General Discussion

General Discussiondoes anyone toggle ring of basillius to deny?

does anyone toggle ring of basillius to deny? in General Discussion

    would be so op


      2 armor? I think it can rarely be difference between a successful deny and a last hit for an enemy.


        So, you mean i turn it on so the enemy attack doesn't kill the creep and i deny it myself and then turn it off again?


          It wouldn't really be all that good and most people last hitting leave the creep low enough so that even with the +2 armor they would still get it. It just seems a lot of work for next to no gains.


            turn it on so the enemy cannot lh and turn it off when the hp of the creep is killable without +2 armor.

            @havoc badger
            Hardly. Iceiceice toggles between exort balls and quas balls in between last hits. that's 4 keypresses more than toggling basillus. It occurred to me so I'm thinking maybe someone out there does this.


              I toggle between exort balls and quas balls in between last hits too. (Not always, but usually)
              I thought everyone did this?

              Although basillus toggling doesn't seem like it would help nearly as much, and Ive never done it.


                it does make a difference. its usually a hit more.


                  That is because invoker gains damage with exort then replacing it with regen so he is constantly healing or gaining damage, basi ring does neither of those things (mana regen excluding) and 2 armor on a creeps isn't really going to do it though I do see your point.

                  This is the reason I actually get a level or two in lifesteal as Wraith King because that really does mess up their last hitting but I honestly cannot see the basi toggle doing anything at all as most people will be able to land their last hits +2 armor or not.

                  King of Low Prio

                    toggling exort balls is nowhere near the same as toggling armor......

                    Jorges Sanz

                      I tried it once or twice in ad before, its ok in messing up last hits untll your enemy catches on with your shenanigans..

                      *forgot to mention, useful as well to mess around with your opponents head if you toggle armour whilst the creeps are in their tower range.

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                        This is all theory crafting and while I can see the concept of gaining that advantage it might only be something useful to do as a mid.


                        If you're safe lane and you are unable to deny effectively and the opposing offlane is able to be in exp range making you use techniques like this to get denies then well perhaps you shouldn't be laning there and if you're the support then for god sakes zone out the offlane.

                        If you're offlane then you already have a hectic enough time with being on the lookout for ganks, keeping in exp range, and harrassing without adding the toggle to try and mess up the last hit of the carry because again a good carry will get the last hit +2 armor or not.

                        This will only be effective maybe till the opposition are level 3-4 and for a mid player that is like 3-4 minutes into the game and unless you started with a basi or rushed it (not a bottle) its just a waste of time and gold if you're going to use it to keep lane equilibrium as again, good last hitters won't miss +2 armor or not.

                        Not cutting you down and I see the intent in the theory but it's just not that effective.


                          If you are vs 1 hero, it is rather good. Just make sure you turn on basi, when his projectile is out, not before that ( you will mess creep equilibrium )

                          On a lane with more than 1 opponent, you can try it, but is rather very difficult ( due random hits on creep, from other hero, which will also mess creep equilibrium ).

                          Also, the invoker is rather very hard. When i first started few games with him, i was all so hype so i tried that. Needles to say, i did that one game, then stopped it forever.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            It generally isn't that big of a deal, but it is really good under the tower. Turning basi on will make the ranged creep take 3 shots from the tower, letting you deny it most of the time. Same goes with catapult. Turning it on at the right time can ruin their last hits.


                              I dont get it, wht does toggle ring of basilius?
                              Only afect the aura regen or not?


                                ^ ye, with aura form basilius , you get 10 hp/reg on creeps and magic immunity


                                  @x6 With basi ring on creeps gain +2 armor then lose it.

                                  Using the basi/aquila when going under tower or pushing a tower does actually help but its not efficient enough to be constantly using it to get denies in a lane. If I had to ever use it in this way I would do so for the ranged creep as it can be a 1 hit difference which will help.


                                    forgot to mention I was thinking about 1v1 mid when I thought of this. It would be pointless if it were a safe lane free farming scenario.


                                      i do it sometimes, on the rare occasion such as when im a safe lane carry that uses basi (e.g. weaver) and my supports are rotating or in an aggro tri, and the opponent has low damage but too high of a range to completely zone (e.g. mirana)

                                      tl;dr - 1 in 100 games you might mess up maybe 10 last hits, otherwise basi aura is great for pushing in its own right

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                        @我是不哭鱼 Then yes, like I said before this would be viable in a 1v1 either lane or mid scenario but not that effective otherwise and like mentioned above always try and use it when pushing as the additional armor is like an extra tower hit on the melee creep.


                                          on 1v1 games i do all the time

                                          otherwise not really cuz basilus is most often bought on safelane heroes and safelane is rarely contested

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