General Discussion

General Discussioni'm being forced to support shitplayers

i'm being forced to support shitplayers in General Discussion

    Matchmaking sucks hard anyway so your supporting or carrying doesn't matter.It must be like ghost recon phantoms ranked system imo.Your every action is counted in game to determine your score.(point captures,efficient device uses,offensive or defensive kills etc.)If your score is in the middle of your team's score table,your rank doesn't change much.If you are mvp in your team,your rank can increase even when you lose(or you can lose rate,when you win if you got carried all game).But in dota win = rank ...


      thats because any system which gives recognition for individual aspects of the game is prone to abuse

      imagine in a basketball based matchmaking system where you get points for passes, possession and shooting baskets - people would just abuse whatever they can to the detriment of their own team or the opponent's team to get the most 'points'.

      or in soccer, where you dont queue for defined roles and you get forced to be the keeper role which is the hardest to earn points or something

      bottom line is anything not based on wins is pretty abusable


        My idea is you pick from 5 roles at start( mid ,sup,carry,offlane,jungler) and your scores must change according to it.For example when u buy wards with support,some point comes for you.When your ward detects rune or some enemy,call it efficient warding and give more points.Or when u use smoke give some points to smoke user.When u kill someone with smoke call it efficient smoke and give points again.Is that a bad idea?And about your example Zenoth,you are talking about team points not individual points imo.For example in basketball in old times miami heat wasnt good as a team like now but u can see dwayne wade is very good individually.I just want to get rewards for individual efforts too.


          That would be way too complicated and just shitty. If you play your role proper, you will end up winning more than losing.

          How do you want the game to determine proper warding? A support putting offensive wards, while you are clearly behind and need to protect your own jungle and carry to catch up basically wastes his gold AND your precious wards, that will be on cd, for useless view on their jungle.

          Whats with the smoke? Maybe the smoke was not necessary? If ppl can get extra points for smoking, they will just use smoke every time, if needed or not. So your smoke is on cd, if you need it.

          What if you have 2 carrypicks? Do you want to blame one of them? If yes, wich one? The one that placed his icon first and wrote: " Me and my mate play ck wisp."

          Or the guy that locks void, after the others wrote it.

          How you want to rate the ability to farm? An offlaner and midlaner need to farm, too. But they are pos 2 and 3. What if they take pos 1 farm with their spells, leaving the carry without farm, cause its good for their individual skills.

          The idea you have sounds maybe good in theory, but its just flawed.

          In a Basketballteam blocks, steals, assists and shit are nice. But in the end, you will put the players on the field, that make you win.

          Dota is about winning. In the long run, you get the rating you deserve. Its no matter of the role. Support, carry or offlane. If you are way better than your allies and enemies, you will win in the long run. It just will take longer, if you do not pick cores.

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          Ples Mercy

            @Hurricane Hurricane:
            Curious = scared

            #hurricane logix

            Any other emotions you want to mix up trashcan?


              lmao i remember 9v1 was one of those guys complaining about the matchmaking system a while back and now he's changed

              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!