General Discussion

General DiscussionHARDEST STR, AGIi, INT CARRY?

HARDEST STR, AGIi, INT CARRY? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Void not that strong? 5 seconds on lockdown that goes through everything. Major bash damage during that time, bash lockdown even without ult. Good mobility with time walk, built in dodge and magic dodge. How is that not that strong? Only way to stop him is catch him out of position and burst him down hard but that's every carry mostly.


      str - Sven/CK/Tiny these three are on par, and special mention for Naix.
      agi - Void currently, he's retardedly OP once you get one damage item and maelstrom
      int - Tinker


        Mark- Look this game in replay and you will see that farmed Wraith King and Necrophos are stronger and carry harder than farmed Void and Mirana in late game, and these was two 6 slotted and we even wasnt 6 slots and we rape them, so void is realy not that srong carry:

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          TECHNOCHRIST- Lol, nope i that game void was full farmed and he take away like only half hp of my farmed necro during chrono



            Thats very funny because last year i had the same match pretty much the same like yours but i was the void but i was in normal bracket though not even close to your skill bracket

            WK and centaur is a hard counter to Void, the reason why is quite obvious:

            Strong point of Void is to kill the important hero in your chrono and after WK got killed once, he will slow nearby enemies by 75 atk speed which force void to run away.

            Centaur is also counter since return goes through magic immunity and you need to be beefy to survive damage from return, FV is squishy especially the one that doesnt have BKB and aghanim.

            Also you have dazzle on your team so that's a plus for fighting enemy carry that can easily got kited

            Lets imagine a situation when sven or CK got trapped inside chrono and see if both of these heroes can survive void, i've already posted the video that void with refresher can solo kill even the tankiest end game hero in the game, medusa without any single mana burn items on him

            You won because your hero pick counter their hero pick, and amazingly you finished it with 1 hour + games.

            And this void:
            - Could've force buyback on your team at 40 mins but decided to go farming ( some stupid carry who cares about KDA more
            than winning? )
            - Didn't know what shadow grave is and literally keep smacking people who has shadow grave on (reaction like some 50 years old guy)
            - He didn't know that when he decided to build MoM, after his chrono is finished he has to get the fuck out of battlefield, especially when
            he has no BKB and he just went in YOLO

            It's almost seeing myself playing void except i'm worse O_O

            I'm not saying you are wrong saying void is weak hero, but you are comparing Void with his total counter sounds biased to me.

            GENGHIS KHAN

              Yfay- Yes i playing in very high skill bracket and you look at replay so you know how that game look like and yes after void chrono ends reaper scythe fucked him hard with activated mom, and he was also unlucky and he never backtrack my reaper scythe :D When you playing against farmed void you must be very tanky so you can survive chrono and than you can kill Void. That replay i saw too but it was void with refresher what mean double chrono and that is true double chrono is imposible to survive but one chrono you can survive easy when you are tanky enough even when is void super farmed.

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                birches pls, int carry is definitely OD. he literally blows up any agi/str hero


                  ...without a BKB.


                    well thats ok, ill just sit in my astral jacuzzi and wait it out


                      while your team dies horribly.


                        theres no i in team, so thats ok too


                          well, that's more like it. But then your jacuzzi is over, you come out - fresh and clean - eat Orchid, BKB out of it, eat Global Silence and die miserable to Silencer.

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                            well shit, why don't i get chronoed, reverse'd polaritied, and fiends gripped while u're at it

                            Quick maffs

                              I am pretty sure that OD can outcarry silencer any day but ok guys

                              Remenber that late game 2 or 3 OD hits will almost kill anyone, and that its why he will have items like orchid and sheep to control the fights.

                              Plus his ulti x2 WILL instakill 2 or 3 heroes in the enemy team

                              Quick maffs

                                Even the games i see people buying bkb agaisnt OD you need to remenber that the hero is going to have force AND astral to move around, anyway most of the games i see against an OD he wins late game

                                Dire Wolf

                                  I agree with yfay, anyone can cherry pick matches and say but we beat void with a wraith king! That whole team looks like a direct void counter- no squishy carries to 1 shot in chrono, kill yourself on centaurs permanent blademail, have to kill wk twice cus no one has mana drain, dazzle can ult peeps in the chrono, dazzle and nerco both heal peeps in the chrono. Mirana's build is dumb, should've got a diffusal instead of daed- diffusal manta illlusions gg no wk res. We could probably just as easily cherrypick a match where wk goes up against an antimage + omni knight team and just gets butthurt.

                                  Void might not be the hardest carry, I mean you still got dusa and spectre, but he's one of the best.

                                  @Dorkly, I agree, OD and necro are the hardest int carries. Silencer is a snowballin' utility carry, a lot like what troll warlord is to agi carries. OD is quite easy to kill even late game though if your team has a ton of disables and especially if they have one that goes through bkb.

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                                  GENGHIS KHAN

                                    Dorkly, Alex- Necrophos will outcarry both Silencer and OD.
                                    Definaltey hardest carry in game is one of Spectre/Medusa/Terrorbalde, this 3 hard carrys stand above all others hard carrys in late game and if one of these carrys would have same farm as that void in that game we would be probably all fucked.

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                    GENGHIS KHAN

                                      Dorkly, Alex- Necrophos will outcarry both Silencer and OD.
                                      Definaltey hardest carry in game is one of Spectre/Medusa/Terrorbalde, this 3 hard carrys stand above all others hard carrys in late game and if one of these carrys would have same farm as that void in that game we would be probably all fucked.

                                      Russell Westbrook

                                        whoever said antimage, LD, and pa as t1 carries are officially retarded

                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!