General Discussion

General Discussioni never cry, but

i never cry, but in General Discussion

    today i played with bogi. my whole team wanted to report him.


      ^no need to say he was solo mid with 6 deaths in 10 min

      King of Low Prio

        This is the first valid QQ post, you have my condolences.


          Play and shut up you afk shiter


            Lmfao what a disgusting cunt this bogi kid is


              *ESP* Wink fuck your whore mother


                Best reply 2014

                Is this kid 12?

                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                  I used to be kind with you Bogi, but you're actually acting really unmannered and rather retarded now.
                  Whats going on my old mate?


                    I'd be pretty pissed off myself if my country was currently being ravaged by floods.


                      Not implying Wink's any better, he's just as toxic. The only difference is that he can write english properly

                      Ten komentarz był edytowany



                          no no i got one

                          "suk my wiener stuf"

                          Girl with beautiful face

                            Don't mind Bogi, i know him long way back, even in wc3.

                            ALSO, HE IS FUCKING RETARDED SHIT. No need to argue about this.

                            Also, as a warning, i do know you in real life, so you might chill and think before you say something.

                            Ten komentarz był edytowany



                                Girl with beautiful face
                                Who do you know in real life?


                                  i know u all in real life, better watch out ur posts bro

                                  im from the Serbian Zastava Mafia

                                  Girl with beautiful face

                                    That is beauty of it, it could be anyone. :-*

                                    You willl never guess. I might be lying. On the other hand, i might not be.

                                    Anyway, enjoy your night Bogi ;-)

                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                      Bogi is ok if people play well and actually do their shit correctly. If not, then the problems and flaming occur. Anyway, i much rather have him in the team then trash players like Sampson or Melody (who both play like shit for their mmr).

                                      Yeah, everyone has shitty games. Bald - what happened in 14 of last 16 games you lost bro? Bogi in every single one? Scrub.

                                      Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                      King of Low Prio

                                        See Havoc I called it, This kid is going to flip out for getting kicked off the team


                                          My attitude depends of the person i'm talking too. In your case worst attitude you can get, cause you dont deserve more you pathtetic little prick without balls. If someone's a kid, thats you. Men tell what they bother them directly and sort it out. Hypocrites like you convince other players someone's a problem, cause they dont like them. But what goes around, comes around. Remember that.


                                            this is a smurf i sold but someone scammed me :D
                                            last 30 games or so werent done by me XD
                                            that acc i played on is getting boosted aswell but scum like bogi makes me lose (flaming people for randoming then instapicking sniper mid)
                                            +this acc is 5.2k mmr and not bogishit

                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                            King of Low Prio

                                              You are right Hurricane, I am poisoning everyone's mind to hate playing with you -_-

                                              Havoc's exact words 'Hurricane is the 3k version of Bogi'

                                              but yea I used my jedi mind tricks to force that out of him.....


                                                I really doubt Havoc said something like that, i know him well enough. But i know you well enough too, so i wouldnt be surprised if you simply made it up sounding like everyone hates me :) When Havoc sees that, he'll make it clear who's liing and who's not.

                                                Btw - you only play with one guy and even that very rare, you wonder why is that? It's pretty clear to me.


                                                  Now kiss.


                                                    its because sampson is terrible. Everytime he gets out of line I show the game of him being too hard to carry. He needs to know how bad he is. Talk again Sampson


                                                      so if I understand properly, a scum bag booster had a game go poorly when he went tinker with a mid sniper.

                                                      Got what you deserved.


                                                        That Waga guy is actually a good earth player still


                                                          ^ Wrong thread?

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            Think what you want you Hurricane

                                                            it is either

                                                            I am so fucking amazing that Havoc would ditch his own teammate just to play with me -_-


                                                            You are so toxic to a team that nobody on the team wanted to have to deal with your dumb ass

                                                            I dont have jedi mind tricks and I force anyone on the team to remove you. Havoc is trying to avoid all of your useless fucking drama you wanted to start but if you want to msg him privately be my guest.

