General Discussion

General Discussion1v1 MM unlocked

1v1 MM unlocked in General Discussion

    Now we only need irl 1v1 that teleports the 2 players to the same place


      yh, Bogi vs Blunt irl. That'd be fun :D RUSKIAMTIKAOSD


        I hope there will be a 1v1 mmr. This way I can improve more as a player by individual skill.


          afterall, we all know all the goals will be unlocked.


            so many european trashes are gonna get rekd now

            can't wait till they actually implement it oh the joy of raping all those invoker instapickers


              @you're already alone 1v1 mmr isn't gonna work


                im so gonna play that 1v1 mmr :D!
                best way to get back in shaper with my puck! (i was awesome in dota but suck in dota 2 :D)


                  Yes make 3 v 3 too.Turn dota into league of legends scum.


                    shouldn't 1v1 be the same hero with shadow fiend last? the TI sort?

                    otherwise everyone just pick viper

                    ICE SKULL

                      its gonna be f ull of shitters picking pudge vs sf or something


                        ^easy win for SF.

                        Wonder how it will work:

                        Someone DCs?
                        Jungle allowed?
                        How do you win?



                          i think its gonna be 2 deaths or 2 towers
                          there should be an option where you could search for same heroes and another one for diff heroes


                            so is it you play the same hero? I can just imagine both players waiting until the last second waiting to counterpick


                              Fuck yeah, the ultimate e-peen mode! I can't wait for "My 1v1 rank is 5k, these 4k scrubs keep bringing me down in pubs!"


                                fck off boys, my solo rating is 5300 u dummies makes me lose!!!!

                                Indeed, but who cares? :) It'll be fun.

                                Krazy Kat

                                  Can anyone explain the TI3 1v1 rule that soul ring is not allowed? I never understood why that was a rule. Was it just to make the games more even and last longer?


                                    by same logic of it would being overused then bottle should be banned as well… but no it isn't just cause it's the trademark "mid" item


                                      Well. in 1v1 mid laning phase never ends.

                                      Aka going Tranquils>Soulring/Bottle>Soulring /w tranquils etc. Would be very strong and you'd never go out of mana or hp. 100% uptime.

                                      dno but only thing I could think of


                                        ti rules were retarded

                                        Mikkei Combine

                                          you guys won't improve individually with skill. Your attitude is sick.


                                            I think if soul ring is banned bottle should be banned as well. but marketing logic: bottle is trademark mid and also adds more excitement with random runes and courier micro so people like watching it. so it stays in. same reason why naga got nerfed hard but not invoker because one is much more interesting to watch in pro games.

                                            ICE SKULL

                                              did my post get deleted

                                              anyway they should remove runes and disable bottle crowing in 1v1 matchmaking and disable soul ring

                                              also add individual ranked points for 1v1 so it doesnt affect solo rating

                                              mirror match ups

                                              dont forget free courier

                                              Mikkei Combine

                                                Free courier is already in 1v1 mid gamemode so thats problably not a problem. As Ive stated before though, I think bottle crow should be taken out of the game completely just like how Hon does it. I know someone in developed, icefrog, whatever doesn't like it that much if they had to nerf the speed of the courier with a bottle on it. They could allow mirror matchups, but they could also allow people to pick, have stats on who you play the most, and you could allow picking be part of the rating of your 1v1 situation.

                                                I could mostly see that people are nice and inquisitive though asking what do they want to play and etc etc. Ive always wanted to practice more invoker qop, Puck qop, Drow Pudge, or Storm something.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  I miss you in team speak Hael

                                                  Mikkei Combine

                                                    Sampson, do you know you are the dota equivalent of a truther?

                                                    Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      I wish Wink recorded our little convo

                                                      Mikkei Combine

                                                        I did, I have my own friends I laugh with at you guys haha. I wouldn't join otherwise.

                                                        Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                          plz upload.....................unless you are lying again...............................naw hael would not lie.....................

                                                          Mikkei Combine

                                                            What have I said that was a lie? My reputation precedes me it seems. Half truths wrapped in bacon is whats going on here.

                                                            Ten komentarz był edytowany
                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              so you didnt record it.........but you said you did..........that seems like a 0% truth not a half truth


                                                                though you don't go tranquils with 1v1. ever.


                                                                  guys do you think they'll keep this mode there forever or just during iternational ?