General Discussion

General Discussion10 Games

10 Games in General Discussion

    So, some of my games are in high and some are in normal.

    They're very random I don't get straight high bracket games.

    So should I wait until it's all high bracket before doing ranked?

    Or should I just go with this random bracketing?


      It doesn't matter, the system has already gauged your play style and whether you rank now or much later the results will most likely be the same.

      3200-3500 is where you can expect to be.

      Maybe wait till you have a couple hundred games and try and pull yourself up a little and perhaps you will calibrate higher.


        Okay thanks!


          Looking good with that mid PA, keep it up. I would also advise you to avoid playing terror where you can as he can be a little iffy to play well.

          The only two TB's I know who still do a decent job of it.

          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

            high and normal are probably just the people. If you are queing during early mornings and odd hours you problaby get more normal MM and HIGH during daylight hours. Nothing wrong. If you team MM with someone higher or have 3.7K mmr most if your games will be Very High. But doesn't say much. IMO some VH games are easier than normal matches.


              I have 2.5k mmr and got some high skilled match
              i want to know how Matchmaking do their job to calculate whether it is high skill or normal mm

              King of Low Prio

                it is based on the avg MM of everyone in the match.

                say a person with 1k MM ques with a person with 5k MM it would give them a avg MM of 3k. I have a 4k MM but I have some matches in marked as High for that reason


                  sometimes it dosnt show the bracket corectly tho iv played with navi and others and not even showed as high :P but dont care about all that nonsence it matters not! = )


                    @ryfee Your hidden MMR may be higher than your calibrated MMR due to winning more normal games then you do ranked.

                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!