                                                            Now get off my dick scrub


                                                              top quality drama, i dont even know whats going on but im enjoying it

                                                              Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                Sampson - you're just a pathetic little kid with no life, so your opinion doesnt matter. I cant get off your dick, since you dont have one, neither balls. And if i was so toxic, i wouldnt have played like 100 very enjoyable full stack games in the past 2 months, with 90% winrate. For the difference of you, who are probably one of the most hated guys here on the forum playing mostly alone.

                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                  why am i not invited to this team

                                                                  fuckin scrubs


                                                                    i concur with the obvious

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      WHY where you so desperate to play with me then? You are riding on other peoples achievements because you have NONE of your own. Maybe you shut your mouth when Guiri talks because you know if you ever say shit you lose your dick to ride off. Every fucking day you beg me to play, beg me to add you on my friends list and only AFTER you get kicked you start talking shit.


                                                                        Ok this is sad and has gone on long enough.

                                                                        We tried to make a "casual" team for some fun games. Sadly not everyone's personalities are compatible so the decision was made to use Sate in place of Hurricane.

                                                                        My personal views on this are that I like and will as long as he wants to play with hurricane, I like the guy and we have good synergy and are compatible though not everyone is. Also I think people are taking a casual dotabuff tournament too seriously. It is meant to be for fun not make dividers of who takes who's side in the dotabuff wars.


                                                                        I am unsure if what Sampson said, that I said is the case but if it is and it offended you I am publicly apologizing I had no intentions to offend. You are not always the easiest to work with in groups and you can tend to be quite vocal from time to time which I do not mind but it clashes with other members of the group so in the interest of keeping the peace I did agree to replace you with Sate cause I did not feel it would help you nor anyone to keep playing under those conditions.

                                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany

                                                                          havoc stop being a pussy and tell him what you really mean, get it off your chest

                                                                          Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            There you go, now please get off my dick like I have some kinda personal vendetta against your random ass


                                                                              ^dont you mean "rand"


                                                                                Havoc - apology accepted. I wouldnt mind a replacement if you just said it directly to me first, not that some guy i cant stand tell me that first. Thats what bothered me, since you're considered leader of this team and we've already played fair amount of games together.

                                                                                Sampson - no one really wants to play with you, get over it already. I joined Havoc's team, not yours so stop being dellusional. And yeah, i beg you to shut up already, since you obviously dont have anything smart or real to say.

                                                                                Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  You flip out on me because I was the one who privately msg you? Grow the fuck up

                                                                                  'We are going to have to drop you from the team. I spoken to all the other members of the team and we think it is best that you find another team for the tournament.'

                                                                                  was the exact msg I sent you in which I was as nice as I could be, you are the one who acted like a spoiled brat and started flaming me when you could have spoken to Havoc at any time.


                                                                                    It's not about being a pussy its about handling sensitive issues in a polite, mature manner.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      and just so everyone is clear I tried to deal with this shit as quietly as possible before this kid flipped out and started flaming me telling everyone I was lying about what the team decided to do.

                                                                                      ICE SKULL

                                                                                        who is the waga impersonator o.0


                                                                                          C'mon, anyone knows too much dota ruin your brain.

                                                                                          Girl with beautiful face

                                                                                            Lmao this thread. From Bogi, to war between Sampson and other people.

                                                                                            Also, Sampson, chill the fuck off. Every thread that goes to flame/trash talk, you were in it. You cry when someone calls you " nigger " but on the other hand, you got some delusion, that you should be worshiped, and that you are innocent beeing here.

                                                                                            Well you arent, so please relax, smoke, get whatever makes you normal, and stay out of this thread. You will only lose this fights.


                                                                                              ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ RAISE YOUR DRAMAS ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


                                                                                                Can i be in the team too?


                                                                                                  Man, havoc, you're breaking my heart for not inviting me in that team.


                                                                                                    you all suck anyway

                                                                                                    im better than you all so just kiss and move on!

                                                                                                    kanye went to uni

                                                                                                      Playing with friends of friends never works, I swear ... when I do it there's always someone who ruins it by flaming and everyone else is too awkward to say anything xD

                                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                                        The only people stalking me are the people who are either banned or mad I dont agree with their ELO hell theories. Look at all these stalkers you can see the exact point in which they start following me saying 'Sampson is X, Y and Z occurs right after I tell them ELO hell does not exist.

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