General Discussion

General Discussionnecronomicon on lycan

necronomicon on lycan in General Discussion
Kamado Kun

    i know most ppl use it as a situational item but, shouldnt it be core for syncing with lycans ult, his controlled unit atk spd/dmg and his skill for even more dmg, for most heroes necro is a pushing tool but with so many boosts i see it as a very good dmg item plus dmg after you die , so why isnt it core?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Hmm, what? It's already a core, even bigger than BKB actually.

      Kamado Kun

        oh...most ingame 'guides' i see it on the situational list thats why i asked.

        आप गे क्यों

          when u read the patch updates, whenever they mention the nerf on lycan...they say the biggest nerf for him is actually the nerf on necro


            It depends on the build. Are you the main carry of your team? Is your team relying on you to deal damage while they do the CC? Then go for a rightclick build (PT, Basher, deso, etc). Can your carry handle 4v5 and you plan on ratting? Then go for a split pusher build (Bots, necro, etc).


              NEVER listen to ingame builds, 99% of them are outdated and were bad even when they were new.


                by ingame builds i should be building vanguard on slark


                  Vanguard is actually very good on Slark.


                    Some guides have yet to be updated, don't follow them blindly.


                      vanguard best item on slark

                      especialy if u can get 6 of them