General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 5K complete.

Road to 5K complete. in General Discussion
game is bad

    Started at 4065 MMR, and I didn't even abuse any of the OP heroes (Lycan, TB, Phoenix, Invoker, or Ember Spirit) to get there.


      Didnt abuse any? Top hero ES :D. Gj anyway.


        Disruptor and Silencer are op.


          If we calculate the difference between won and lost ES games and multiply it with 25 mmr for every win average, we get 1768 mmr gained in total! And you're saying you didnt abuse any of the OP heroes lol. Almost 2k mmr gained ONLY with abusing ES when it was still OP :D

          Still you got there, so congrats.

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          Henry Land

            @this team is fucking reta...
            any tips or advice?


              Very nice man. What new things did you learn on the way and do the numbers really indicate different playstyles as you climbed?






                    Nice. I need to ask, why do you put AoM on support int heroes? just to up your HP with toggles, or am I missing something.


                      Look closer bro, he only use distrup and silencer which mean he can carried his team by playing as a support. Not many people can do that.

                      Congrats anywy, now go to leaderboard.

                      game is bad


                        Be more aggressive against solo offlaners. Learn to trade yourself if it means carry can secure the kill. Pack teleporters at all times, and teleport in when your team is getting ganked. If your stupid-ass carry gets caught out, try to redirect attention to yourself or even die if it means carry can get away. Keep up warding all game. Counterward.

                        And don't talk to your team when they start flaming you. Mute and keep playing.


                        Dunno. I pick supports, because nobody does it. If I don't buy wards, sentries, dust, or smoke, then no one buys it. People may pick/random support heroes, but that doesn't mean that they will support.


                        not all of my ES games were ranked matches, and not all of them were solo ranked matches. And even then, I was hovering around 4500 MMR before going down to 4065 (my lowest).


                        I get it when we already win and I have leftover money.

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                          few more wins and you're up on the American leaderboard


                            I think I've started the road to 3k. 4800 to 4500 in 2days

                            cya soon wink

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                              It's a shame you're not even 60 % with es after the patch with all the games you played. You did abuse him and now you can't play him anymore cause he is "balanced" ( still very strong ). but, I'd say you deserve your mmr even if your hero pool is lower than Admiral bullshit.

                              game is bad

                                I play Disruptor and Silencer because they're good against the OP heroes. It's counter OP picking.

                                I abused him mostly in normal MM.

                                I play ES rarely now. He works great in a dual or trilane, but people always expect a solo offlaner. ES gets shut down way too easily like that.

                                The old one, doesn't matter if you get shutdown since hitting level 3 means GG for enemy.

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                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!