General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is what you get in MMR

This is what you get in MMR in General Discussion
whosyourdaddy This, dear dota2 players, is why "ranked matchmaking" isn't even close what it's suppose to be.

    How am i supposed to win games and increase MMR when i'm not given equal chances to win a game? Games like these happen every time i stop my loss streak.
    I would really like to see how many games would Swiftending/Juice (guy who made an experiment on playdota) win with teammates like PA in the game above. Because i see way too much of those in my team (at 3900 mmr currently)

    You can freely talk shit all you want here but one thing is for sure, nobody can convince me that RMM system puts players in skill brackets they belong to.


      ranked doesn't work because your not at the rank you think you deserve? Where do you think you belong? 5-6k?


        dude if you were a fucking 6k players like juice you could carry the vast majority of your games even if you were put with monkeys

        good news for you, if your teammates suck, your opponents do the same, and juice could capitalize on their mistakes, thats why the guy went from 2k to 5k almost undefeated.

        you cant so you arent better than the people you are criticizing, simple as that


          I think it works pretty well, same MMR as you right now, I'm well matched in this bracket, everyone seems very similarly skilled. The games are pretty fun, usually long, people are nice, and on USW i don't see peruvians any more pretty much at all

          The MMR spread is within 100-200 max on each team, unless there's friends stacking together messing it up

          have you seen pro games? They end like that sometimes, 30+ kill difference or whatever, it's just the nature of the game bro


            9k hero dmg on tinker is only acceptable if the game lasts 15 minutes


              @kakakotkoa thats how long it lasted, before i went afk.


                u went afk with tinker


                  So you had Natures Prophet and Tinker (you) on your team and you decided to give up? Then you deserved to lose.


                    Your hero line-up looks like a huge ass mess. someone should've repicked. pa, sucks early, so does luna,..then you have np and tinker whom both need farm. It's easy to see how you guys just got the wind knocked out in the early game and then they just snowballed from there.

                    Game is hard

                      pls thats nothing. I rekt a void top and went around as mirana ganking to give us an early lead. Then slowly husk and sb would jump and charge at anyone they saw even if they were grouped as 5 and of course died giving their hard carries gold and xp.


                        I swear there are more abandons on my team than the enemy team though.

                        Stupid abandoner broke my winstreak after my losestreak.



                          you are stupid dood, you are raging high, very high skilll player and you are a shit.

                          Mike Hawk

                            Bitch please:
                            One wrong item choice and you're done, too hard to carry.


                              Play moar treant
                              no more feed
                              shit I play treant and they still feed
                              what do I dooooo

                              Ten komentarz był edytowany
                              Bot (Passive)

                                "pa sucks early"
                                what the fuck

                                but anyway, you pick too many low impact heroes, pick more tinker/void and you will be successful. seriously though you can crush lane as tinker against every hero in the game and proceed to win the game. if you cant do that then you're awful too, im pretty sure you're not super great at the hero (better than the level of your mmr) though your team does suck this game and you were guaranteed to lose it, but not every games winnable regardless of what ppl tell you.


                                  ^didnt you just say not to listen to recommendations on dotabuff?

                                  and now youre making recommendations on dotbauff

                                  Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                  Hex Sigma

                                    I am curious, what can i do when i'm playing a core that needs farm early, if my lane partener steals my farm. This happened to me last game when i was playing bloodseeker with cent on lane. Because usually if i get a bad start usually the game goes shit.


                                      learn to last hit better or go mid

                                      every time i play on a smurf that starts out at 3k, if i choose to forgo mid i have to compete for farm and i still get my items up quickly. there's absolutely nothing u can do about that because that's how trench players play (pick 5 semicarries/carries and autoattack creeps)


                                        If your bloodseeker just go jungle its not optimal but its OK


                                          or u can get a qb + 2 slippers and out-lasthit ur teammate lol

                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                            @iCoil legit complaint, same here. so many times lost because my team - my whole fkng team - fed the enemy carry/pudge/other insane late game hero. And then late game u feed them cuz their already so fat. Look at our retarded natures prophet in this game. Add to that the abandoning wraith king;


                                            and lol at the luna in your match - 4 ring of aquillas? :p

                                            Ples Mercy

                                              How the hell did you get 4k rating


                                                that's what u get for picking shitty int heroes like tinker

                                                horrible nuke
                                                no escape
                                                steal farms from carry with march
                                                scepter upgrade is plain baad


                                                  ^you are fucking brain damaged for writing that.

                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                    Tinker one of the most broken heroes in the game......noob says shitty hero


                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      People at 2k dislike winning matches throught other strats rather than fighting in mid like a chicken with his head cut off.


                                                      Also if you don't do last hits "the right way"(by aaing) this shit happens

                                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                      leave me alone

                                                        bit late but

                                                        "^didnt you just say not to listen to recommendations on dotabuff?

                                                        and now youre making recommendations on dotbauff"

                                                        taken out of context, i was referring to people picking apart individual games purely statistically and using one or two small mistakes to make a player look like hes at fault for the win just as much as everyone else when even if someone plays bad he has another guy that dies 10 times more that people completely overlook - hence me seeing you're not going to win every game and its pointless to listen to people that say every game is winnable, people will have bad days and what not and people on DB tend to act as if 1 player can stomp the entire game if hes only, say, 400-500 mmr higher than his teammates and not a 6k mmr playing with 3ks.