General Discussion

General DiscussionIs is possible to be a better team member rather than a good solo pla...

Is is possible to be a better team member rather than a good solo player? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    Almost everytime i have a team that i can count on, i win. I also win when i am playing solo, but there is much frustration involved. Could it be because i play better as a team member? I usually don't play very high pub impact heroes (more like roles 3, 4 and rarely 5). Or is it because i am getting carried? Also why do people tend to respect solo q rating more?

    Could a player still be considered good if he plays only with an organised team?

    Edit: Have you ever met a player with a huge diference between party rating and solo rating?

    Ten temat był edytowany

      People respect solo q rating because it shows your ability to shine among retards. i.e. even when everything is against you, you win.

      Anyway you answered your own question, you're picking a low impact hero and asking why you lose when you put yourself at the mercy of strangers. wat.

      Hex Sigma

        I was seriously thinking into quitting solo q for a while. I mean i have waaaay more fun(even if i am losing) when i am playing with a stack.


          Friends this month: 4 games, 25% winrate.

          Unless you know you can count on randoms...

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            Solo queue like the guy above me says is either your ability to shine or your ability to snowball with mid heroes or imbecile picks. Most solo queue picks aren't really all that good with most people grabbing up what works for them as opposed to what works as a team so it can be hit and miss.
            Partying with friends and team playing as you mentioned can be a lot more fun even with a loss and at the end of the day dota2 is a team game and meant to be played as a team whether as a stacked 5 or random 5.

            Consider as well the role you play and what you are looking to do, in a 5 stack I will actually attempt mid or go carry whereas if i'm solo I almost exclusively support or go jungle.

            King of Low Prio

              Supports have extremely high impact in pubs it is just most people are not good enough to make it work. I suggest watching 5.5k+ streamers when they play support and you will notice a HUGE difference.

              Hex Sigma

                @dacheat i havent stacked this month, i was focused more on soloq

                @sampson i know. If we take lion for example he has a stun, hex and a good nuke. But in low level games, if somebody initiates most of the time the team won't follow up. Most of the time when i am playing an initiator, i initiate after somebody goes rambo 1v5. But yeah that doesn't mean the hero has a problem. The one that is pulling the strings behind that hero has a problem.

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                  "Could a player still be considered good if he plays only with an organised team?"

                  Dota is a team game. A player can only be considered good if he can play well within a team. You dont win the game by yourself it requires teamwork. If you cant embrace teamwork you cant become a good dota player.

                  Hafla Enjoyer

                    How can supports have high impact? I mean if the carry is retarded you are wasting farm

                    King of Low Prio

                      That seems to be a lack of coordination on your part then. If your teammates are slow that means you need to give them more time. Adjusting to people who you believe are weaker players than you is fairly easy. Also take into consideration for every mistake your teammates are making the other team is doing equal (or greater if you actually are better then them) mistakes that you should be capitalizing on.

                      King of Low Prio

                        'How can supports have high impact? I mean if the carry is retarded you are wasting farm'

                        if your carry sucks and can only get 400 gpm you gank and harass their carry so he can only get 400 gpm

                        Hafla Enjoyer

                          "if your carry sucks and can only get 400 gpm you gank and harass their carry so he can only get 400 gpm"

                          I meant that if your carry is retarded he will not use your wards and all the space you create for him etc. When I grave my carry at the last moment and force staff him to safety, he runs back to fight instead of leaving...

                          Hex Sigma

                            ^ i lol'd. It reminds me of 2k.

                            Hafla Enjoyer

                              ^ nailed it

                              King of Low Prio

                                'I meant that if your carry is retarded he will not use your wards and all the space you create for him etc. When I grave my carry at the last moment and force staff him to safety, he runs back to fight instead of leaving...'

                                and the other team has 6k MM players?

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                                King of Low Prio

                                  If your teammates are not using wards then your opponents wont be using their wards as well, if your teammates are jumping into dumb fights than your opponents are jumping into dumb fights as well.

                                  Hafla Enjoyer

                                    Well I just gotta admit I'm a bad player
                                    time to improve or keep spamming lanaya, both work

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                                    Quick maffs

                                      If you can only play support you are never going to learn, and if you do you are going to learn slow

                                      Try to play other roles too.

                                      Hex Sigma

                                        ^i can play: support, semi-carry, ganker, initiator,pusher. The only ones that i can't play are hard carry, and mid.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          the basic roles are

                                          offlane (3)
                                          mid (2)
                                          carry (1)
                                          support/jungler (4)
                                          hard support (5)