrum for cancerous Broodmama players. Fuck you....!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Dire Wolf

                        I'm pretty sure good terror blades rotate out of lane through jungle or whatever to farm, maybe split push. Brood is like the only hero who will literally sit in one lane until it's at rax.