General Discussion

General DiscussionDawnGate Karma system and it's application to Dota 2?

DawnGate Karma system and it's application to Dota 2? in General Discussion

    So simply put dawngate another dota style game has a karma system where teammates rate eachother on how well they did or how nice they were. This affects how good the loot drops are at the end of the game. We already have a commend system which does practically nothing. How about changing it to a karma system and having a Karma bar which shows a sum of all karma recieved from pub matches. So obviously this can be positive or negative. This bar is just for show just like the commend system currently is. Now the application of karma to single pub matches. Pretty much same thing that is going on with dawngate except since item drops are completely random in dota you can now change it to the following math. The higher your karma the better percentage increase on getting a better rarity item. You have the 1st item be chosen at complete random. This will then have a percentage applied to it giving it a chance to be improved to a different more rare item. Eg. The game picks a random common, this will then recieve a percentage chance dice roll to improve that item to a better rarity item. If this is successful then the dice is rolled again with the same percentage chance to improve on that item. This will keep going until the return of this dice roll is a negative and whatever item it is on now it will be given to player. Obviously it doesnt have to be exactly this math and obviously the percentage chance increase is going to very low even for a maximum karma rating in a game but I think this is a very good way to improve the community. This gives players a incentive to be nice and not troll in pubs. This will obviously be a disabled feature for anyone you are in a party with since it can be abused by stacking and simply rating eachother maximum every match. and since alot of people are pure assholes and will give people negative karma in games just for fun. Negative karma does not = less chance to get rare items. Instead it is applied to a total. if this total is reached in a short period of time then low priority is given to the player. obviously this total is reset every week or 2 weeks.

    Ten temat był edytowany



        Yeah I'm not reading that.


          well i read all this book above and well its not a bad idea tbh:)

          Karma me pls :)


            Look at my Jakiro games. How can I get positive karma? I win games but my kda and gpm sucks.

            Would you give me positive karma if I were in your team, or you would think you are so good, you carried a feeder like me?

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              Sorry for the wall of text guys. I could have made it easier to read but I was half way through cleaning my house when it popped into my mind.


                Long story short:
                >Dawngate's Karma it's a commend-like system which is shown at the end of the match. You have the chance to "commend" (karma goes up) both team and enemy players if you think they had impact on your game or if they were nice.
                >You can give karma to all players on the match if you want, there's no weekly/daily limit.
                >There's no such thing as negative Karma afaik.
                >This karma impacts on the rarity of the items you get every match.
                IMO rewarding nice players is better than punishing flamers. Its a pretty good system, too bad that the game (dawngate) sucks.

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                Mortimer Smith

                  Peruvians have no brain, its different



                    everyone gon play carry because supports get no credit in pubs

                    and KDA will suddenly matter a lot more


                      So simply put dawngate another dota style game has a karma system where teammates rate eachother on how well they did or how nice they were. This affects how good the loot drops are at the end of the game. We already have a commend system which does practically nothing. How about changing it to a karma system and having a Karma bar which shows a sum of all karma recieved from pub matches. So obviously this can be positive or negative. This bar is just for show just like the commend system currently is. Now the application of karma to single pub matches. Pretty much same thing that is going on with dawngate except since item drops are completely random in dota you can now change it to the following math. The higher your karma the better percentage increase on getting a better rarity item. You have the 1st item be chosen at complete random. This will then have a percentage applied to it giving it a chance to be improved to a different more rare item. Eg. The game picks a random common, this will then recieve a percentage chance dice roll to improve that item to a better rarity item. If this is successful then the dice is rolled again with the same percentage chance to improve on that item. This will keep going until the return of this dice roll is a negative and whatever item it is on now it will be given to player. Obviously it doesnt have to be exactly this math and obviously the percentage chance increase is going to very low even for a maximum karma rating in a game but I think this is a very good way to improve the community. This gives players a incentive to be nice and not troll in pubs. This will obviously be a disabled feature for anyone you are in a party with since it can be abused by stacking and simply rating eachother maximum every match. and since alot of people are pure assholes and will give people negative karma in games just for fun. Negative karma does not = less chance to get rare items. Instead it is applied to a total. if this total is reached in a short period of time then low priority is given to the player. obviously this total is reset every week or 2 weeks.

                      TOO LARGE
                      LFT DOTO


                        -_- ...


                          Not true. I got most of my commends when I played supports mostly (and I sucked and still suck at that).


                            Some text paragraphs would have helped honestly.

                            I like the idea, kinda bit scared it could lead to exploit anyway but still something interesting.
                            Try setting your posts differently a bit for the pleasure of reading :)

                            Jorges Sanz

                              It could work, decent idea, only drawback is that as long as there is such a system fags will find a way to abuse it for item drops... idgaf about the items though.


                                well we could make a limiter of sorts to how many times you can give max karma to a player.

                                mr dee

                                  As soon as I finish reading the first line I quit trying to continue reading really, this post is way too long that I didn't bother to read that whatever you're trying to say about this karma system is most likely not going to come to real, and dota is really good as how it is now by adding something like karma system can be really unbalance and not fair to some player in many possible cases, so you might think that this is really a good idea but realistically speaking Valve will most likely ignore this idea, I am not trolling or hating or something just sharing my thoughts towards your idea, and it is really pain in the ass for people to read in a really huge pile of wall of text like this and i dont even know what i am trying to say anymore, so good fun have luck keep brainstorming all these idea maybe one day Valve will hire you to be a part of the team and you may probaby be earning a lot of $$$ by that time, and become so rich like Bill Gates. It is really impressive though how you guys can type so long and I kinda ran out of idea on what to say now, so thats all good bye, peace!

                                  TLDR: not trolling, i like the idea.


                                    You stopped reading after first paragraph yet you like the idea? Also valve is one of the few game companies that actually listen to the community. So if people really think this is a good idea we can do a poll and obviously if we get a few hundred thousand votes valve are likely to take notice and maybe implement it.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!